前端编程 - VBA for Access

Front end programming- VBA for Access

提问人:Elika 提问时间:10/28/2023 最后编辑:Elika 更新时间:11/1/2023 访问量:86


我在 Visual Basic for Access 中遇到错误。我必须填写一个表格,其中“LocationNote”部分最多可以有 250 个字符,但如果字符数超过 100,我会收到错误。如果它低于 100,我不会收到此错误。

错误:(3421) 应用程序对当前操作使用了错误类型的值。


Private Sub add_validation_rules_and_text()
    ''Add all validation rules and text

    Me.cmboCollectedByID.ValidationRule = "cmboCollectedByID.Value > 0"
    'If IsNull(cmboCollectedByID) Then
       ' MsgBox "Must provide value for Captured by"
       ' Cancel = True
   ' End If

    If App.getPrimaryRouteValue = QUALITY_CONTROL_VALUE Then
        Me.txtRandomStationName.ValidationRule = "len(txtRandomStationName) = 11"
        Me.txtRandomStationName.ValidationRule = "len(txtRandomStationName) = 11 and IsAvailableParkwideAssessmentName(txtRandomStationName) = True"
    End If

    Me.txtRandomStationName.ValidationText = "Parkwide Assessment Name must be unique and 11 characters long with the following format: 4 characters for location, 2 characters for the assessment index, an underscore (_), 4 characters for the assessment year (ex: 2020). Completed example: CANA01_2020"

    Me.cmboDatumID.ValidationRule = "cmboDatumID > 0"
    Me.cmboDatumID.ValidationText = "Invalid Datum ID"
    Me.txtWaterBodyName.ValidationRule = "len(txtWaterBodyName) <= 50 and len(txtWaterBodyName) > 0"
    Me.txtWaterBodyName.ValidationText = "Water Body Name must be 50 characters or less, and cannot be left empty."
    Me.txtStagingArea.ValidationRule = "len(txtStagingArea) <= 50 or Is Null"
    Me.txtStagingArea.ValidationText = "Staging area must be under 50 characters or left empty."
    Me.txtLocationNote.ValidationRule = "len(txtLocationNote) <= 250 or Is Null"
    Me.txtLocationNote.ValidationText = "Location note must 250 character or less."
    Me.txtEventStartDate.ValidationRule = "IsNull(txtEventStartDate) = false"
    Me.txtEventStartDate.ValidationText = "Please enter an event start date"
    Me.txtEventEndDate.ValidationRule = "IsNull(txtEventEndDate) = false"
    Me.txtEventEndDate.ValidationText = "Please enter an event end date"
    Me.txtWindSpeed.ValidationText = "Please enter a numeric value for wind speed in the range [0.00,60.0] or press escape to enter in a null value"
    Me.txtWindSpeed.Format = "##.0"

    Me.txtAirTemperature.ValidationRule = "is Null OR (txtAirTemperature >= -15.00 AND txtAirTemperature <= 50.00)"
    Me.txtAirTemperature.ValidationText = "Please enter a numeric value for air temperature in the range [-15.00,50.00] or press escape to enter a null value"
    Me.txtAirTemperature.Format = "##.00"

    Me.txtCloudCover.ValidationRule = "is Null or (txtCloudCover >= 0 and txtCloudCover <=100)"
    Me.txtCloudCover.ValidationText = "Please enter a number for cloud cover in the range [0,100] or press escape to enter a null value.:"
    Me.txtCloudCover.Format = "###"
    Me.cmboIsMarineDebris.ValidationText = "The marine debris box should have a value of true or false."
    Me.txtDiscreteSynopticComment.ValidationRule = "Is Null or len(txtDiscreteSynopticComment) <= 250"
    Me.txtDiscreteSynopticComment.ValidationText = "Comment should be under 250 characters long."

    Me.cmboOtherHabitatID.ValidationRule = "Is Null or > 0"
    Me.cmboOtherHabitatID.ValidationText = "Please select a location type or leave this field blank."

End Sub


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[insertRandomSamplingLocationProc]
    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
    @RandomStationName char(11)
,@CoordinateX varchar(12)
,@CoordinateY varchar(12)
,@UTMZone integer
,@DatumID int
,@WaterBodyName varchar(50)
,@StagingArea varchar(50)
,@IsPlannedLocation bit
,@LocationNote varchar(250)
,@EnteredByID int
,@EnteredDate varchar(100)
,@DataProcessedByID int
,@DataProcessingDate varchar(100)
,@DataProcessingLevelID int
,@RandomStationID int OUTPUT
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.

    -- Insert statements for procedure here
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[RandomSamplingLocation]
,CONVERT(DATE, @EnteredDate)
,CONVERT(DATE, @DataProcessingDate)

RETURN @RandomStationID


P.S:谢谢大家;您的提示非常有帮助 - 我能够通过将数据库上的列大小从 100 更改为 250 和所有相关过程来解决它。我只是最大化了表上的列大小,而不是过程。

SQL Azure MS-Access


2赞 David Makogon 10/28/2023
请不要上传代码/数据/错误的图像。请编辑以提供格式正确的 SQL 和 VBA 代码。
1赞 Andre 10/28/2023
请同时添加 CREATE TABLE 语句。如何在 Access - ODBC 中链接该表?哪个司机?表单是绑定的还是未绑定的?如果未绑定,如何保存?
0赞 Elika 10/28/2023
@Andre 在哪里可以找到创建表?对不起,这个基本问题——我对它很陌生
0赞 Andre 10/28/2023
我们需要列的数据类型 = 它在数据库中的定义方式。但其他问题实际上更重要,特别是:如何从 Access 调用此过程,以及哪个代码行触发错误?RandomSamplingLocation.LocationNoteinsertRandomSamplingLocationProc
0赞 Shahram Alemzadeh 10/28/2023
该字段似乎被定义为 。LocationNotevarchar(100)

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