
How to retrieve the last known value for specific date?

提问人:Mich39 提问时间:11/5/2023 最后编辑:Dale KMich39 更新时间:11/6/2023 访问量:84


我有两个表:ProductSales 和 ProductPrice


销售日期 售中产品展示 销售数量
2023-10-01 产品1 150
2023-10-01 产品2 224
2023-10-03 产品1 91
2023-10-05 产品3 317
2023-10-05 产品4 1200
2023-10-06 产品1 11
2023-10-09 产品1 -25
2023-10-09 产品2 190
2023-10-13 产品1 601
2023-10-15 产品2 -400
2023-10-15 产品3 35


价格日期 产品 价格
2023-10-01 产品1 104
2023-10-01 产品2 53
2023-10-01 产品3 210
2023-10-01 产品4 78
2023-10-09 产品1 100
2023-10-09 产品2 50
2023-10-09 产品3 211
2023-10-09 产品4 75
2023-10-15 产品2 55
2023-10-15 产品3 212


select SaleProduct, sum(SaleQuantity*isnull(Price,0)) as MonthlySales 
from ProductSales s
left outer join ProductPrice p
    on s.SaleDate = p.PriceDate and s.SaleProduct = p.Product
where saledate between '2023-10-01' and ' 2023-10-31'
group by SaleProduct



sql-server 分组


1赞 Stu 11/5/2023
0赞 Luuk 11/5/2023
这是包含上述输入数据的 DBFIDDLE 的链接。
0赞 Luuk 11/5/2023
这回答了你的问题吗?使用日期范围获取表中每个日期的值并使用 SQL 获取过去每个日期的最新值
0赞 siggemannen 11/6/2023
为什么不将价格存储在 Sales 表中,而不是执行此类联接


1赞 Chris Maurer 11/5/2023 #1
Select ps.SaleProduct,ps.SaleQuantity*pp.Price
From ProductSales ps Inner Join ProductPrice pp
  On ps.SaleProduct=pp.Product and
    pp.PriceDate=(Select max(x.PriceDate) From ProductPrice x
           Where x.Product=ps.SaleProduct and x.PriceDate<=ps.SaleDate



0赞 nbk 11/5/2023
0赞 Mich39 11/5/2023
谢谢。这就是我所寻找的,从内部查询引用外部表。生成的查询是:选择 ps。SaleProduct,sum(ps.销售数量*pp.Price) 作为 MonthlySales from ProductSales ps Inner Join ProductPrice pp On ps.SaleProduct=pp。产品和pp。PriceDate=(从 ProductPrice x 中选择 max(x.PriceDate),其中 x.Product=ps。SaleProduct 和 x.PriceDate<=ps。SaleDate ) 按 ps 分组。售中产品展示
0赞 marcothesane 11/6/2023 #2


我尝试了另一种方法:在子查询中使用 向产品价格添加一列等于同一产品的下一个产品价格日期,这会导致缺少的下一个日期被最大日期值替换,并使用复杂的连接将销售表与该子查询连接起来,该子查询涉及产品的等谓词和三个日期的范围谓词:LEAD(pricedate,1,'9999-12-31') OVER()

-- your input, not part of end query ..
productsales(SaleDate,SaleProduct,SaleQuantity) AS (
          SELECT CAST('2023-10-01' AS DATE),'Product1',150
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-01' AS DATE),'Product2',224
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-03' AS DATE),'Product1',91
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-05' AS DATE),'Product3',317
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-05' AS DATE),'Product4',1200
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-06' AS DATE),'Product1',11
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-09' AS DATE),'Product1',-25
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-09' AS DATE),'Product2',190
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-13' AS DATE),'Product1',601
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-15' AS DATE),'Product2',-400
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-15' AS DATE),'Product3',35
productprice(PriceDate,Product,Price) AS (
          SELECT CAST('2023-10-01' AS DATE) ,'Product1',104
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-01' AS DATE) ,'Product2',53
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-01' AS DATE) ,'Product3',210
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-01' AS DATE) ,'Product4',78
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-09' AS DATE) ,'Product1',100
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-09' AS DATE) ,'Product2',50
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-09' AS DATE) ,'Product3',211
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-09' AS DATE) ,'Product4',75
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-15' AS DATE) ,'Product2',55
UNION ALL SELECT CAST('2023-10-15' AS DATE) ,'Product3',212
-- end of input
-- real query starts here, replace following comma wiht "WITH"
w_next_pricedt AS (
    pricedate AS price_from_dt
  , LEAD(pricedate,1,'9999-12-31') OVER(PARTITION BY product ORDER BY pricedate) AS price_to_dt
  , product
  , price
  FROM productprice
, SUM(SaleQuantity*ISNULL(Price,0)) AS monthlysales
FROM productsales s
JOIN w_next_pricedt p
 ON p.product=s.saleproduct
AND s.saledate >= p.price_from_dt
AND s.saledate <  p.price_to_dt
WHERE s.saledate BETWEEN '2023-10-01' AND ' 2023-10-31'
GROUP BY saleproduct
ORDER BY saleproduct

售中产品展示 月销售额
产品1 83808
产品2 -628
产品3 73990
产品4 93600


0赞 Saikat 11/6/2023 #3

这是解决方案。我不确定你是否需要这样的东西。此解决方案应适用于 SQL Server。

with salesData as
        * , 
        row_number() over (partition by a.saleDate , a.saleProduct , a.saleQuantity , b.product order by b.priceDate desc) as seq
    from productSales as a inner join productPrices as b on 
    a.saleProduct = b.Product and a.saleDate >= b.priceDate
    a.saleProduct ,
    datename(month , saleDate) as [month] , 
    sum(saleQuantity*unitPrice) as totalPrice 
from salesData as a
where seq = 1
group by a.saleProduct , datename(month , saleDate);
0赞 Thorsten Kettner 11/6/2023 #4

您有一个价格历史记录表。例如,它显示 product1 在 2023-10-01 到 2023-10-08 的日期范围内成本为 104。在 2023 年 10 月 9 日,价格更改为 100,因此从那时起一直有效。

您希望选择所有销售,然后仅将一个价格联接到交易记录中,即销售日期的当前价格。为此,您需要将横向连接 () 与子句结合使用。CROSS APPLYTOP

  sum(s.salequantity * pp.price) as monthly_sales
from productsales s
cross apply
  select top(1) *
  from productprice p
  where p.product = s.saleproduct
    and p.pricedate <= s.saledate
  order by p.pricedate desc
) pp
where s.saledate between cast('2023-10-01' as date)
                     and cast('2023-10-31' as date)
group by s.saleproduct
order by s.saleproduct;

演示:https://dbfiddle.uk/OfBrHFp7(感谢 Luuk 为小提琴提供输入数据。