提问人:Crimson 提问时间:11/17/2023 最后编辑:egleaseCrimson 更新时间:11/17/2023 访问量:64
Golang 中的 XOR 密码,带有自定义 base64 编码/解码,关于填充的小问题
XOR Cipher in Golang with custom base64encoding/decoding, small question regarding padding
问题很可能发生在 func 中,但我无法理解它,填充不正确吗?customBase64Encode
package main
import (
const base64Chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
func customBase64Encode(input []byte) string {
var result string
for i := 0; i < len(input); i += 3 {
// Create a 24-bit value from three 8-bit values
var bits uint32
for j := 0; j < 3 && i+j < len(input); j++ {
bits |= uint32(input[i+j]) << (8 * (2 - j))
// Break it into four 6-bit values
for j := 0; j < 4; j++ {
index := (bits >> ((3 - j) * 6)) & 0x3F
result += string(base64Chars[index])
// Add padding if necessary
padding := (4 - len(result)%4) % 4
for i := 0; i < padding; i++ {
result += "="
return result
func customBase64Decode(input string) []byte {
var result []byte
for i := 0; i < len(input); i += 4 {
var val uint32
// Create a 24-bit value from four 6-bit values
for j := 0; j < 4; j++ {
char := input[i+j]
index := byteIndex(char, base64Chars)
val = val<<6 | uint32(index)
// Break it into three 8-bit values
for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
result = append(result, byte((val>>(8*(2-j)))&0xFF))
return result
func byteIndex(char byte, chars string) int {
for i := 0; i < len(chars); i++ {
if chars[i] == char {
return i
return -1
func XOR(text string, encrypt bool, key string) string {
// Convert the key to a byte array
keyBytes := []byte(key)
// If decrypting, decode the input text using custom Base64 decoding
if !encrypt {
decodedText := customBase64Decode(text)
text = string(decodedText)
// Convert the text to a byte array
textBytes := []byte(text)
// Initialize result array
resultBytes := make([]byte, len(textBytes))
// Perform XOR operation
for i := 0; i < len(textBytes); i++ {
// Get the corresponding byte from the key, using modulo to repeat the key if necessary
keyByte := keyBytes[i%len(keyBytes)]
// Perform XOR
if encrypt {
resultBytes[i] = textBytes[i] ^ keyByte
} else {
// For decryption, XOR operation is the same as encryption
resultBytes[i] = textBytes[i] ^ keyByte
// If encrypting, encode the result using custom Base64 encoding
if encrypt {
resultText := customBase64Encode(resultBytes)
return resultText
// If decrypting, return the result as a string
return string(resultBytes)
func main() {
// Example usage
encryptedText := XOR("This is a secret message.", true, "test")
fmt.Println(encryptedText) // should be "IA0aB1QMAFQVRQARFxcWAFQIFgcHBBQRWg==" but is "IA0aB1QMAFQVRQARFxcWAFQIFgcHBBQRWgAA"
decryptedText := XOR(encryptedText, false, "test")
fmt.Println(decryptedText) // should be "This is a secret message." but is "This is a secret message.es"
package main
import (
func XOR(text string, encrypt bool, key string) string {
// Convert the key to a byte array
keyBytes := []byte(key)
// If decrypting, decode the input text from base64
if !encrypt {
decodedText, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(text)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error decoding base64:", err)
return ""
text = string(decodedText)
// Convert the text to a byte array
textBytes := []byte(text)
// Initialize result array
resultBytes := make([]byte, len(textBytes))
// Perform XOR operation
for i := 0; i < len(textBytes); i++ {
// Get the corresponding byte from the key, using modulo to repeat the key if necessary
keyByte := keyBytes[i%len(keyBytes)]
// Perform XOR
if encrypt {
resultBytes[i] = textBytes[i] ^ keyByte
} else {
// For decryption, XOR operation is the same as encryption
resultBytes[i] = textBytes[i] ^ keyByte
// If encrypting, encode the result as base64
if encrypt {
resultText := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(resultBytes)
return resultText
// If decrypting, return the result as a string
return string(resultBytes)
j < 3 && i+j < len(input)