使用 Bash RegEx 和 Grep 时遇到问题 – 需要帮助

Having Trouble with Bash RegEx and Grep – Need Assistance

提问人:PopSmoke 提问时间:9/3/2023 最后编辑:InSyncPopSmoke 更新时间:9/4/2023 访问量:62


我正在尝试编写一个使用 RegEx 模式并将其作为输入的 bash 脚本:

  #------------------------------------------- spaceholder ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  #@E2E-1 @id:1 
  Scenario: Login & Search: B2B_PKG_IN >> BE
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter <username> and incorrect password multiple times
    Then I should be locked out of my account
    And I should see a lockout message

  #@E2E-2 @id:32 
  Scenario: Login & Search: B2B_PKG_IN >> NL
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter <username> and incorrect password multiple times
    Then I should be locked out of my account
    And I should see a lockout message

  #------------------------------------------- B2B_PKG_3PA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


  @E2E-3 @id:3
  Scenario: Login & Search: B2B_PKG_3PA >> BE
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter <username> and incorrect password multiple times
    Then I should be locked out of my account
    And I should see a lockout message

我用这个 chatgpt 生成的模式测试了它:((@[^\n]+|#@[^\n]+)?\s*)?Scenario:[^\n]*\n(?:[^\n]*\n)*?\n


  #@E2E-1 @id:1 
  Scenario: Login & Search: B2B_PKG_IN >> BE
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter <username> and incorrect password multiple times
    Then I should be locked out of my account
    And I should see a lockout message

  #@E2E-2 @id:32 
  Scenario: Login & Search: B2B_PKG_IN >> NL
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter <username> and incorrect password multiple times
    Then I should be locked out of my account
    And I should see a lockout message

  @E2E-3 @id:3
  Scenario: Login & Search: B2B_PKG_3PA >> BE
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter <username> and incorrect password multiple times
    Then I should be locked out of my account
    And I should see a lockout message

所以现在我在 bash 中尝试了 grep,如下所示:

while IFS= read -r -d '' block; do
    done < <(grep -Pzo "$pattern" "$current_file")

由于某种原因,它包括 #space 支架部分,我尝试过,但似乎没有任何效果,请帮忙grep -Egrep -oPgrep -Po

正则表达式 bash grep


0赞 Cyrus 9/3/2023
请查看如何使用 Markdown 或 HTML 格式化我的帖子?


2赞 Ed Morton 9/3/2023 #1




使用任何 awk:

$ awk -v RS= -v ORS='\n\n' '$1 ~ /^#?@/' file
  #@E2E-1 @id:1
  Scenario: Login & Search: B2B_PKG_IN >> BE
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter <username> and incorrect password multiple times
    Then I should be locked out of my account
    And I should see a lockout message

  #@E2E-2 @id:32
  Scenario: Login & Search: B2B_PKG_IN >> NL
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter <username> and incorrect password multiple times
    Then I should be locked out of my account
    And I should see a lockout message

  @E2E-3 @id:3
  Scenario: Login & Search: B2B_PKG_3PA >> BE
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter <username> and incorrect password multiple times
    Then I should be locked out of my account
    And I should see a lockout message
0赞 tshiono 9/4/2023 #2


  • 每个块都以 或 开头的行开头。#@@
  • 块中的下一行以字符串 .Scenario:
  • 块之间不包含空行。
  • 如果后跟两个或多个空行(或文件的末尾),则块结束。
  • 您希望为具有匹配块的 bash 数组分配一个 bash 数组。current_scenarios
  • 每行外观包含两个前导空格, 但这是一个编辑问题,可以忽略。$current_file


while IFS= read -r -d '' block; do
done < <(grep -Pzo "$pattern" "$current_file")

printf "%s\n\n" "${current_scenarios[@]}"       # just to see the results


  • 该选项使点匹配换行符。(?s).
  • 该选项使并匹配行的开始/结束, 以及输入字符串的开始/结束。(?m)^$
  • ^#?@匹配行或行首。#@@
  • [^\n]+\n*消耗当前行。
  • ^Scenario:匹配下一行。
  • .*?\n匹配以下行,尽可能短(非贪婪)。
  • (?=\n{2}|\n*\Z)是与两个空白匹配的前瞻断言 行或输入的末尾。