提问人:julio11 提问时间:5/25/2023 更新时间:5/25/2023 访问量:94
使用 40 个元素的数字数组的 HugeInteger
HugeInteger using 40-element array of digits
我将创建一个类 HugeInteger,它使用 40 个元素的数字数组来 存储每个整数大至 40 位数字。提供 parse、toString、add 和 subtract 方法。方法 parse 应该接收一个 String,使用 charAt 方法提取每个数字并放置整数 等效于整数数组中的每个数字。要比较 HugeInteger 对象,请提供以下信息 方法:isEqualTo、isNotEqualTo、isGreaterThan、isLessThan、isGreaterThanOrEqualTo 和 isLessThanOrEqualTo。其中每个方法都是一个谓词方法,如果关系 在两个 HugeInteger 对象之间保持,如果关系不成立,则返回 false。提供 谓词方法为 Zero。
public class HugeInteger{
private int[] intArray;
private int numDigits; // stores the number of digits in intArray
//static String ss;
public HugeInteger(String s){
intArray = new int[40];
numDigits = 0;
parse(s);// call parse(s)
public HugeInteger( ){
intArray = new int[40];
numDigits = 0;
public void parse(String s){
// Add each digit to the arrays
// update numDigits
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){
intArray[i] = s.charAt(i) - '0';
System.out.print(intArray[i] + "");
System.out.print(intArray[i] + "" + numDigits);
public static HugeInteger add(HugeInteger hugeInt1, HugeInteger hugeInt2){
// Create hugeInt3
// Loop
// Add digits from hugeInt1 and hugeInt2,
// Store in corresponding hugeInt3
// End
// return hugeInt3
HugeInteger hugeInt3 = new HugeInteger();
for (int i = 0; i < hugeInt3.intArray.length; i++){
hugeInt3.intArray[i] = hugeInt1.intArray[i] + hugeInt2.intArray[i];
String data = hugeInt3.intArray.toString();
for (int j = 0; j < data.length(); j++)
return hugeInt3;
public static HugeInteger subtract(HugeInteger hugeInt1, HugeInteger hugeInt2){
// Create hugeInt3
// Loop
// Subtract hugeInt2 digit from hugeInt1,
// Store in corresponding hugeInt3
// End
// return hugeInt3
HugeInteger hugeInt4 = new HugeInteger();
for (int i = 0; i < hugeInt1.intArray.length; i++){
if (hugeInt1.intArray[i] > hugeInt2.intArray[i])
hugeInt4.intArray[i] = hugeInt1.intArray[i] - hugeInt2.intArray[i];
hugeInt4.intArray[i] = hugeInt2.intArray[i] - hugeInt1.intArray[i];
String data = hugeInt4.intArray.toString();
for (int j = 0; j < data.length(); j++)
return hugeInt4;
public static boolean isEqualTo(HugeInteger hugeInt1, HugeInteger hugeInt2){
// return true if the value represented by
// elements of hugeInt1.intArray is equal to
// value represented by elements of hughInt2.intArray
for (int i = 0; i < hugeInt2.intArray.length; i++)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < hugeInt2.numDigits; i++){
int a1= hugeInt1.intArray[i];
int a2 = hugeInt2.intArray[i];
System.out.println(a1 + " " + a2);
if (a1 != a2){
System.out.println("count" + count);
return count <= 0;
public static boolean isNotEqualTo(HugeInteger hugeInt1, HugeInteger hugeInt2){
// return true if the value represented by
// elements of hugeInt1.intArray is not equal to
// value represented by elements of hughInt2.intArray
for (int i = 0; i < hugeInt2.intArray.length; i++)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < hugeInt2.numDigits; i++){
int a1 = hugeInt1.intArray[i];
int a2 = hugeInt2.intArray[i];
System.out.println(a1 + " " + a2);
if (a1 != a2){
System.out.println("count" + count);
return count > 0;
public static boolean isGreaterThan(HugeInteger hugeInt1, HugeInteger hugeInt2){
// return true if the value represented by
// elements of hugeInt1.intArray is greater than
// value represented by elements of hughInt2.intArray
int sum1 = 0;
int sum2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < hugeInt1.intArray.length; i++){
sum1 += hugeInt1.intArray[i];
sum2 += hugeInt1.intArray[i];
return sum1 > sum2;
public static boolean isLessThan(HugeInteger hugeInt1, HugeInteger hugeInt2){
// return true if the value represented by
// elements of hugeInt1.intArray is less than
// value represented by elements of hughInt2.intArray
int sum1 = 0;
int sum2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < hugeInt1.intArray.length; i++){
sum1 += hugeInt1.intArray[i];
sum2 += hugeInt1.intArray[i];
return sum1 >= sum2;
public static boolean isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(HugeInteger hugeInt1, HugeInteger hugeInt2){
// return true if the value represented by
// elements of hugeInt1.intArray is greater than or equal to
// value represented by elements of hughInt2.intArray
int sum1 = 0;
int sum2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < hugeInt1.intArray.length; i++){
sum1 += hugeInt1.intArray[i];
sum2 += hugeInt1.intArray[i];
return sum1 >= sum2;
public static boolean isZero(HugeInteger hugeInt1 ){
// return true if the value represented by
// elements of hugeInt1.intArray is 0
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < hugeInt1.intArray.length; i++){
if (hugeInt1.intArray[i]==0)
return count > 0;
public String toString( ){
// return string representation of this object
return toString();
public static void main(String[] args){
HugeInteger h = new HugeInteger("abc");
HugeInteger h2 = new HugeInteger("xyz");
HugeInteger h3 = new HugeInteger();
HugeInteger hall = new h3.add(h,h2);
boolean b = HugeInteger.isNotEqualTo(h,h2);
boolean iszero = HugeInteger.isZero(h);
我认为当我测试它时会出现这个问题,更具体地说是这里: HugeInteger hall = new h3.add(h,h2);
答: 暂无答案
new h3.add
不是合法的 java,我很难理解你认为这可能做了什么。 是。但是一种静态方法。您可能想要而不是两行 ( 和 .这可能不是此代码中唯一的错误。少写,多测试。new HugeInteger()
HugeInteger h3 = HugeInteger.add(h, h2);
HugeInteger h3 = ...
HugeINteger hall = ...
hall = new h3.add(h,h2)
HugeInteger h3 = new HugeInteger()
HugeInteger hall = new h3.add(h,h2)
HugeInteger hall = HugeInteger.add(h, h2);