提问人:xVice1337 提问时间:11/1/2023 最后编辑:xVice1337 更新时间:11/1/2023 访问量:55
将 Json 字符串转换为给定的派生类型
Convert Json string to given derived type
我有一个关于 json/序列化的问题。
我正在研究我的引擎的网格化逻辑,我需要将给定的 json 表示转换为给定类的实例,我有需要转换为的类的 Type 对象。
我需要转换的所有类都派生自 LuminosityBehaviour,我不能只转换为 LuminosityBehaviour,因为它们没有来自 json 的字段。
这是我目前得到的: 丝线化:
private static void SerializeObj(GameObject obj, string path)
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(path, $"{obj.Name}-{obj.GetHashCode()}.json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, Formatting.Indented));
public static GameObject DeserializeFromFolder(string path)
if (Directory.Exists(path))
// Deserialize the main GameObject
string[] mainGameObjectFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, $"{Path.GetFileName(path)}*.json");
if (mainGameObjectFiles.Length > 0)
string gameObjectFile = mainGameObjectFiles[0];
GameObject rootGameObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GameObject>(File.ReadAllText(gameObjectFile), new JsonSerializerSettings
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto
return rootGameObject;
return null;
GameObject 类:
public class GameObject
public string Name { get; set; } = "New GameObject";
public string Tag { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public bool ActiveAndEnabled { get; set; } = true;
public int ExecutionOrder = 0;
public GameObject Parent = null;
public List<GameObject> Childs = new List<GameObject>();
public Dictionary<Type, LuminosityBehaviour> components = new Dictionary<Type, LuminosityBehaviour>();
public class LuminosityBehaviour
public int ExecutionOrder = 0;
public string Name = string.Empty;
public GameObject GameObject { get; set; }
public TransformComponent Transform
return GameObject.Transform;
public List<GameObject> Children { get; set; }
最后是行为,所以更容易理解我需要做什么。 我需要一个带有 JSON 中的 corect 值的 cameracomponent 实例。
namespace Luminosity3D.Builtin
public class Camera : LuminosityBehaviour
public Quaternion Rotation = Quaternion.Identity; // Store camera's rotation separately
public Vector3 Position = Vector3.Zero;
public Matrix4x4 ViewMatrix { get; private set; }
public Matrix4x4 ProjectionMatrix { get; private set; }
public Vector3 Forward
// Calculate the forward vector based on the camera's orientation
return -Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitZ, Rotation);
public Vector3 Right
Vector3 forward = -Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitZ, Rotation);
Vector3 up = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitY, Rotation);
return Vector3.Cross(up, forward);
public Vector3 Up
return Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitY, Rotation);
public float FieldOfView { get; set; }
public float AspectRatio { get; set; }
public float NearClip { get; set; }
public float FarClip { get; set; }
public override void Awake()
FieldOfView = 90;
AspectRatio = 1920f / 1080f;
NearClip = .1f;
FarClip = 5000f;
public void UpdateProjectionMatrix()
ProjectionMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(
LMath.ToRadians(FieldOfView), // Use System.Numerics MathHelper
public void UpdateViewMatrix()
Matrix4x4 rotationMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(Rotation);
// Calculate the forward, right, and up vectors using the rotation matrix
// Calculate the target position using the camera's Position and Forward vector
Vector3 target = Position + Forward;
// Create the view matrix using the calculated vectors
ViewMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateLookAt(Position, target, Up);
public void SetActive()
Engine.SceneManager.ActiveScene.activeCam = this;
public void SetPosition(Vector3 position)
Position = position;
public void Move(Vector3 direction, float speed)
//Vector3 worldDirection = Vector3.Transform(direction, Rotation); // Use camera's rotation
Position += direction * speed * Time.deltaTime;
public void RotateCamera(Vector3 orientation, float angle)
// Create a quaternion representing the rotation
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(orientation, angle);
// Apply the rotation to the current camera rotation
Quaternion newRotation = rotation * Rotation;
newRotation = Quaternion.Normalize(newRotation);
// Extract the pitch and yaw rotations from the new rotation
Vector3 forwardVector = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitZ, newRotation);
float pitch = (float)Math.Asin(-forwardVector.Y);
float yaw = (float)Math.Atan2(forwardVector.X, forwardVector.Z);
// Clamp the pitch rotation to stay within a desired range (e.g., -80 to 80 degrees)
float maxPitch = LMath.ToRadians(80); // Maximum pitch angle in radians
pitch = LMath.Clamp(pitch, -maxPitch, maxPitch);
// Reconstruct the new quaternion based on the clamped pitch and original yaw
Quaternion clampedRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, 0);
// Update the camera's rotation
Rotation = clampedRotation;
// Update the view matrix
public void LookAt(Vector3 target)
Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize(target - Position);
Rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(Matrix4x4.CreateLookAt(Vector3.Zero, direction, Vector3.UnitY));
"ExecutionOrder": 0,
"Parent": null,
"Childs": [],
"components": {
"Luminosity3D.Builtin.Camera, Luminosity3D, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null": {
"Rotation": {
"X": 0.23763347,
"Y": 0.68091494,
"Z": -0.250537,
"W": 0.6458455,
"IsIdentity": false
"Position": {
"X": -7.1340866,
"Y": 6.405525,
"Z": 7.3761296
"ExecutionOrder": 0,
"Name": "",
"ViewMatrix": {
"M11": -0.05282802,
"M12": 0.6472329,
"M13": 0.7604597,
"M14": 0.0,
"M21": 4.8428774E-08,
"M22": 0.7615231,
"M23": -0.64813787,
"M24": 0.0,
"M31": -0.9986037,
"M32": -0.034239803,
"M33": -0.040229786,
"M34": 0.0,
"M41": 6.9889503,
"M42": -0.0079827905,
"M43": 9.8735895,
"M44": 1.0,
"IsIdentity": false,
"Translation": {
"X": 6.9889503,
"Y": -0.0079827905,
"Z": 9.8735895
"ProjectionMatrix": {
"M11": 0.5625,
"M12": 0.0,
"M13": 0.0,
"M14": 0.0,
"M21": 0.0,
"M22": 1.0,
"M23": 0.0,
"M24": 0.0,
"M31": 0.0,
"M32": 0.0,
"M33": -1.00002,
"M34": -1.0,
"M41": 0.0,
"M42": 0.0,
"M43": -0.100002006,
"M44": 0.0,
"IsIdentity": false,
"Translation": {
"X": 0.0,
"Y": 0.0,
"Z": -0.100002006
"Forward": {
"X": -0.7604597,
"Y": 0.6481378,
"Z": 0.04022968
"Right": {
"X": 0.052827936,
"Y": 2.0489097E-08,
"Z": 0.9986037
"Up": {
"X": 0.6472328,
"Y": 0.76152307,
"Z": -0.0342398
"FieldOfView": 90.0,
"AspectRatio": 1.7777778,
"NearClip": 0.1,
"FarClip": 5000.0,
"dataField": {}
"Luminosity3D.Builtin.CameraController, Luminosity3D, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null": {
"ExecutionOrder": 0,
"Name": "",
"dataField": {}
"Name": "New Camera",
"Tag": "",
"ActiveAndEnabled": true
答: 暂无答案
上一个:.NET JSON:检查结构