提问人:Filipe Martins 提问时间:10/26/2023 最后编辑:journpyFilipe Martins 更新时间:10/26/2023 访问量:22
使用 API v3.0 在 MailChimp 中创建和添加新段
create and add new segment in mailchimp with api v3.0
Public Shared Async Function MailchimpSendTemplate() As Task
Dim manager As IMailChimpManager = New MailChimpManager("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxa4fcb4654d6af-usxx") 'mykey
Dim listId = "a4ac9d66b4"
Dim segementoToCampaign As New Segment() With {
.Name = "test1",
.Options = New SegmentOptions() With {
.Match = Match.All,
.Conditions = New List(Of Condition) From {
New Condition With {
.Field = "tag_name",
.[Operator] = [Operator].Is,
.Value = "novotest"}
´´this dont work
Dim createdSegment As Segment = manager.ListSegments.AddAsync(listId, segementoToCampaign)
End Function
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