(2012年 VB.net)从每个正在运行的 Excel 实例中获取“xlApp”?

(In VB.net 2012) Obtain "xlApp" from each running Excel instances?

提问人:Shodan 提问时间:7/26/2023 最后编辑:braXShodan 更新时间:7/26/2023 访问量:32




注意:您可以通过单击开始菜单中的 Excel 链接来创建多个 Excel 实例,但在启动时按住左 alt 按钮,它会询问您是否要创建新实例

到目前为止,我的代码(编译和运行没有错误,但没有在列表中返回 xlApp 对象)

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Text
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Module Module1

    Private Const EXCEL7 As String = "EXCEL7"
    Private Const GW_CHILD As Integer = 5
    Private Const GW_HWNDNEXT As Integer = 2

    <DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _
    Private Function FindWindowEx(ByVal parentHandle As IntPtr, _
                                  ByVal childAfter As IntPtr, _
                                  ByVal className As String, _
                                  ByVal windowTitle As String) As IntPtr
    End Function

    <DllImport("Oleacc.dll")> _
    Private Function AccessibleObjectFromWindow(ByVal hwnd As Integer, _
                                                ByVal dwObjectID As UInteger, _
                                                ByVal riid As Byte(), _
                                                ByRef ptr As Excel.Window) As Integer
    End Function

    Private Function EnumerateExcelInstances() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Excel.Application)
        Dim excelInstances As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Excel.Application)()

            Dim hwnd = FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, "XLMAIN", Nothing)

            While hwnd <> IntPtr.Zero
                Dim hwndChild = FindWindowEx(hwnd, IntPtr.Zero, EXCEL7, Nothing)

                If hwndChild <> IntPtr.Zero Then
                    Dim ptr As Excel.Window = Nothing
                    Dim guid As New Guid("{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
                    AccessibleObjectFromWindow(hwndChild.ToInt32(), &HFFFFFFF0UI, guid.ToByteArray(), ptr)

                    If ptr IsNot Nothing Then
                    End If
                End If

                hwnd = FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, hwnd, "XLMAIN", Nothing)
            End While
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Error: " & ex.Message)
        End Try

        Return excelInstances
    End Function

    Sub Main()
        Dim excelInstances = EnumerateExcelInstances()

        For Each xlApp In excelInstances
            Console.WriteLine("Excel Process ID: " & xlApp.Hwnd)

            If xlApp.Workbooks.Count > 0 Then
                Console.WriteLine("Opened Workbooks:")

                For Each wb As Excel.Workbook In xlApp.Workbooks
                Console.WriteLine("No workbooks are open.")
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

您可以使用以下 vbc 命令将其保存到 listexcel.vb 来编译它(您可能需要将路径调整为 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll,并且路径中必须有 vbc)

vbc /r:C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel\\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll /r:System.dll listexcel.vb

您可以使用以下代码列出每个 Excel 进程的每个窗口句柄。(测试工作)

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Text

Module Module1

    ' Define the class name of the Excel application main window
    Private Const xlMainWindowClass As String = "XLMAIN"

    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Running Excel instances:")

        ' Enumerate all windows
        EnumWindows(Function(hWnd, lParam) As Boolean
                        ' Get the window's class name
                        Dim className As New StringBuilder(256)
                        GetClassName(hWnd, className, className.Capacity)

                        ' If the window is an Excel main window, print its handle
                        If className.ToString() = xlMainWindowClass Then
                        End If

                        ' Continue enumeration
                        Return True
                    End Function, IntPtr.Zero)
    End Sub

    ' Delegate and methods for EnumWindows
    Private Delegate Function EnumWindowsProc(hWnd As IntPtr, lParam As IntPtr) As Boolean

    Private Function EnumWindows(callback As EnumWindowsProc, lParam As IntPtr) As Boolean
    End Function

    Private Function GetClassName(hWnd As IntPtr, lpClassName As StringBuilder, nMaxCount As Integer) As Integer
    End Function

End Module


    vbc /r:C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel\\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll /r:System.dll listexcelpidhwnd.vb

现在,我的目标是为每个正在运行的 excel 实例打印所有工作簿名称,测试代码如下(经过测试工作)

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim xlApp As Excel.Application = Nothing
        Dim xlWorkbooks As Excel.Workbooks = Nothing

            ' Get a reference to Excel
            xlApp = DirectCast(System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application"), Excel.Application)
            ' If Excel is not running, exit
            Console.WriteLine("Excel is not running.")
        End Try

        ' Get a reference to the Workbooks collection
        xlWorkbooks = xlApp.Workbooks

        ' Enumerate the workbooks
        If xlWorkbooks.Count > 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("Opened workbooks:")
            For i As Integer = 1 To xlWorkbooks.Count
            Console.WriteLine("No workbooks are open.")
        End If

        ' Clean up
    End Sub
End Module


    vbc /r:C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel\\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll /r:System.dll listworkbooks.vb
Excel vb.net


0赞 braX 7/26/2023
0赞 Shodan 7/27/2023
此方法仅返回第一个 excel 实例的 xlApp 对象。解决方案是使用 AccessibleObjectFromWindow,但是我的代码有问题,我不确定是什么

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