提问人:gegy 提问时间:9/6/2023 更新时间:9/6/2023 访问量:33
从 XML 反序列化时忽略构造函数
Ignore constructor on deserialize from XML
我有一个带有List(of SomeKindOfObjects)的类。在构造函数中,我对列表应用了几个实例,以预设列表以供首次使用。用户可以在 UI 中修改列表。例如,用户清除 then 列表中的所有元素,使其为空。之后,带有列表的类被序列化为 XML。 稍后,当我将 XML 反序列化为类时,将调用构造函数,并用“默认”值再次填充列表,但它应该是空的。
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class ArticleAndBOMExportEntrySettings
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Protected Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal e As PropertyChangedEventArgs)
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, e)
End Sub
Sub New()
Me.ExtensionsArticle = New List(Of DocumentType)({New DocumentType() With {
.Documenttype = DocumentType.EDocumentType.a,
.Extension = $".{DocumentType.EDocumentType.a}",
.Name = DocumentType.EDocumentType.a.ToString.ToUpper},
New DocumentType() With {
.Documenttype = DocumentType.EDocumentType.a,
.Extension = $".{DocumentType.EDocumentType.a}",
.Name = DocumentType.EDocumentType.a.ToString.ToUpper}})
Me.DbUserArticle = "Test"
End Sub
'This is set on deserialze
Public Property DbUserArticle As String = ""
'This has always the value set from the constructor, also after deserialize from XML Why?
Public Property ExtensionsArticle As List(Of DocumentType)
End Class
Public Class DocumentType
Implements IEquatable(Of DocumentType)
Enum EDocumentType
End Enum
Property Documenttype As EDocumentType = EDocumentType.a
Public Property Name As String = ""
Property Extension As String = $".{Documenttype}"
Public Shadows Function Equals(other As DocumentType) As Boolean Implements IEquatable(Of DocumentType).Equals
Return Me.Name = other.Name
End Function
End Class
当xml从XML反序列化时,如何忽略构造函数? 奇怪的是:其他属性是从XML中设置的,而不是从列表中设置的。如果我不从构造函数中初始化列表属性,则一切正常。
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