提问人:Lord Banastor 提问时间:5/18/2023 最后编辑:marc_sLord Banastor 更新时间:5/27/2023 访问量:132
使用 Outlook HTML 模板 (*.oft) 在 VB.Net 中创建的电子邮件在发送时转换为纯文本
Email created in VB.Net using Outlook HTML template (*.oft) converted in plain text when sent
我的实现有问题,如下。该脚本对以前选择的文件夹 (oFolder) 中的所有邮件执行循环,直到该文件夹中不再有邮件 (MailItem) 为止,它会执行循环并发送答复。但是,从模板(*.oft - Outlook 模型)创建的邮件在发送后将转换为纯文本,除非发送到与发件人位于同一域中的内部电子邮件地址,否则格式将保持不变。
我尝试了一些解决方案,例如重置.创建消息后 HTMLBody,但无济于事。也许我把解决方案放在错误的地方,不确定。但这是我所拥有的代码:
Dim originalMail, loopControl, newMail, headerMail, footerMail As MailItem
Dim snd2Folder As MAPIFolder
Dim myRecipient As Recipients
Dim thisRecipient As Recipient
Dim oSubject, oMessage, oMessageNew, oRecipient, oMailDate, oMailTo, thisSenderAddr, tempTemplate As String
Dim objPropNewName, objPropNewDateTime As UserProperty
Dim thisClassName As Type
While oFolder.Items.Count > 0
loopControl = oFolder.Items.GetFirst
If TypeName(loopControl) = "MailItem" Then
originalMail = loopControl
originalMail.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML 'here tried implementing the post solution, not working
originalMail.HTMLBody = originalMail.HTMLBody
myRecipient = originalMail.ReplyRecipients 'the original message comes from a form in a web page, that contains the persons email set in the Reply-To field
newMail = OutlookApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(tempTemplate) 'creates a new message from a template in the tempTemplate location, a local folder with *.oft files selected by the user
objPropNewName = newMail.UserProperties.Add("Custom Property", OlUserPropertyType.olText, True) 'sensitive custom property set by the organisation for control purposes
objPropNewName.Value = tmpUserName 'value to be stored in the property
objPropNewDateTime = newMail.UserProperties.Add("Another Custom Property", OlUserPropertyType.olDateTime, True)
objPropNewDateTime.Value = tmpDateTime
If originalMail.ReplyRecipients.Count > 0 Then 'since the message may come from a web form or directly via Replay, it is important to get the SMTP email address in the .To field. This block makes sure the .To field will get a valid SMTP address
thisRecipient = myRecipient.Item(1)
If thisRecipient.Resolved() Then
thisUser = thisRecipient.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser()
If thisUser Is Nothing Then
oRecipient = myRecipient.Item(1).Address.ToString()
oRecipient = thisRecipient.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress.ToString()
End If
oRecipient = myRecipient.Item(1).Address.ToString()
End If
'oRecipientMail = myRecipient.Item(1).AddressEntry.Address.ToString()
Catch ex As System.Exception
PrintCurrentLineException(ex, thisClassName.FullName, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)
oRecipient = myRecipient.Item(1).Address.ToString() 'if there is an error because the sender is not a Exchange user, it will be a SMTP address, so get that value instead
End Try
If originalMail.SenderEmailType = "EX" Then
oRecipient = originalMail.Sender.GetExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress.ToString()
oRecipient = originalMail.SenderEmailAddress
End If
End If
With originalMail
oSubject = .Subject
oMessage = .HTMLBody
oMailTo = .To
oMailDate = Format(.SentOn, "dddd, dd MMM yyyy - HH:mm")
End With
If originalMail.ReadReceiptRequested = True Or originalMail.OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested = True Then
Dim thisEntry, thisSubject, thisDate As String
Dim thisAccessor As PropertyAccessor
thisAccessor = originalMail.PropertyAccessor
thisEntry = thisAccessor.GetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x1035001E").ToString()
thisSubject = originalMail.Subject
thisDate = Format(originalMail.SentOn, "ddd dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm")
MsgBox("One of the messages in this lot of " & i1 & " messages have a delivery or a read recipe active." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "The application cannot work correctly. Please mark the message as read or reply to it manually." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Sender: " & oRecipient & vbNewLine & "Subject: " & thisSubject & vbNewLine & "Received in: " & thisDate & vbNewLine & "Message EntryID: " & thisEntry, vbDefaultButton1 + vbExclamation + vbOKOnly + vbApplicationModal + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Read/Delivery Recipe")
errorLocal = True 'variable to point an internal error
Exit Try
End If
With newMail
.To = oRecipient
.Subject = oSubject
thisSenderAddr = LCase(outServer) '
If tmpChkHeader = True And tmpChkFooter = False Then 'an internal option to set header or/and footer as a template to be applied to the reply message
oMessageNew = "<html><style>body {font-family: calibri; font-size: 11.25pt;}</style>" & headerMail.HTMLBody & newMail.HTMLBody & "<body><br><hr>" & "---- Your message ----<br><b>From:</b><a href="" mailto:" & oRecipient & """>" & oRecipient & "</a><br><b>Sent on:</b> " & oMailDate & "<br><b>To:</b> " & oMailTo & " (<a href=""mailto:" & thisSenderAddr & """>" & thisSenderAddr & "</a>)<br><b>Subject:</b> " & oSubject & "<br><br><blockquote>" & oMessage & "</blockquote></body></html>"
ElseIf tmpChkHeader = False And tmpChkFooter = True Then
oMessageNew = "<html><style>body {font-family: calibri; font-size: 11.25pt;}</style>" & newMail.HTMLBody & footerMail.HTMLBody & "<body><br><hr>" & "---- Your message ----<br><b>From:</b><a href="" mailto:" & oRecipient & """>" & oRecipient & "</a><br><b>Sent on:</b> " & oMailDate & "<br><b>To:</b> " & oMailTo & " (<a href=""mailto:" & thisSenderAddr & """>" & thisSenderAddr & "</a>)<br><b>Subject:</b> " & oSubject & "<br><br><blockquote>" & oMessage & "</blockquote></body></html>"
ElseIf tmpChkHeader = True And tmpChkFooter = True Then
oMessageNew = "<html><style>body {font-family: calibri; font-size: 11.25pt;}</style>" & headerMail.HTMLBody & newMail.HTMLBody & footerMail.HTMLBody & "<body><br><hr>" & "---- Your message ----<br><b>From:</b><a href="" mailto:" & oRecipient & """>" & oRecipient & "</a><br><b>Sent on:</b> " & oMailDate & "<br><b>To:</b> " & oMailTo & " (<a href=""mailto:" & thisSenderAddr & """>" & thisSenderAddr & "</a>)<br><b>Subject:</b> " & oSubject & "<br><br><blockquote>" & oMessage & "</blockquote></body></html>"
oMessageNew = "<html><style>body {font-family: calibri; font-size: 11.25pt;}</style>" & newMail.HTMLBody & "<body><br><hr>" & "---- Your message ----<br><b>From:</b><a href="" mailto:" & oRecipient & """>" & oRecipient & "</a><br><b>Sent on:</b> " & oMailDate & "<br><b>To:</b> " & oMailTo & " (<a href=""mailto:" & thisSenderAddr & """>" & thisSenderAddr & "</a>)<br><b>Subject:</b> " & oSubject & "<br><br><blockquote>" & oMessage & "</blockquote></body></html>"
End If
Catch ex As System.Exception
PrintCurrentLineException(ex, thisClassName.FullName, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)
oMessageNew = "<html><style>body {font-family: calibri; font-size: 11.25pt;}</style>" & newMail.HTMLBody & "<body><br><hr>" & "---- Your message ----<br><b>From:</b><a href="" mailto:" & oRecipient & """>" & oRecipient & "</a><br><b>Sent on:</b> " & oMailDate & "<br><b>To:</b> " & oMailTo & " (<a href=""mailto:" & thisSenderAddr & """>" & thisSenderAddr & "</a>)<br><b>Subject:</b> " & oSubject & "<br><br><blockquote>" & oMessage & "</blockquote></body></html>"
End Try
.SentOnBehalfOfName = outServer 'server mail set on a config file
.HTMLBody = oMessageNew
End With
If sndReply = True Then 'if the sent event is all right, this variable is set to true
originalMail.Unread = False
originalMail.Move(snd2Folder) 'a outlook folder to where the original messages are moved after replied to
End If
intCnt += 1
i2 += 1
Dim controlTypeName As String = Information.TypeName(loopControl)
MsgBox("One item in the selected folder is not a valid email message. Remove the item to another folder or select another folder before running this lot again." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Control Type: " & controlTypeName & vbNewLine & $"Selected folder: {oFolder.Name}", vbDefaultButton1 + vbExclamation + vbOKOnly + vbApplicationModal + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Wrong control type")
errorLocal = True
Exit Try
End If
End While
使用模板在 VBA 中创建的 Outlook 电子邮件在保存时会转换为纯文本
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