VB.Net Await 引发 NullReferenceException

VB.Net Await throws a NullReferenceException

提问人:isilter 提问时间:3/29/2021 更新时间:3/30/2021 访问量:132


下面的代码会不时引发 NullReferenceException 错误。它并不总是发生,但比方说,在 2 次尝试中至少有 3-10 次我得到这个烦人的“System.NullReferenceException”屏幕。

我正在从数据采集卡 DATAQ 4208U 读取数据。当涉及到用于读取的“停止”命令时,会发生此错误。另一个问题是我不是编码和 VB.Net 的大师。


等待 TargetDevice.ReadDataAsync(cancelRead.Token)

 Private Async Sub btnState_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnState.Click
    If cancelRead IsNot Nothing Then

        'Get here if an acquisition process is in progress and we've been commanded to stop
        cancelRead.Cancel() 'cancel the read process
        cancelRead = Nothing
        Await taskRead 'wait for the read process to complete
        taskRead = Nothing
        Await TargetDevice.AcquisitionStopAsync() 'stop the device from acquiring 

        'get here if we're starting a new acquisition process
        TargetDevice.Channels.Clear() 'initialize the device

        If SampleRateBad() Then
            'get here if requested sample rate is out of range
            'It's a bust, so...
            btnState.Enabled = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'otherwise, the selected sample rate is good, so use it. The class automatically adjusts
        'decimation factor and the protocol's sample rate denominator to yield a sample rate value as close as possible to
        'the value asked for in tbSampleRate.Text. The class also automatically maximizes decimation factor as a function of 
        'channels' AcquisitionMode settings. For this reason Acquisition mode should be defined for all enabled channels
        'before defining sample rate. 

            Await TargetDevice.InitializeAsync() 'configure the device as defined. Errors if no channels are enabled
        Catch ex As Exception
            'Detect if no channels are enabled, and bail if so. 
            MessageBox.Show("No enabled analog or digital channels.",
                            "Configuration Problem", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
            btnState.Enabled = True
            Exit Sub
        End Try

        'now determine what sample rate per channel the device is using from the 
        'first enabled input channel, and display it
        Dim FirstInChannel As Dataq.Devices.DI4208.ChannelIn
        Dim NoInputChannels As Boolean = True
        For index = 0 To TargetDevice.Channels.Count - 1
            If TypeOf TargetDevice.Channels(index) Is Dataq.Devices.IChannelIn Then
                FirstInChannel = TargetDevice.Channels(index)
                lblDecimation.Text = FirstInChannel.AcquisitionMode.Samples
                NoInputChannels = False
                Exit For
            End If
        If NoInputChannels Then
            MessageBox.Show("Please configure at least one analog channel or digital port as an input",
                            "No Inputs Enabled", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
            btnState.Enabled = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'Everything is good, so...
        btnState.Text = "Stop" 'change button text to "Stop" from "Start"
        cancelRead = New CancellationTokenSource() ' Create the cancellation token
        Await TargetDevice.AcquisitionStartAsync() 'start acquiring

        ' NOTE: assumes at least one input channel enabled
        ' Start a task in the background to read data
        taskRead = Task.Run(Async Function()
                                'capture the first channel programmed as an input (MasterChannel)
                                'and use it to track data availability for all input channels
                                Dim MasterChannel As Dataq.Devices.IChannelIn = Nothing
                                For index = 0 To TargetDevice.Channels.Count
                                    If TypeOf TargetDevice.Channels(index) Is Dataq.Devices.IChannelIn Then
                                        MasterChannel = TargetDevice.Channels(index) ' we have our channel 
                                        Exit For
                                    End If

                                ' Keep reading while acquiring data
                                While TargetDevice.IsAcquiring
                                    ' Read data and catch if cancelled (to exit loop and continue)
                                        'throws an error if acquisition has been cancelled
                                        'otherwise refreshes the buffer DataIn with new data
                                        'ReadDataAsync moves data from a small, temp buffer between USB hadrware and Windows
                                        'into the SDK's DataIn buffer. ReadDataAsync should be called frequently to prevent a buffer
                                        'overflow at the hardware level. However, buffer DataIn can grow to the size of available RAM if necessary.
                                        Await TargetDevice.ReadDataAsync(cancelRead.Token)
                                    Catch ex As OperationCanceledException
                                        'get here if acquisition cancelled
                                        Exit While
                                    End Try
vb.net async-await nullreferenceexception


0赞 ZeroWorks 3/29/2021
0赞 Panagiotis Kanavos 3/29/2021
这回答了你的问题吗?什么是 NullReferenceException,如何修复它?
0赞 Panagiotis Kanavos 3/29/2021
await不抛出 NRE。仅尝试使用 null 变量或字段才能执行此操作。这几乎总是代码中的一个问题 - 使用变量或参数而不检查它,或者忘记检查方法的返回值。忽略这样的异常是导致 NRE 的好方法,或者在最坏的情况下继续处理错误数据的好方法。由于如此糟糕的代码,已经损失了数百万美元——这没有糖衣炮弹Catch ex As OperationCanceledException
1赞 Panagiotis Kanavos 3/29/2021
0赞 Panagiotis Kanavos 3/29/2021
此方法的更多问题 - 从未等待过,因此它甚至可能在事件处理程序退出之前不会启动。到那时,可能是.没有理由使用这样的异步方法执行。这可以在执行任何操作运行,假设它确实需要在后台执行任何操作。 捕获并隐藏取消并继续循环。为什么?那有什么意义呢?Task.RunTargetDevicenullTask.RunAwait TargetDevice.InitializeAsync()Task.RunCatch ex As OperationCanceledExceptionReadDataAsync(cancelRead.Token)


0赞 Craig 3/29/2021 #1


    cancelRead.Cancel() 'cancel the read process
    cancelRead = Nothing
    Await taskRead 'wait for the read process to complete

如果在调用 时,任务当前在步骤上,这将起作用。cancelRead.Cancel()Await TargetDevice.ReadDataAsync

当它不在该步骤上时,就会出现问题。调用不会做任何神奇的事情,特别是,它不会自发地在任务中发出。它将令牌置于已取消状态,因此 OperationCanceledException 将在下次访问时发出...但随后任务尝试执行 的下一次迭代并弹出 NullRefException,因为您尝试从 null .CancelcancelReadOperationCanceledExceptionAwait TargetDevice.ReadDataAsyncTokencancelRead

如果将设置为“无”以等待该过程完成,则应该可以解决问题。cancelReadAwait taskRead

还有一点需要注意:implements ,所以你应该在将其设置为 之前调用,否则可能会有泄漏资源的风险。同样,对于 ,也实现了 。TaskIDisposableDisposetaskReadNothingcancelReadCancellationTokenSourceIDisposable