提问人:Robert Oschler 提问时间:5/21/2013 最后编辑:Robert Oschler 更新时间:5/21/2013 访问量:1198
在调用 GetResponseAsync() 期间收到 InvalidOperationException?
Getting InvalidOperationException during call to GetResponseAsync()?
前言:我知道代码摘录很长,但我不想遗漏其他人可能发现的问题原因的细节。代码和许多 Exception 陷阱有些冗长的原因是由于我在下面描述的对 NullReferenceException 的搜寻。通过跳转到在相互调用的异步方法中找到的 await 关键字,可以快速浏览代码到重要部分。
更新:发生 InvalidOperationException 是因为我正在更改某些按钮的 IsEnabled 状态。我在主线程上,所以我不确定为什么会发生这种情况。有谁知道为什么?
我有一个编写 C# 的 Windows Phone 7 应用程序,当在特定代码上下文中调用 GetResponseAsync() 时,该应用程序收到 System.InvalidOperationException。该应用程序使用 PetFinder API 创建一个猫品种猜谜游戏,旨在帮助动物收容所的猫被收养。以下是完整的异常消息:
Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Windows.ni.dll
在异常发生之前,对 GetResponseAsync() 有几次成功的调用。我已按照下面调用它们的顺序包含了 Exception 中涉及的方法的代码。有人可以告诉我为什么我收到这个异常以及如何解决它吗?
异常完全发生在调用它的当前代码上下文之外,因此下面的代码与包含 GetResponseAsync() 的库之间的一些交互正在为问题创建条件。在调用 GetResponseAsync() 之前的线程代码上下文是主线程。
这一切都始于我在 doLoadRandomPet() 中跟踪调用 getRandomPetExt() 期间发生的 NullReferenceException。根据我在 SO 上所做的阅读,我的猜测是从 getRandomPetExt() 返回了一个 NULL 任务。但是,如果你看一下这段代码,你就会发现我正在尽我所能来捕获一个虚假的异常,并避免返回一个空任务。我目前仍然认为 NULL 任务正在发生,因为其他一些代码在我的代码之外生成了虚假的异常。也许Microsoft.Bcl.Async中的某些内容?这是一些奇怪的同步上下文问题还是隐藏的跨线程访问问题?
奇怪的是,在我进行特定更改之前,我根本没有收到 InvalidOperationException,只有间歇性 NullReferenceException,每 1 次调用中每 20 到 30 次调用一次,如下所示。另一方面,每次使用新的代码结构时都会发生 InvalidOperationException。我所做的更改对我来说是一个很小的更改,旨在帮助我的调试工作。我唯一做的就是创建一个方法包装器,将 loadRandomPet() 的内脏移动到 doLoadRandomPet() 中。我这样做是为了禁用一些触发方法调用的按钮,这些按钮可能会干扰获取随机宠物的操作。我将对 doLoadRandomPet() 的调用包装在 try/finally 块中,以确保在操作退出时重新启用按钮。为什么这会导致代码执行发生如此重大的变化?
async private void loadRandomPet(int maxRetries = 3)
// Do not allow the Guess My Breed or Adopt Me buttons to be
// clicked while we are getting the next pet.
btnAdoptMe.IsEnabled = false;
btnGuessMyBreed.IsEnabled = false;
await doLoadRandomPet(maxRetries);
// Make sure the buttons are re-enabled.
btnAdoptMe.IsEnabled = true;
btnGuessMyBreed.IsEnabled = true;
// -------------------- CALLED NEXT
/// <summary>
/// (awaitable) Loads a random pet with a limit on the number of retries in case of failure.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maxRetries">The number of retries permitted.</param>
async private Task doLoadRandomPet(int maxRetries = 3)
// Show the busy indicator.
radbusyMain.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
// Get a random pet.
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> listUrlArgs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
// Only cats.
listUrlArgs.addKVP("animal", PetFinderUtils.EnumAnimalType.cat.ToString());
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MainMenu.ZipCode))
listUrlArgs.addKVP(PetFinderUtils.URL_FIELD_LOCATION, MainMenu.ZipCode);
if (maxRetries < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The maximum retries value is negative.");
Debug.WriteLine("------------------ START: LOADING Random Pet ----------------");
// Loop until a random pet is found.
int numRetries = 0;
// Select the breed, otherwise we will get a ton of "Domestic Short Hair" responses,
// which are not good for the game. Breeds that are returning empty search
// results this session are filtered too.
string strBreedName = MainMenu.GetRandomBreedName();
listUrlArgs.addKVP("breed", strBreedName);
while (numRetries <= maxRetries)
// Save the last successful retrieval.
if (this._pbi != null)
_pbiLast = this._pbi;
this._pbi = await getRandomPetExt(listUrlArgs);
catch (EmptySearchResultsException esr)
// getRandomPetExt() could not find a suitable cat given the current parameters.
// Swallow the Exception without notifying the user. Just allow the code
// further down to re-use the last cat retrieved in the hopes the next
// quiz won't have the problem.
Debug.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>> doLoadRandomPet() - getRandomPet() failed to find a cat.");
catch (PetFinderApiException pfExc)
if (pfExc.ResponseCode == PetFinderUtils.EnumResponseCodes.PFAPI_ERR_LIMIT)
// Swallow the Exception, but let the user know to stop playing for the awhile
// since we have exceeded our rate limit.
CatQuizAux.EasyToast("The PetFinder server is busy.\nPlease try playing the game\nlater.");
// Swallow the Exception, but let the user know to stop playing for the awhile
// since we have exceeded our rate limit.
CatQuizAux.EasyToast("The PetFinder may be down.\nPlease try playing the game\nlater.");
// Just exit.
} // try
catch (Exception exc)
// This is really bad practice but we're out of time. Just swallow the Exception
// to avoid crashing the program.
Debug.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>> doLoadRandomPet() - getRandomPet() Other Exception occurrred. Exception Message: " + exc.Message);
// If the returned pet is NULL then no pets using the current search criteria
// could be found.
if (this._pbi != null)
// Got a random pet, stop looping. Save it to the backup cat field too.
// Are we using a location?
if (listUrlArgs.hasKey(PetFinderUtils.URL_FIELD_LOCATION))
// Retry without the location to open the search to the entire PetFinder API
// inventory.
// Use a differet breed. Add the current breed to the list of breeds returning
// empty search results so we don't bother with that breed again this session.
// Remove the current breed.
// Choose a new breed.
strBreedName = MainMenu.GetRandomBreedName();
listUrlArgs.addKVP("breed", strBreedName);
} // else - if (listUrlArgs.hasKey(PetFinderUtils.URL_FIELD_LOCATION))
} // if (this._pbi == null)
// Sleep a bit.
await TaskEx.Delay(1000);
} // while (numRetries <= maxRetries)
// If we still have a null _pbi reference, use the back-up one.
if (this._pbi == null)
this._pbi = this._pbiLast;
if (this._pbi == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("(ViewPetRecord::doLoadRandomPet) Failed completely to find a new cat for the quiz. Please try again later.");
// Add the pet to the already quizzed list.
// Show the cat's details.
lblPetName.Text = this._pbi.Name.T;
imgPet.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(this._pbi.Media.Photos.Photo[0].T, UriKind.Absolute));
// Dump the cat's breed list to the Debug window for inspection.
// Make sure the busy indicator is hidden.
radbusyMain.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
} // async private void doLoadRandomPet(int maxRetries = 3)
// -------------------- CALLED NEXT
/// <summary>
/// Gets a Random Pet. Retries up to maxRetries times to find a pet not in the already <br />
/// quizzed list before giving up and returning the last one found. Also skips pets without <br />
/// photos.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="listUrlArgs">A list of URL arguments to pass add to the API call.</param>
/// <param name="maxRetries">The number of retries to make.</param>
/// <returns>The basic info for the retrieved pet or NULL if a pet could not be found <br />
/// using the current URL arguments (search criteria).</returns>
async private Task<PetBasicInfo> getRandomPetExt(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> listUrlArgs, int maxRetries = 3)
PetBasicInfo newPbi = null;
newPbi = await doGetRandomPetExt(listUrlArgs, maxRetries);
catch (Exception exc)
Debug.WriteLine(">>>>>> (ViewPetRecord::getRandomPetExt) EXCEPTION: " + exc.Message);
} // try/catch
return newPbi;
} // async private void getRandomPetExt()
// -------------------- CALLED NEXT
// This was done just to help debug the NullReferenceException error we are currently fighting.
// see getRandomPetExt() below.
async private Task<PetBasicInfo> doGetRandomPetExt(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> listUrlArgs, int maxRetries = 3)
if (maxRetries < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The maximum retries value is negative.");
Debug.WriteLine("------------------ START: Getting Random Pet ----------------");
// Loop until a random pet is found that has not already been used in the quiz or until
// we hit the maxRetries limit.
int numRetries = 0;
PetBasicInfo pbi = null;
while (numRetries <= maxRetries)
pbi = await MainMenu.PetFinderAPI.GetRandomPet_basic(listUrlArgs);
catch (PetFinderApiException pfExcept)
// pfExcept.ResponseCode = PetFinderUtils.EnumResponseCodes.PFAPI_ERR_LIMIT;
switch (pfExcept.ResponseCode)
case PetFinderUtils.EnumResponseCodes.PFAPI_ERR_NOENT:
Debug.WriteLine("The PetFinder API returned an empty result set with the current URL arguments.");
// No results found. Swallow the Exception and return
// NULL to let the caller know this.
return null;
case PetFinderUtils.EnumResponseCodes.PFAPI_ERR_LIMIT:
Debug.WriteLine("The PetFinder API returned a rate limit error.");
// Throw the Exception. Let the caller handler it.
// Rethrow the Exception so we know about it from the crash reports.
// Other Exception. Stop retrying and show the user the error message.
Debug.WriteLine("Exception during getRandomPetExt()\n" + pfExcept.ErrorMessage);
} // switch()
// Does the pet have a photo?
if (pbi.Media.Photos.Photo.Length > 0)
// Yes. Has the pet already been used in a quiz?
if (!MainMenu.IsCatQuizzed(pbi.Id.T.ToString()))
// No. Success.
return pbi;
} // if (pbi.Media.Photos.Photo.Length > 0)
// Retry required.
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Retrying, retry count: {0}", numRetries));
// No photo or already used in a quiz. Wait a little before retrying.
await TaskEx.Delay(1000);
// Count retires.
} // while (numRetries <= maxRetries)
// Unable to find a cat not already quizzed. Just return the last retrieved.
Debug.WriteLine("Retry count exceeded. Returning last retreived pet.");
// Returning NULL results in a await throwing a non-specific NullReferenceException.
// Better to throw our own Exception.
throw new EmptySearchResultsException("(ViewPetRecord::getRandomPetExt) Unable to retrieve a new random cat from the PetFinder API server.");
// return pbi;
} // async private PetBasicInfo doGetRandomPetExt()
// ------------------ CALLED NEXT
/// <summary>
/// Returns the basic information for a randomly chosen pet of the given animal type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enAnimalType">The desired animal type to restrict the search to.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
async public Task<JSON.JsonPetRecordTypes.PetBasicInfo> GetRandomPet_basic(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> urlArgumentPairs = null)
Debug.WriteLine("(GetRandomPet_basic) Top of call.");
// If the URL Argument Pairs parameter is null, then create one.
if (urlArgumentPairs == null)
urlArgumentPairs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
// Add the "output" parameter that tells PetFinder we want the Basic information for the pet,
// not the ID or full record.
urlArgumentPairs.addKVP("output", "basic");
// Add a unique URL argument to defeat URL caching that may be taking
// place in the Windows Phone library or at the PetFinder API server.
// This defeats the problem so that a new random pet is returned
// each call, instead of the same one.
long n = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
urlArgumentPairs.addKVP("nocache", n.ToString());
// Build the API call.
string strApiCall =
Debug.WriteLine("(GetRandomPet_basic) URL for call: \n" + strApiCall);
// Make the call.
string strJsonReturn = await Misc.URLToStringAsyncEZ(strApiCall);
bool bIsJsonReturnValid = false;
JSON.JsonPetRecordTypes.PetRecordBasicInfo jsonPetBasic = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JSON.JsonPetRecordTypes.PetRecordBasicInfo>(strJsonReturn);
// Deserialization succeeded.
bIsJsonReturnValid = true;
// Success code?
// For some strange reason T is cast to an "int" here where in GetBreedList it's equivalent is cast to a string.
int iResponseCode = jsonPetBasic.Petfinder.Header.Status.Code.T;
if (iResponseCode != 100)
throw new PetFinderApiException("PetFinder::GetRandomPet_basic", iResponseCode);
// throw new Exception("(PetFinder::GetRandomPet_basic) The response document contains a failure response code: " + iResponseCode.ToString() + ":" + jsonPetBasic.Petfinder.Header.Status.Message);
// Return the pet record basic info.
return jsonPetBasic.Petfinder.Pet;
if (!bIsJsonReturnValid)
// Setting debug trap to inspect JSON return.
Debug.WriteLine("JSON Deserialization failure.");
Debug.WriteLine("(GetRandomPet_basic) BOTTOM of call.");
} // try/finally
// -------------------- CALLED NEXT, never returns
/// <summary>
/// (awaitable) Simpler version of above call. Same warnings about getting byte stream <br />
/// objects apply here as they do to URLtoStringAsync()
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stUrl"></param>
/// <param name="reqMethod"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
async public static Task<string> URLToStringAsyncEZ(string strUrl, HttpRequestMethod reqMethod = HttpRequestMethod.HTTP_get)
strUrl = strUrl.Trim();
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strUrl))
throw new ArgumentException("(Misc::URLToStringAsyncEZ) The URL is empty.");
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(strUrl);
// Get the string value for the request method.
request.Method = reqMethod.GetDescription();
// >>>>> THIS CALL to GetResponseAsync() TRIGGERS THE EXCEPTION (see stack trace below)
// Async wait for the respone.
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)await request.GetResponseAsync();
// Use a stream reader to return the string.
using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
return sr.ReadToEnd();
// -------------------- STACK TRACE JUST BEFORE URLToStringAsync(), the call the triggers the exception.
> Common_WP7.DLL!Common_WP7.Misc.URLToStringAsyncEZ(string strUrl, Common_WP7.Misc.HttpRequestMethod reqMethod) Line 1079 C#
CatQuiz.DLL!CatQuiz.PetFinderUtils.GetRandomPet_basic(System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string,string>> urlArgumentPairs) Line 441 C#
CatQuiz.DLL!CatQuiz.ViewPetRecord.doGetRandomPetExt(System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string,string>> listUrlArgs, int maxRetries) Line 55 C#
CatQuiz.DLL!CatQuiz.ViewPetRecord.getRandomPetExt(System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string,string>> listUrlArgs, int maxRetries) Line 123 C#
CatQuiz.DLL!CatQuiz.ViewPetRecord.doLoadRandomPet(int maxRetries) Line 243 C#
CatQuiz.DLL!CatQuiz.ViewPetRecord.loadRandomPet(int maxRetries) Line 343 C#
CatQuiz.DLL!CatQuiz.ViewPetRecord.PageViewPetRecord_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) Line 355 C#
System.Windows.ni.dll!MS.Internal.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler(int typeIndex, System.Delegate handlerDelegate, object sender, object args) Unknown
System.Windows.ni.dll!MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(System.IntPtr unmanagedObj, System.IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, int argsTypeIndex, int actualArgsTypeIndex, string eventName) Unknown
======================= EXCEPTION
// -------------------- STACK TRACE when EXCEPTION occurs
> CatQuiz.DLL!CatQuiz.App.Application_UnhandledException(object sender, System.Windows.ApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) Line 101 C#
System.Windows.ni.dll!MS.Internal.Error.CallApplicationUEHandler(System.Exception e) Unknown
System.Windows.ni.dll!MS.Internal.Error.IsNonRecoverableUserException(System.Exception ex, out uint xresultValue) Unknown
System.Windows.ni.dll!MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(System.IntPtr unmanagedObj, System.IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, int argsTypeIndex, int actualArgsTypeIndex, string eventName) Unknown
// -------------------- CODE CONTEXT when EXCEPTION occurs
// Code to execute on Unhandled Exceptions
private void Application_UnhandledException(object sender, ApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
// An unhandled exception has occurred; break into the debugger
答: 暂无答案
async void