Visual Basic - 我编写了一些代码来循环程序 45 次,但它没有循环

Visual Basic - Ive written some code to loop a program 45 times and its not looping

提问人:john 提问时间:4/12/2017 最后编辑:Mathieu Guindonjohn 更新时间:4/12/2017 访问量:80


该程序应该获得 45 个输入和输出,无论资金是损失、获得还是收支平衡。程序只需要一个输入,然后就结束了。它不是循环的,我不确定该怎么做,我不是很擅长代码,这是为了考试,如果它非常基础并且我不明白,很抱歉


Sub Main()

    Dim discount As Integer = 0
    Dim freetickets As Integer = 0
    Dim estimatedcost As Integer = 0
    Dim totalstudents As Integer = 0
    Dim coachcost As Integer = 550
    Dim entryticket As Integer = 30
    Dim name(44) As String
    Dim paidstatus(44) As Boolean
    Dim studentspaid As Integer = 0
    Dim totalcost As Integer = 0
    Dim collectedcost As Integer = 0
    Dim finalcost As Integer = 0

    Console.WriteLine("Enter Student Name")
    name(44) = Console.ReadLine()
    Console.WriteLine("has the student paid? (true/false)")
    paidstatus(44) = Convert.ToBoolean(Console.ReadLine())

    If paidstatus(44) = True Then
        studentspaid = studentspaid + 1
        totalstudents = totalstudents + 1

    ElseIf paidstatus(44) = False Then
        totalstudents = totalstudents + 1
    End If

    totalcost = (totalstudents * 30) + (550 / totalstudents)

    If totalstudents = 45 Then

        If studentspaid = 10 Then
            freetickets = freetickets + 1
        End If

        If studentspaid = 20 Then
            freetickets = freetickets + 1
        End If

        If studentspaid = 30 Then
            freetickets = freetickets + 1
        End If

        If studentspaid = 40 Then
            freetickets = freetickets + 1
        End If

        collectedcost = (studentspaid * 30) + (550 / studentspaid)
        discount = (freetickets * 30) - (550 / studentspaid)
        finalcost = totalcost - collectedcost - discount

        If finalcost > 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("loss of")
        End If

        If finalcost = 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("broken even")
        End If

        If finalcost < 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("profit of")
        End If

    End If

End Sub


3赞 Bathsheba 4/12/2017
For,并用于 VBA 中的循环结构。你都没有这些。While
0赞 john 4/12/2017
2赞 Junius L 4/12/2017
0赞 Mathieu Guindon 4/12/2017
此外,这看起来根本不像 VBA 代码。这是 VB.NET,完全不同的事情。
1赞 Blackwood 4/12/2017


4赞 M. Ferry 4/12/2017 #1

你应该在谷歌上搜索“ for loop”并阅读循环是如何工作的。这是一篇关于它的 msdn 文章:

要将这个想法应用到您的代码中 - 弄清楚哪些部分应该重复 45 次。然后将其包装在 for 循环中,如下所示:

For i as integer = 0 to 44

    ... part to repeat

Next i

现在 - 在循环中 - 您将需要使用您声明的数组以及循环中的索引。

例如,当你引用你当前正在做的事情时 - 这可能需要改变 - 这样你就在循环 45 次时引用了数组的当前元素。paidstatus()mpaidstatus(44)paidstatus(i)

所以这个答案是给你的一些提示。如果您正在寻找某人为您发布完整的代码,我很抱歉 - 我们不会在这里真正这样做。但至少你现在有一些提示。剩下的就看你了。


0赞 john 4/12/2017