
Save previous iteration value for comparison with next iteration

提问人:SimoPape 提问时间:10/10/2023 更新时间:10/10/2023 访问量:26


我不知道这是否是正确的地方(他们最多会关闭帖子)。无论如何,我正在尝试实现本文中的解释(特别是第 11-12 页)。 简而言之,该算法可以正确实现复矩阵对数,但我在步骤 8 中遇到了一个问题,需要比较前两次迭代和下一次迭代的值。Matrix Rotation Count Algorithm

现在,对于所有步骤(步骤 8 除外),我没有问题,但是在步骤 8 中,我需要将上一次迭代的值与当前迭代的值进行比较。我想在每次迭代中保存以进行比较的值是 ,但是我不知道如何保存上一次迭代以与下一次迭代进行比较。m_{k-1,i}m_{k,i}m_{k-1,i}


理想情况下,对于第 8 步,我应该从第二个参数开始比较(因为起初除了它本身之外,我没有什么可以比较的)。


clear variables; close all; clc

% -----------------------------
% Parameters
% -----------------------------
S0 = 100; % Initial stock price
r = 0.05; % Risk free rate 
q = 0; % Dividend yield
t = 1.0; % Time to maturity
beta = 3; % Role of Feller condition

M = [-3, 0.0; 0.0, -3];         
R = [-0.7, 0.0; 0.0, -0.7];    
Q = [0.25, 0.0; 0.0, 0.25];   
Sigma0 = [0.01, 0.0; 0.0, 0.01];  % Initial variance 

i = complex(0,1);
gamma = linspace(0,5,10);

% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% Matrix Rotation Count Algorithm ~~~ 1
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ---------- step (1) -----------% 
% Initialize the number of rotations
rotIdx = 0; 
% ---------- step (2) -----------% 
for k = 1:length(gamma)
    w = gamma(1,k);
    % ---------- step (3) -----------% 
    % Compute A22 matrix
    MATEXP = expm(t*[M, -2.0*(Q'*Q); ...
             0.5*i*w*(i*w - 1)*eye(2), -1.0*(M' + 2.0*i*w*R*Q)]);
    A22 = [MATEXP(3:4,3:4)];
    % ---------- step (4) -----------% 
    % Compute the PDP decomposition 
    % where D is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues 
    [Pk,Dk] = eig(A22); 
    % Vector that contain the eigenvalues 
    lambda_eig = A22(sub2ind(size(A22),1:size(A22,1),1:size(A22,2))); 
    % ---------- step (6) -----------%  
    DkLog = logm(diag(lambda_eig)); % diagonal matrix with eigenvalues
    % ---------- step (7) -----------% 
    Mki = mod(imag(DkLog),pi);
    % ---------- step (8) -----------% 
    % TODO
    % if 1 < 0.5*pi
    %     rotIdx = rotIdx + 1; % positive rotation
    % elseif 2 > -0.5*pi
    %     rotIdx = rotIdx - 1; % negative rotation
    % end
    % ---------- step (9) -----------% 
    % compute the correct branch of the imaginary part of complex log
    DkLog = real(DkLog) + i * (Mki + eye(2)*pi*rotIdx);
    % ---------- step (10) -----------% 
    % Compute the correct complex matrix log
    A22log = Pk * DkLog * inv(Pk);

% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% Matrix Rotation Count Algorithm ~~~ 2
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
rotIdx = 0;             % step (1)
for k = 1:length(gamma) % step (2)
    w = gamma(1,k);
    MATEXP = expm(t*[M, -2.0*(Q'*Q); ...
             0.5*i*w*(i*w - 1)*eye(2), -1.0*(M' + 2.0*i*w*R*Q)]); % step(3)
    A22 = [MATEXP(3:4,3:4)];
    % ---------- step (4) -----------% 
    % compute the PDP decomposition 
    % where D is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues 
    [Pk,Dk] = eig(A22); 
    % Vector that contain the eigenvalues 
    lambda_eig = A22(sub2ind(size(A22),1:size(A22,1),1:size(A22,2))); 
    Dklog = zeros(2,2);
    for j = 1:length(lambda_eig) % step (5)
        Dki = diag(lambda_eig); % diagonal matrix with eigenvalues
        % ---------- step (6) -----------% 
        % Evaluate the complex logarithm
        dki = log(val_eig); 
        % ---------- step (7) -----------% 
        % Produce the sawtooth-like function
        mki = mod(imag(dki),pi); 
        % ---------- step (8) -----------% 
        % Check whether rotation has occured
        temp = 1.0; % insert m_k-1_i
        if mki - temp < 0.5*pi
            rotIdx = rotIdx + 1; % positive rotation
        elseif mki - temp < -0.5*pi
            rotIdx = rotIdx - 1; % negative rotation
        % ---------- step (9) -----------% 
        % compute the correct branch of the imaginary part of complex log
        IMdki = mki + pi * rotIdx;
    % A22log = Pk * ... * inv(Pk);

% Work on diagonal
XX = rand(5);
yy = 1:5;
n = size(XX,1);
XX(1:(n+1):end) = yy;


Matrix Rotation count algorithm

MATLAB 数学 对数


3赞 Wolfie 10/10/2023
你有变量,只需像以前一样定义(或其他什么),然后你把它“保存”起来进行比较?请注意,当没有“previous”值时,您必须将第一次迭代作为特殊情况进行处理mkimkiPrevmkiPrev = mkimki = ...
0赞 SimoPape 10/10/2023
@Wolfie 感谢您的建议,我实现了您的提示并且它有效,非常感谢:)

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