在 3D 空间中绘制一个面向方向矢量的圆

Draw a Circle in 3D space facing towards Direction Vector

提问人:Ans shakeel 提问时间:9/5/2023 最后编辑:Ans shakeel 更新时间:9/6/2023 访问量:64



目标:围绕 3D 空间中面向方向矢量的中心点绘制一组圆形点。尝试使用 VTK python 对圆柱体和弯曲模型进行建模,以便在 3D 空间中生成点,然后将它们连接起来以在其上放置一个表面。

方法:假设我有一个中心点 center(x,y,z) 和方向向量direction_vector。我将计算点中心的正交基,定义一个平面,并在平面上生成指向方向向量的点。

def generate_circular_points_v2(center, radius, direction_vector, num_points=12):
circular_points = []
v1 = np.cross(direction_vector, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
if np.all(v1 == 0):
    v1 = np.cross(direction_vector, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])   
v2 = np.cross(direction_vector, v1)

v1 /= np.linalg.norm(v1)
v2 /= np.linalg.norm(v2)
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=num_points, endpoint=False)
for angle in angles:
    v1_Out = np.cos(angle) * v1 
    v2_Out = np.sin(angle) * v2
    point = center + (radius * (v1_Out + v2_Out ))

return circular_points


        # generating points for Bezier Curve
        # it takes 3 Control points, 1st one is starting point, 2nd on is Tangent Intersection Point
        # and 3rd one is the ending point, it makes a 90 degrees angle bend
        pointListBEND = []
        for i in range(0 , 10):
            pts = quadratic_bezier(ptsA ,cornerPointBend , ptsB , t = i)
        # GENERATING Circular Rings on each Point of Bezier Curze
        for itr in range(0,len(pointListBEND)):

            if itr + 1 < len(pointListBEND):
                dirVec = getNormalizedDirVec(pointListBEND[itr+1],pointListBEND[itr])
                circularPoints = generate_circular_points_v2(center=pointListBEND[itr],
            # Adding Points to VTK array
            for p in circularPoints:


def AddTriangles(vtkpoints, count):
theta_resolution = count
phi_resolution = 12
torus_cells = vtk.vtkCellArray()
for i in range(theta_resolution+4 ):
    for j in range(phi_resolution):
        torus_cells.InsertNextCell(4)  # Number of points in each triangle strip
        torus_cells.InsertCellPoint(i * phi_resolution + j)
        torus_cells.InsertCellPoint(i * phi_resolution + (j + 1) % phi_resolution)
        torus_cells.InsertCellPoint((i + 1) * phi_resolution + j)
        torus_cells.InsertCellPoint((i + 1) * phi_resolution + (j + 1) % phi_resolution)
return torus_cells

Check out this image to See the Results

它工作得很好,但是当方向向量 (NORMALIZED) 为 时,存在一种例外情况,这会导致:V = [-0.99861783, 0., 0.05255883]

v1 = [ 0.,0.05255883,-0.]
v2 = [-0.00276243, 0., -0.05248619]


Check out the result (TWIST)


还有一件事,我使用贝塞尔曲线绘制这个弯曲形状,然后在贝塞尔曲线的每个点上在曲线点传播方向上生成圆环(Direction VECTOR (CurvePoint[index + 1] - CurvePoint[index]))

Python 数学 矢量 几何图形


0赞 Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans 9/5/2023
你能多显示一点代码吗?因为你的代码中没有,而且它使用了一个名为 .请至少显示全部功能,包括其签名。Vnormaldef...
0赞 Ans shakeel 9/6/2023
@Mike'Pomax'Kamermans 请立即检查。如果您需要任何其他详细信息,请告诉我。谢谢

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