告诉 Haskell 编译器两种类型是兼容的

Telling Haskell compiler that two types are compatible

提问人:Theo H 提问时间:11/11/2023 更新时间:11/11/2023 访问量:56



apply_to_f :: (a -> a) -> ((a -> a) -> b) -> ((b -> c) -> c)
apply_to_f f = \ g -> \ h -> h (g f)


我想告诉编译器一个约束:可以用自己进行组合。(apply_to_f f)

换句话说,接受一个类型的函数,它还返回一个类型的函数。(apply_to_f f)(a -> a) -> a(a -> a) -> a

那么,是否可以告诉编译器它需要统一类型和类型,或者如果我想写下函数的精确类型,我是否必须自己弄清楚?(a -> a) -> b(b -> c) -> capply_to_f


Haskell 类型推断


1赞 chi 11/11/2023
为什么需要不太通用(更受限制)的类型?就像现在一样,编译并具有类型。有一些方法可以限制类型,例如自己统一变量,或添加类似 的东西,但我想知道理由是什么。apply_to_f f . apply_to_f fapply_to_f id . apply_to_f id :: ((a -> a) -> b) -> (b -> c) -> c(T ~ U) => ...
0赞 Theo H 11/11/2023
1赞 Daniel Wagner 11/12/2023
您可能还喜欢Unifying c -> a -> b 和 (a -> b) -> c


2赞 K. A. Buhr 11/11/2023 #1


apply_to_f :: ((a -> a) -> b) ~ ((b -> c) -> c)
  => (a -> a) -> ((a -> a) -> b) -> ((b -> c) -> c)


apply_to_f :: (a -> a) -> ((a -> a) -> a) -> ((a -> a) -> a)


apply_to_f :: (a -> a) -> ((a -> a) -> b) -> ((b -> c) -> c)
apply_to_f f = \ g -> \ h -> h (g f)

foo = apply_to_f id id

如果使用直接类型签名限制 的类型:apply_to_f

apply_to_f :: (a -> a) -> ((a -> a) -> a) -> ((a -> a) -> a)


Unify.hs:13:21-22: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘a -> a’
      Expected: (a -> a) -> a
        Actual: (a -> a) -> a -> a
      ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the inferred type of foo :: (a -> a) -> a
        at Unify.hs:13:1-22
    • In the second argument of ‘apply_to_f’, namely ‘id’
      In the expression: apply_to_f id id
      In an equation for ‘foo’: foo = apply_to_f id id
    • Relevant bindings include
        foo :: (a -> a) -> a (bound at Unify.hs:13:1)
13 | foo = apply_to_f id id
   |                     ^^


apply_to_f :: ((a -> a) -> b) ~ ((b -> c) -> c)
  => (a -> a) -> ((a -> a) -> b) -> ((b -> c) -> c)

那么类型错误将与定义中的使用相关联,并且会更模糊地与“Foo 推断类型中的某个问题”相关联:apply_to_ffoo

Unify.hs:12:7-16: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘a -> a’
        arising from a use of ‘apply_to_f’
      ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the inferred type of foo :: ((a -> a) -> a -> a) -> a -> a
        at Unify.hs:12:1-22
    • In the expression: apply_to_f id id
      In an equation for ‘foo’: foo = apply_to_f id id
    • Relevant bindings include
        foo :: ((a -> a) -> a -> a) -> a -> a (bound at Unify.hs:12:1)
12 | foo = apply_to_f id id
   |       ^^^^^^^^^^



apply_to_f = general_apply_to_f
  where general_apply_to_f :: (a -> a) -> ((a -> a) -> b) -> ((b -> c) -> c)
        general_apply_to_f f = \ g -> \ h -> h (g f)

        _ = apply_to_f undefined . apply_to_f undefined


λ> :t apply_to_f
apply_to_f :: (a -> a) -> ((a -> a) -> a) -> (a -> a) -> a