
Is it bad practice to base expected results off actual results in unit testing?

提问人:Jay Cork 提问时间:4/10/2019 更新时间:4/18/2019 访问量:773




generate_string(name, date) #  Function to test
    result 'My Name is {name} I was born on {date} and this isn't my first rodeo'


    name = 'John Doe'
    date = '1990-01-01'

    expected = 'My Name is John Doe I was born on 1990-01-01 and this isn't my first rodeo'
    assertEquals(expected, actual)


    date = 1990-01-01
    actual = generate_string(name, date)
    expected = 'My Name is John Doe I was born on 1990-01-01 and this isn't my first rodeo'


    date = get_date()
    actual = generate_string(name, date)
    actual_deconstructed = actual.split(' ')
    actual_deconstructed[-7] = '1990-01-01'  # Hard code small expected change
    expected = join.actual_deconstructed
    assertEquals(expected, actual)




单元测试 与语言无关的 硬编码


0赞 Guy Coder 4/10/2019
对于标题,我的回答是肯定的,这是不好的做法。Is it bad practice to base expected results off actual results in unit testing?
0赞 Guy Coder 4/10/2019
因为听起来你在释义。我并不总是对结果进行硬编码,而是使用同时生成测试和结果的生成器,这些生成器不使用所测试代码中的任何方法或基本方法。这通常很困难,因为很多时候我必须跳过重重障碍才能重新发明轮子,当我想不出办法时,我会对结果进行硬编码。My co-worker was instant that the expected result should always be hard-coded, as it stops there being any chance that the actual result can influence the expected result.
0赞 Guy Coder 4/10/2019
因为编程和证明不是一回事。很少有程序能够证明某些东西。为;相信我,我有一座桥要出售The function already has a test to make sure the entire string is as expected.I trust all the other tests to form a web of informing tests


2赞 rp.beltran 4/10/2019 #1




0赞 Guy Coder 4/10/2019
you have to recognize the possibility and decide your own tolerance.在银行或安全地点尝试这种理念,看看你有多久的工作。公司或客户设定要求,如有疑问,请进行查询。
0赞 rp.beltran 4/11/2019
@GuyCoder哈哈,你是对的.也许不能决定你的容忍度,但有人可以。我习惯于在一家初创公司工作,也许不幸的是,我可以做出这些决定。不过,我认为即使对于大型银行来说,较少的验证也是可以接受的,那就是 UI/UX 设计,最坏的情况是渲染不佳。给出的例子看起来有点像是前端工作,这就是为什么我觉得他的需求可能有些放松。you
0赞 Dirk Herrmann 4/18/2019 #2

您有一个从输入数据生成字符串的函数。可以选择让测试用例始终测试整个生成的字符串,尽管每个测试的测试目标是验证该字符串的非常特定的部分。你认为这种方法不好是正确的:由此产生的测试将过于宽泛,因此很脆弱。对于任何更改,它们都会失败/必须维护,而不仅仅是在更改影响生成字符串的特定部分的情况下。看看 Meszaros 对脆弱测试的讨论,特别是“测试对软件应该如何构建或行为说得太多”的部分,你可能会发现很有启发性: http://xunitpatterns.com/Fragile%20Test.html#Overspecified%20Software



   date = 1990-01-01
   actual_full_string = generate_string(name, date)
   actual_string_parts = actual_full_string.split(' ')
   actual_date_part = actual_string_parts[-7]
   assertEquals('1990-01-01', actual_date_part)
0赞 simbo1905 4/18/2019 #3






This then leads to another big point: loosely typed languages, that need lots of unit tests to prove are correct, need lots of brittle and repetitive tests. Strongly typed languages, where the compiler can statically tell you about logic errors, means you have to write a less test code, that is less brittle, such that you can refactor faster. In a loosely typed language you end up writing lots of test code that makes sure at runtime you don’t pass the wrong types. In a strongly typed function language you only need to validate input at runtime: the compiler validates that your code works. So then you can write a few high level tests and be confident it all works. If you refactor your code you have less tests to refactor. You have tagged your question “language-agnostic” but the answer cannot be. The weaker your compiler the more this question is a problem: the stronger your compiler the less you have to deal with this whole issue.

I attended a four day test driven development course at a big software engineering shop that was done in Smalltalk. Why? Because no-one knows smalltalk, and it is untyped, so we had to write a test for every thing we wrote as we were all beginners in that language. It was fun, but I wouldn’t advise anyone to use a loosely typed language where they had to write a load of tests to know it worked. I would strongly advise people to use a strongly typed language where the compiler does more work, and where there can be less test code, as that is easier to refactor tests when you add new functionality. Likewise functional languages with immutable algebraic types and composition of functions need less tests as they don't have lots of mutable state to worry about. The more modern the programming language the less test code you need to write to keep bugs away.

Obviously, you cannot upgrade the language you are using at your company. So here is the one tip my friend said that sticks with me: test code should be like production code so do not repeat yourself. If you find your tests are becoming repetitive then delete tests. Keep a minimum amount of tests that will break if the logic is broken. Don't keep fifty odd tests that cover all variations of string concatenation. That is ”over-testing” Over-testing inhibits refactoring to add functionality and remove tech debt more than it keeps bugs away. In some languages, this means writing lots of repetitive tests that you need to validate your logic as you write it as scaffolding. Then when you have it working write larger tests that will break if someone breaks a subparts and delete all the repetitive tests so as not leave ”test debt”. This then results in a few coarse-grained tests that are brutally simple without a lot of repetition.