
Why does numpy not raise an error when inverting a singular matrix?

提问人:Harry Matthews 提问时间:3/29/2023 最后编辑:KCQsHarry Matthews 更新时间:3/30/2023 访问量:152





  1. 给定一个奇异矩阵 (A),np.linalg.inv(A) 将执行而不会引发异常
  2. 该函数返回一个矩阵,该矩阵不是原始矩阵 A*inv(A) != I 的倒数


此外,numpy 使用什么方法来测试奇点?它似乎没有单独检查条件编号(见下文)。

这个问题似乎与相同的行为有关(至少上面的第 1 点),但是公认的答案(由于协方差矩阵中的数字非常小,OP 首先测试他们的矩阵是奇异的,因此无法正常工作不适用于我的情况)。

下面是一个完整的示例,演示了该问题。我正在使用 Python 1.24.2 在 numpy 3.10 中工作。任何帮助都非常感谢。

Numpy 无错误地反转奇异矩阵

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import ortho_group

def generate_random_cov_matrix(sz, rank, eig_val_scale):
    Generate a random covariance matrix with known rank by building it from a specified number of eigenvectors and eigenvalues

    :param sz: the returned covariance matrix with be shaped sz x sz
    :param rank: the desired rank of the returned matrix
    :param eig_val_scale: eigenvalues will be randomly sampled from a chi2 distribution (df=1) and scaled by this parameter
    :return: the covariance matrix

    if rank > sz:
        raise ValueError('rank cannot be greater than size')

    eig_vecs = ortho_group.rvs(dim=sz)
    eig_vecs = eig_vecs[:, 0:rank]
    # randomly sample eigenvalues from chi square (df=1) just so that  smaller eigenvalues are more likely
    eig_vals = np.random.chisquare(1, rank) * eig_val_scale
    # sort in descending order
    eig_vals = np.sort(eig_vals)
    eig_vals = eig_vals[::-1]
    # build matrix from eigenvectors and eigenvalues
    cov = eig_vecs @ np.diag(eig_vals) @ eig_vecs.T
    return cov, eig_vecs, eig_vals

# generate a singular 20 x 20 covariance matrix
n_variables = 20
rank = 10
cov_mat,_,_ = generate_random_cov_matrix(n_variables,rank,100)

# is it singular as expected
assert np.isclose(np.linalg.det(cov_mat),[0.])

# are the elements of the of the covariance matrix so small that their determinant could be >0 but zero due to machine precision

# does numpy compute its inverse without an exception
    cov_inv = np.linalg.inv(cov_mat)
    print('No exception was raised')
    print('An exception was raised')

# is the resulting inverse a proper inverse (is A*inv(A) equal to an identity matrix)

    assert np.isclose(cov_mat @ cov_inv,np.identity(n_variables))
except AssertionError:
    print('The computed inverse is not a proper inverse')

Numpy 不会单独检查条件编号

# runs without failure
arr = np.array([[1.0, 1.2], [2.0 + 1e-14, 2.4 + 1e-14]])
rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(arr)
cond = np.linalg.cond(arr)
print("rank: ", rank)
print("cond: ", cond)

# fails despite having the same condition number
arr = np.array([[1.0, 1.2], [2.0 + 1e-15, 2.4 + 1e-15]])
rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(arr)
np.testing.assert_approx_equal(cond, np.linalg.cond(arr))
cond = np.linalg.cond(arr)
print("rank: ", rank)
print("cond: ", cond)
python numpy 矩阵逆


0赞 hpaulj 3/29/2023
0赞 Harry Matthews 3/29/2023
谢谢你的评论。我相信是的。我使用 np.isclose 而不是测试精确相等(例如,在单位矩阵和 cov_mat 的乘积及其逆数之间)。这是你要问的吗?
0赞 hpaulj 3/29/2023
1赞 hpaulj 3/29/2023
虽然很小 (),则元素的量级均为 。显然,这还不足以触发底层编译代码的奇异错误。det-1e-128inve13
1赞 Jérôme Richard 4/2/2023
AFAIK,安全地检查矩阵是否为奇异矩阵是昂贵的(一种方法是使用昂贵的SVD,它实际上往往比计算逆数更昂贵)。Numpy的主要关注点是速度(仅以几张廉价支票为代价)。人们应确保请求的操作对给定的输入有效。Scipy 可能会提供更安全的替代方案(Scipy 更注重正确性和安全性,通常以执行速度明显变慢为代价)。

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