防止 R 数据帧中特定行中的小数位

Preventing Decimal Places in Specific Rows in R Data Frame

提问人:estrix 提问时间:8/31/2023 更新时间:9/4/2023 访问量:52


我正在使用 R 数据帧,其中有表示“年份”和“销售额”的列。我想将这些值显示为没有任何小数位的整数。目前,当我创建表格或打印数据框时,“sales”值显示为小数位(例如,10.00),“year”值也显示小数部分(例如,2019.00)。

我想知道如何设置这些列的格式,以便它们显示为没有任何小数位的整数。我尝试使用 format() 函数,但它似乎不会影响这些特定列。


# Data
sales <- c(10, 30, 50, 20, 40)
revenue <- c(100.25, 300.50, 500.75, 200.00, 400.50)
profit <- c(10.4, 200.7, 400.5, 100.00, 356.79)
year <- c(2019:2023)
data <- rbind(Year = year, Sales = sales, Revenue = revenue, Profit = profit)

# Create a new table with different rows
Table <- kbl(data,
             caption = "Development",
             booktabs = TRUE,
             linesep = c("\\addlinespace[0.2cm]"),
             align = c("l", "r")) %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped"), font_size = 10, position = "left")



R 数字 Kable


0赞 rps1227 8/31/2023
唯一的问题是在设置数据时。使用 on 向量会为您提供一个矩阵,并强制所有元素属于同一类型。在这种情况下,由于您将整数与实数/浮点数混合在一起,因此所有内容都会转换为实数/浮点数。使用或代替:rbind()data.frame()tibble()data <- data.frame(Year = year, Sales = sales, Revenue = revenue, Profit = profit)
0赞 estrix 8/31/2023
@rps1227 谢谢你的建议。我现在面临的问题是数据的结构与我想要的不同。我的目标是有一个表格,其中年份作为列名,并在下面的行中输入各种数据条目。创建数据框时,我当前将不同的数据条目显示为列。你对我如何解决这个问题有什么想法吗?
0赞 jpsmith 8/31/2023
试试运行你的表?colnames(data) <- data[1,]; data <- data[-1,]
0赞 rps1227 8/31/2023
@estrix 是的,我的评论有效地转置了你的表格......问题是数据框中的列都需要是相同的类型。在这种情况下,似乎最简单的解决方案是先将所有内容转换为字符向量,然后像这样使用:rbind()data <- do.call(`rbind`, lapply(list(Year = year, Sales = sales, Revenue = revenue, Profit = profit), as.character))


0赞 margusl 8/31/2023 #1

不确定包含的 reprex 如何描述您的实际数据集格式。如果从“年份”/“销售额”/“收入”/“利润”列开始,可以先将所有列格式化为字符串,转置以在字符矩阵中获取每年的列,然后选择性地将其转回 data.frame(也将处理矩阵)。kbl()

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

# Data
sales <- c(10, 30, 50, 20, 40)
revenue <- c(100.25, 300.50, 500.75, 200.00, 400.50)
profit <- c(10.4, 200.7, 400.5, 100.00, 356.79)
year <- c(2019:2023)

# reprex from Q, a numeric matrix:
data_old <- rbind(Year = year, Sales = sales, Revenue = revenue, Profit = profit)
#>            [,1]   [,2]    [,3] [,4]    [,5]
#> Year    2019.00 2020.0 2021.00 2022 2023.00
#> Sales     10.00   30.0   50.00   20   40.00
#> Revenue  100.25  300.5  500.75  200  400.50
#> Profit    10.40  200.7  400.50  100  356.79
#>  num [1:4, 1:5] 2019 10 100.2 10.4 2020 ...
#>  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   ..$ : chr [1:4] "Year" "Sales" "Revenue" "Profit"
#>   ..$ : NULL

# a more conventional representation of that dataset:
data_new <- data.frame(Year = year, Sales = sales, Revenue = revenue, Profit = profit)
#>   Year Sales Revenue Profit
#> 1 2019    10  100.25  10.40
#> 2 2020    30  300.50 200.70
#> 3 2021    50  500.75 400.50
#> 4 2022    20  200.00 100.00
#> 5 2023    40  400.50 356.79
#> 'data.frame':    5 obs. of  4 variables:
#>  $ Year   : int  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
#>  $ Sales  : num  10 30 50 20 40
#>  $ Revenue: num  100 300 501 200 400
#>  $ Profit : num  10.4 200.7 400.5 100 356.8

data_wide <- data_new %>% 
  mutate(across(everything(), format)) %>% 
  tibble::column_to_rownames("Year") %>% 
  t() %>% 
#>           2019   2020   2021   2022   2023
#> Sales       10     30     50     20     40
#> Revenue 100.25 300.50 500.75 200.00 400.50
#> Profit   10.40 200.70 400.50 100.00 356.79
#> 'data.frame':    3 obs. of  5 variables:
#>  $ 2019: chr  "10" "100.25" " 10.40"
#>  $ 2020: chr  "30" "300.50" "200.70"
#>  $ 2021: chr  "50" "500.75" "400.50"
#>  $ 2022: chr  "20" "200.00" "100.00"
#>  $ 2023: chr  "40" "400.50" "356.79"

    caption = "Development",
    booktabs = TRUE,
    linesep = c("\\addlinespace[0.2cm]"),
    align = c("l", "r")) %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped"), font_size = 10, position = "left")


创建于 2023-08-31 使用 reprex v2.0.2

0赞 estrix 9/4/2023 #2


# Data
sales <- c(10, 30, 50, 20, 40)
revenue <- round(c(100.25, 300.50, 500.75, 200.00, 400.50),1)
profit <- round(c(10.4, 200.7, 400.5, 100.00, 356.79),1)
year <- c(2019:2023)
data <- rbind(Year = year, Sales = sales, Revenue = revenue, Profit = profit)
colnames(data) <- data[1,]; data <- data[-1,]
data <- as.data.frame(data)

data <- data %>%
  mutate(across(everything(), ~ if(cur_group_id() >= 2) format(.x, nsmall = 1) else as.character(.x)))

# Create a new table with different rows
Table <- kbl(data,
               caption = "Development",
               booktabs = TRUE,
               linesep = c("\\addlinespace[0.2cm]")) %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped"), font_size = 10, position = "left")
