PHP 页面打印 null 通过 angularjs 传递数据

php page prints null passing data through angularjs

提问人:Gregory Carmo 提问时间:11/10/2023 更新时间:11/10/2023 访问量:28


早上好!我正在尝试将数组从 angularjs 传递给 php。我需要在php页面上打印数据,而不是将其返回给angular js中的函数。在 php 页面上,它打印 null,但在 js 函数中,它正确地接收了返回值。

页面 html,列出表格中的数据

<tr dir-paginate="rem in remessa | itemsPerPage:exibirQuant">
                    <td><a ng-click="buscarFunc(rem)" ng-bind="rem.nome"></a></td>
                    <!--<td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="rem.selected" value="{{rem.nome}}" class="form-check-input"></td>-->
                    <td><input type="checkbox" name="{{rem.nome}}" value="{{rem.nome}}" ng-model="rem.selected"></td>

<button class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="salvar()">Salvar</button>
/* lists employees coming from the bank in a table */
$'assets/php/remessa_rj.php', {'tipo':'listar', 'data_ini':$scope.data_start, 'data_fim':$scope.data_end, 'funci':$scope.searchFunc})
  //$'assets/php/remessa_rj.php', dados)
    $scope.thead = false;
    $scope.remessa =;

$scope.SelectAll = function(){ // select all checkboxes to save in txt file
    angular.forEach($scope.remessa, function(item){
      item.selected =;

$scope.salvar = function(){ // employees selected in the box above
    $scope.funciSelected = [];

    // verifica se o vetor $scope.funciSelected foi selecionado alguma vez
    var n = $("input:checked").length - 1; 
    if (n === 0) { //console.log("The array is empty!") 
      $scope.funciSelected = 'No employees selected';

    else {   

      angular.forEach($scope.remessa, function(rem){
        if (rem.selected) {
          //$scope.funciSelected.push({'id':rem.id_funci, 'name'});
          /* send to file to save in txt */
          // here is the big problem when redirects to save/test.php
          $'salvar/teste.php', rem)
            window.location.href = 'save/test.php';

          /* end - send to file to save in txt */

      }); // end angular.forEach

  } // end else


我需要重定向到这个 php 页面并打印 angularjs 中通过 post 传递的值,但它打印了 null。

$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$obj = json_decode($json, TRUE);

foreach ($obj as $key => $value) {
   //$value has the value of each item



php angular post null 返回


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