提问人:Sk Kabir 提问时间:11/17/2023 更新时间:11/17/2023 访问量:18
忽略命令树和 discord.app_commands.errors.CommandNotFound 中的异常;Python Discord 机器人
Ignoring exception in command tree and discord.app_commands.errors.CommandNotFound; python discord bot
我目前正在努力注册或调用 discord 斜杠命令。我已经成功登录了 discord 服务器,但这只是命令问题。我想不通。可以帮忙,不胜感激。这是下面的代码
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import requests
import schedule
import time
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from requests.exceptions import ReadTimeout
TOKEN = ''
CHANNEL_NAME = 'website-status'
DEFAULT_WEBSITE_URL = 'http://novelfreak.com' # Replace with your default website URL
# Set up logging with DEBUG level
# Create an Intents object and enable necessary intents
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.messages = True # Enables the message intent
intents.guilds = True # Enables the guilds intent
intents.message_content = True # Enables the message content intent
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/', intents=intents)
# Dictionary to store command descriptions
command_descriptions = {
'start': 'Start monitoring the website hourly.',
'quick_check': 'Perform a quick check of the website status.',
'list': 'Show all commands with their descriptions.',
'website_url_change': 'Change the website URL.'
async def register_global_commands():
"""Register all global slash commands."""
commands_to_register = [
{'name': 'start', 'description': 'Start monitoring the website hourly.'},
{'name': 'quick_check', 'description': 'Perform a quick check of the website status.'},
{'name': 'list', 'description': 'Show all commands with their descriptions.'},
{'name': 'website_url_change', 'description': 'Change the website URL.'}
url = f"https://discord.com/api/v10/applications/{client.user.id}/commands"
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bot {TOKEN}"
response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=commands_to_register)
logging.info("Global commands registered successfully.")
except requests.HTTPError as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to register global commands. Status code: {e.response.status_code}")
logging.error(e.response.text) # Log the response content for debugging
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"An error occurred during global command registration: {e}")
async def on_ready():
logging.info(f'We have logged in as {client.user.name}')
guild = discord.utils.get(client.guilds, id=int(GUILD_ID))
# Find the "website-status" channel
channel = discord.utils.get(guild.channels, name=CHANNEL_NAME)
if channel is not None:
# Schedule the website check every hour
schedule.every().hour.at(':00').do(check_website, channel)
# Register all commands globally
await register_global_commands()
# If "website-status" channel not found, find the user who added the bot and send a message
owner_id = await find_bot_owner()
owner = await client.fetch_user(owner_id)
if owner:
await owner.send("The 'website-status' channel is not available in the server. Please create the channel for website status updates.")
async def find_bot_owner():
app_info = await client.application_info()
return app_info.owner.id
@client.command(name='start', help='Start monitoring the website hourly.')
async def start(ctx):
await ctx.send('Website status checks started.')
while not client.is_closed():
@client.command(name='quick_check', help='Perform a quick check of the website status.')
async def quick_check_command(ctx):
result = await quick_check()
await ctx.send(result)
@client.command(name='list', help='Show all commands with their descriptions.')
async def list_commands(ctx):
commands_list = "\n".join([f'/{command} => {description}' for command, description in command_descriptions.items()])
await ctx.send(f'Available commands:\n{commands_list}')
@client.command(name='website_url_change', help='Change the website URL.')
async def website_url_change(ctx, new_url):
WEBSITE_URL = new_url
await ctx.send(f"Website URL changed to: {new_url}")
async def check_website(channel):
result = await quick_check()
await channel.send(result)
except ReadTimeout:
logging.error("The website request timed out. Please try again later.")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"An error occurred in check_website: {e}")
async def quick_check():
current_time = datetime.utcnow()
response = requests.head(WEBSITE_URL, timeout=10)
if response.status_code != 200:
return f'Site is down. Time: {current_time.strftime("%I:%M %p")} GMT'
return f'Site is up. Time: {current_time.strftime("%I:%M %p")} GMT'
except ReadTimeout:
return "The website request timed out. Please try again later."
except requests.ConnectionError as e:
return f'Site is down. Time: {current_time.strftime("%I:%M %p")} GMT. Error: {e}'
这是一个用于监控某个网站的 discord 机器人。无论是在线还是离线。
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