将字符串推送到数组中,或将其设置为对象属性的值,是否复制字符串或在 JavaScript 中保留引用?

Does pushing a string into an array, or setting it as the value to an object property, copy the string or keep a reference in JavaScript?

提问人:Lance 提问时间:11/7/2023 更新时间:11/8/2023 访问量:110


特别是在 v8 / Node.js 中,当您将原始类型(字符串、数字、布尔值)推送到数组中时,它是克隆字符串还是存储引用?


let array = []
let x = 'foo'
x = 'bar'
console.log(array) //=> ['foo']


let array = []
let x = 'foo'


let object = {}
let x = 'foo'
object.a = x
object.b = x
object.c = x


在 javascript 中将对象推送到数组中是深度复制还是浅复制?



但我不确定这是否正确(它没有备份)。我必须运行一堆彻底的测试才能真正检查并查看当我推送到数组时内存是否增长。我不太确定实现这一点的最简单方法,所以也许 v8 工程师或其他精通编译器理论的人知道这是如何实现的。

我想用它来计算我添加到 trie 的每个字符串的大小,然后跟踪 trie 的粗略大小(将其中使用的字符串大小相加,并粗略地对用于存储 n 个对象属性和 x 长度数组的字节进行粗略的客调)。所以第一步是理解,当我将字符串推送到多个位置时,我的字符串会被复制吗,还是会在每个位置携带相同的引用?Buffer.byteLength(text, 'utf8')


JavaScript 字符串 v8


0赞 Bergi 11/7/2023
js 值是克隆的,因为它是一个基元。但是,底层表示通常是对文本字节的引用,并且只需要复制该引用,因为引用的字节永远不会更改。
0赞 jmrk 11/7/2023
@Bergi 关键点是字符串没有被克隆。我不认为被欺骗的问题根本无法回答这个问题。想重新打开它以便我可以发布我的答案吗?
0赞 Bergi 11/7/2023
@jmrk呵呵,你是对的,其中任何一个都没有明确说明(尽管 imo 强烈暗示/可以很容易地推断出来)。随意重新开放。


1赞 Yoric 11/7/2023 #1

如果可以避免字符串,JavaScript VM 将永远不会复制字符串。在这种情况下,不复制字符串是微不足道的。

如果你真的想复制字符串,你需要经历一些恶作剧,比如将它们转换为其他编码并返回,或者将它们拆分并连接回来。如果我的记忆正确,上次我检查时,一旦复制了字符串,VM 就不会尝试对它们进行重复数据删除。

资料来源:曾经在 SpiderMonkey 上工作。

2赞 jmrk 11/7/2023 #2

(V8 开发人员在这里。





As a rule of thumb: VMs for dynamic languages like JavaScript treat everything as a reference, except for whichever special cases they choose to optimize (typically some definition of number; search for the terms "smi-tagging" and "nan-boxing" if you want to dig deeper).
Whether a value is a "primitive" or not only affects whether it has object identity:

{foo: 42} === {foo: 42}  // false, objects have identity
42 === 42                // true, numbers have no identity
"foo" === "foo"          // true, strings have no identity

Being a primitive does not affect how a value is stored in arrays/objects/variables/whatever, nor where it is allocated (a related myth I sometimes see is "primitives are allocated on the stack" -- nope, they are not).

Added clarification on @Bergi's request:
Of course, when you repeatedly call , the size of the array's backing stores grows, because it needs to store increasingly many references to the string. So while the string won't be copied, overall memory usage will increase (on average by one pointer per push, but actually happening in chunks).


0赞 Bergi 11/7/2023
"The snippet you quoted is plain wrong as far as implementation details are concerned" - well that blog article is not concerned with implementation details, it tries to explain the difference between primitive and reference values (objects) to beginners.
0赞 Bergi 11/7/2023
"the string is not copied. Neither are booleans." - you might first want to qualify what exactly you mean by "string" or "boolean". There must be something that will be copied to stored it in the array/object.
0赞 jmrk 11/7/2023
@Bergi "it tries to explain the difference between primitive and reference values" Well, I don't think it does a good job of that. Even "primitives don't have properties" would arguably be a more meaningful characterization. "There must be something that will be copied" Yes, a reference to the thing (no matter whether "the thing" is a boolean or a string or an object). and are very similar: and will afterwards hold a reference to whatever value is also referencing. That value could be an object, or an immutable primitive.a[0] = foovar x = fooxa[0]foo
0赞 Bergi 11/7/2023
Please add that to your answer - the array/object will grow by the size of the reference when the new property is added. Btw, do you not consider the reference to be the value? I usually refer to the "referenced thing" as the "contents of the value". But maybe that's just the JS perspective not the engine perspective.
0赞 jmrk 11/8/2023
@Bergi: "do you not consider the reference to be the value?" No, I don't. Of course, references are a particular kind of value, but distinguishing concepts like "pass by reference" and "pass by value" only makes sense when you don't equate values and references. I'll happily agree that "value" is an overloaded term though, and is commonly used for different concepts, e.g. depending on the abstraction level of the statement in question :-)