提问人:KBentley57 提问时间:8/31/2023 最后编辑:KBentley57 更新时间:9/6/2023 访问量:188
使用 FFTW3 的逆傅里叶变换 (IFT) 的结果与解析形式或其他 IFT 方法不匹配,为什么?
The results of an Inverse Fourier Transform (IFT) using FFTW3 doesn't match the analytic form, or other IFT Methods, why?
我正在评估几种不同的方法,以数字方式对真实和偶数的一维数据进行逆傅里叶变换 (IFT)。所讨论的函数是 ,双曲割线函数。IFT 的解析形式是 ,一个缩放的 sech 函数。f(x) = sech(A * x)
f(x) = (pi/A) * sech(pi^2 x / A )
我正在使用 CImg,因为这与图像处理任务有关,但首先我(以数字方式)自学了正向和反向变换。我遇到了一个我似乎找不到答案的障碍,那就是这个——
我无法让 FFTW3 的输出与解析形式、CImg 的逆傅里叶变换结果相匹配,甚至无法与手卷的简单 IFT 代码片段相匹配。例如,下表显示了分析 IFT、CImg 的 IFT(使用 fftw3)、直接使用 FFTW3 和我手写的 IFT 的结果值的比较。FFTW3 很接近,但不太正确。这是我的fftw计划吗?会不会是我的数据,这是一个奇数像素的一维数组?是别的吗?只是想弄清楚。
因为我事先知道我的数据是真实的,甚至,我正在尝试在 FFTW 中使用实对实界面。我尝试使用的 FFTW 类型是 FFTW_REDFT00。四种方法之间的完整比较如下所示,为清晰起见,IFT 的对数缩放(左轴)和原始函数在右轴上。
完整列表如下,并带有示例输出。它将在终端输出中生成完整的表,由制表符分隔。我拥有的 FFTW 版本是 3.3.10。使用 Debian 12,g++ 12.2。使用以下命令编译它
g++ -std=c++17 main_so.cpp -o main2 -lX11 -pthread -lm -lfftw3_threads -lfftw3 -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -pedantic-errors
#define cimg_use_fftw3
#include "CImg.h"
#include "fftw3.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
// alias for a image with double values
using img_t = cimg_library::CImg<double>;
// injecting this into namespace std for this example.
namespace std { double sech(double arg); }
// The different methods used to create the inverse fourier transforms
img_t create_sech_function(int N);
img_t create_analytic_IFT(int N);
img_t create_CImg_IFT(int N, const img_t& img);
img_t create_FFTW3_IFT(int N, const img_t& img);
img_t create_simple_numerical_IFT(int N, const img_t& img);
int main (int argc, char** argv)
// Get the data array dimension
const int N = std::atoi( argv[1] );
const int NO2{ N/2 };
// compute the various inverse fourier transforms
img_t sech = create_sech_function(N);
img_t analytic_IFT = create_analytic_IFT(N);
img_t CImg_IFT = create_CImg_IFT(N, sech);
img_t FFTW3_IFT = create_FFTW3_IFT(N, sech);
img_t simple_IFT = create_simple_numerical_IFT(N, sech);
// if yout want to display the images for ease of analysis
bool display_images{ false };
if(display_images) {
analytic_IFT.display("Analytic IFT");
CImg_IFT.display("CImg IFT");
FFTW3_IFT.display("FFTW3 IFT");
simple_IFT.display("Simple 1D r to c IFT");
// print the data to the screen
std::cout<< "Index\tsech(A*x)\tanalytic\tCImg\t\tSimple\t\tFFTW3\n";
std::cout<< std::scientific << std::setprecision(7);
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
std::cout<< -NO2 + i << '\t'
<< sech(i) << '\t'
<< analytic_IFT(i) << '\t'
<< CImg_IFT(i) << '\t'
<< simple_IFT(i) << '\t'
<< FFTW3_IFT(i) << '\n';
// cmath doesn't have a sech(x) function, so we'll define
// our own.
namespace std {
double sech(double arg) {
return 1.0 / std::cosh(arg) ;
img_t create_sech_function(int N) {
img_t sech(N, 1, 1, 1, double{});
const double pi{ 4.0 * std::atan(1.0) };
const double freq{ 8.0 * pi / N };
const int NO2{ N/2 };
// scale the sech function so that it
// always fits well within the bounds of our image
for (int i = -NO2; i <= NO2; ++i) {
sech(i+NO2) = std::sech(freq * i);
return sech;
img_t create_analytic_IFT(int N) {
img_t analytic(N, 1, 1, 1, double{});
const double pi{ 4.0 * std::atan(1.0) };
const double freq{ 8.0 * pi / N };
const double period{ 1.0 / freq};
const double IN{ 1.0/N };
const double C0{ period * pi * IN };
const double C1{ C0*pi };
const int NO2{ N/2 };
// the analytic function is another sech function.
// very similar to a Gaussian like function in that sense.
for (int i = -NO2; i <= NO2; ++i) {
analytic(i+NO2) = C0 * std::sech(C1 * i);
return analytic;
img_t create_CImg_IFT(int N, const img_t& img) {
// Get the inverse transform through cimg.
// NOTE: because we've defined cimg_use_fftw3, cimg actually
// uses the real to complex interface, and creates essentially
// the same plan as the simple numerical version, which is
// why they match 1 to 1 in the data output.
cimg_library::CImgList<double> CImg_IFT = img.get_FFT('x',true);
img_t IFT_magnitude(N,1,1,1, double{});
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i){
IFT_magnitude(i) = std::hypot( CImg_IFT(0)(i), CImg_IFT(1)(i) );
const int NO2{ N/2 };
return IFT_magnitude;
img_t create_FFTW3_IFT(int N, const img_t& img) {
fftw_plan P1;
double* in = fftw_alloc_real(N);
double* out = fftw_alloc_real(N);
// using the real to real interface, just as before.
P1 = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(N, in, out, FFTW_REDFT00, FFTW_MEASURE);
// populate the in array
std::copy(img.begin(), img.end(), in);
// Create a cimg container from the data, normalizing by N' = 2(N-1)
img_t fftw3_IFT(out, N, 1, 1, 1);
fftw3_IFT /= 2.0*(N - 1);
// deallocate the memory
// create an empty container with the same dimensions.
img_t fftw3_IFT_shift(fftw3_IFT, "xyzc", 0.0);
// Get only the even frequencies.
for(int i = 0; i < N; i += 2) {
fftw3_IFT_shift(i/2) = fftw3_IFT(i);
// Shift the edges around to the center.
const int NO2{ N/2 };
// reflect about the central value
const int NM1{ N-1 };
for(int i = 0; i < NO2; ++i) {
fftw3_IFT_shift(i) = fftw3_IFT_shift(NM1-i);
return fftw3_IFT_shift;
img_t create_simple_numerical_IFT(int N, const img_t& img) {
// Create the data input and output arrays.
std::vector<double> data_in{img.begin(), img.end()};
std::vector<std::complex<double>> data_out(data_in.size());
const double IN{ 1.0/N };
const int NO2{ N/2 };
const double pi{ 4.0 * std::atan(1.0) };
// Create our inverse Fourier transform function
auto F = [&](double k) {
std::complex<double> val{};
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
val += data_in.at(i) * std::exp(std::complex<double>{0.0,2*pi*k*i*IN});
return val;
// calculate the IFT here
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
data_out.at(i) = F(i);
// make a vector for the IFT magnitudes, and calculate it below.
std::vector<double> data_mag(data_in.size());
std::transform(data_out.cbegin(), data_out.cend(), data_mag.begin(),
[&](const std::complex<double>& C) { return std::abs(C)*IN; });
// Shift the data back to the center
std::rotate(data_mag.begin(), data_mag.begin() + NO2 + 1, data_mag.end());
// put the data into a cimg object
img_t my_IFT(data_mag.data(),N,1,1,1);
return my_IFT;
答: 暂无答案
T* in = static_cast<T*>(fftw_malloc(sizeof(T)*N));
double* in = fftw_alloc_real(N);
-Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -Wsign-conversion -pedantic-errors