C++ 错误“对”学生::学生“的未发现引用

C++ Error "Undefinded reference to 'Student::Student

提问人:Kodi Dewitt 提问时间:4/5/2020 最后编辑:SebastianKodi Dewitt 更新时间:9/17/2022 访问量:1284


嘿,伙计们,我真的可以在这里使用一些帮助。我正在学习 C++ 课程,并且一直在尽最大努力弄清楚整个编程问题。在我的一项作业中,我在程序中收到“未定义引用”错误。它出现在 main.cpp 文件的第 30 行。使用构造函数 student 创建名为 student1 的新学生对象的行。任何帮助找出这个问题的根源将不胜感激。



#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Student
        //instance variables declaration
        // declare an int variable called studentID
        int studentID;
        // declare a string variable called firstName
        // declare a string variable called lastName
        string firstName;
        string lastName;
        // declare a string variable called major
        string major;
        // declare an int variable called gradePoints
        int gradePoints;
        // declare an int variable called totalCredits
        int totalCredits;
        //member function declaration
        Student(int , string , string , string , int , int );
        //function getId() is the accessor for instance variable studentID
        int getID();
        //function getFullName() is the accessor for both firstName and lastName
        //you will need to use string concatenation to return the student full name
        string getFullName();
        //function getMajor() is the accessor for instance variable major
        string getMajor();
        //function getGradepoints() is the accessor for instance variable gradePoints
        int getGradepoints();
        //function getCredits() is the accessor for instance variable totalCredits
        int getCredits();
        //function changeMajor(string ) is the mutator for instance variable major
        //the function declaration is given as below
        void changeMajor(string newMajor);
        //function changeMajor(string, int, int) is an overloadded mutator for major
        //the function declaration is given as below
        void changeMajor(string newMajor, int newPoints, int newCredits);
        //function toString() is used to print out all instance variables value
        string toString();



#include "Student.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

Student::Student(int id, string fName, string lName, string major, int points, int credits)
    studentID = id;
    // write the segment of codes that assign input parameters to each of the instance variables
int Student::getId()
    // write a line of code that returns the studentID
    return studentID;
string Student::getFullName()
    // write a line of code that returns the full name of the student, includes both first and last name.
    stringstream ss;
    ss<<firstName<<" "<<lastName;
    return ss.str();
string Student::getMajor()
    // write a line of code that returns the student's major
    return major;
int Student::getGradepoints()
    // write a line of code that returns the student grade points
    return gradePoints;
int Student::getCredits()
    // write a line of code that returns the student total credits
    return totalCredits;
void Student::changeMajor(string newMajor)
    // Change the value of the Student’s major variable to the new input’s value.
void Student::changeMajor(string newMajor, int newPoints, int newCredits)
    // If newPoints and newCredits are less than or equal to their respective instance variable, update
    // the student’s major variable to its new major. Otherwise, print an error message 'Invalid attempt'
string Student::toString()
    stringstream ss;
    ss<<"Student ID :"<<getID()<<endl;
    ss<<"Student Name :"<<getFullName()<<endl;
    ss<<"Major :"<<getMajor()<<endl;
    ss<<"Num. of Points :"<<getGradepoints()<<endl;
    ss<<"Total Credits :"<<getCredits()<<endl;
    return ss.str();


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Student.h"
int main()
        //declare variables where you will store inputs from user
        int studentID;
        string firstName;
        string lastName;
        string major;
        int gradePoints;
        int totalCredits;
        //prompt the user for inputs studentID, firstName, lastName, major
        //gradePoints and totalCredits.
        //store the input in the declared variables
        cout << "Enter student ID: ";
        cout << "Enter first name: ";
        cout << "Enter last name: ";
        cout << "Enter student major: ";
        cout << "Enter # of Points: ";
        cout << "Enter # of credits: ";
        //use the constructor with arguments to create a brand-new Student object
        //called student1 using the variable values provided by the user
        Student student1(studentID,firstName,lastName,major,gradePoints,totalCredits);
        //call the getFullName() function to get the full name of the student.
        cout << "\nStudent Name:\t" <<student1.getFullName()<<"\n";
        //call the getId() method to get the ID of the student
        cout <<"\nStudent ID:\t" << student1.getID() << "\n";
        //call the toString() method to get every info. of the student
        //show it on screen
        cout << student1.toString() << endl;
        //Attempt to change the major to 'International Affairs' with 10 points and 500 credits
        //by calling changeMajor(String newMajor, int newPoints, int newCredits) function
        //This should not succeed. It should print the 'Invalid attempt" message.
        student1.changeMajor("International Affairs,10,500");
        //call getMajor() method and store the student's old major
        //into a variable oldMajor
        string oldMajor =student1.getMajor();
        //Change just the student’s major to
        //'International Affairs' by calling changeMajor(String newMajor) function
        student1.changeMajor("International Affairs");
        // Print out the following message on screen
        // <Student full name> has changed major from <Student_old_major> to <Student_new_major>
        cout<<student1.getFullName()<<" has changed major from "<<oldMajor<<" to "<<student1.getMajor()<<endl;
        //call toString() function to print student1 info. again on screen


我正在使用 GNU GCC 编译器来编译程序。

C++ 代码块 未定义引用


0赞 Kodi Dewitt 4/5/2020
我不这么认为?我没有正确地将文件编译在一起吗?我得到的错误是,在 main.cpp 文件的第 30 行,它说它有一个“对 'Student::Student(int,Etc.) 的未定义引用”,然后当我在此后的行中调用对象时,它们也有未定义的引用错误。如果我公然错过了什么,我很抱歉。
0赞 273K 4/5/2020
1赞 Shaavin 4/5/2020
当我尝试编译您的程序时,我在 Student.cpp 17:20(没有匹配声明)和 Student.cpp 54:5(未在此范围内声明变量)中出现错误。看起来您在这些地方的区分大小写方面存在问题。
2赞 walnut 4/5/2020
@Shaavin 很明显,OP 根本没有编译文件。如果他们这样做了,他们也会看到这些错误。Student.cpp
1赞 Kodi Dewitt 4/5/2020
@walnut我使用代码块作为 IDE,并让它进行构建。如何确保它编译了学生.cpp文件?


0赞 F. Z 9/17/2022 #1


“此任务告诉 g++ 获取活动文件 (${file}),对其进行编译,并在当前目录 (${fileDirname}) 中创建一个可执行文件,该文件与活动文件同名,但没有扩展名 (${fileBasenameNoExtension}),从而为我们的示例生成 helloworld。”


1赞 Sebastian 9/17/2022