提问人:Caesar 提问时间:10/28/2023 更新时间:10/28/2023 访问量:56
使用多个形状 2 的数组填充形状 3 的数组
Populating an array of shape 3 with multiple arrays of shape 2
但我本质上有一个由 2d 数组组成的 dataframe(即每行都是一个名为 ab[y][x] 的 2d 图片,其中 x,y 是整数)。我正在尝试使用数据帧中的每个 2d 数组创建一个具有形状的数组。 也可以认为是每个二维数组中的行数,也可以认为是每个二维数组中的列数。我将在下面包括一个 MRE:(number of rows in data frame, len(x), len(y))
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = {"ab[0][0]": [329, 392, 9294, 4922, 9324, 95839],
"ab[0][1]": [23, 27, 3299, 827, 60, 47],
"ab[0][2]": [80, 32, 50, 782, 934, 93],
"ab[0][3]": [90, 100, 53, 438, 50, 53],
"ab[1][0]": [6000, 245, 24, 204, 2390, 7248],
"ab[1][1]": [23, 5324, 13, 45, 60, 435],
"ab[1][2]": [4253, 53, 5035, 75, 82, 8347],
"ab[1][3]": [843, 9403, 70, 434, 50, 828],
"ab[2][0]": [600, 5000, 10342, 3453, 3553, 9834],
"ab[2][1]": [23, 27, 13, 45, 8493, 70],
"ab[2][2]": [4983, 4872, 28, 75, 60, 843],
"ab[2][3]": [48739, 2389, 3478, 827, 932, 83],
ab_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
ab_values = []
for i in range(ab_df.shape[0]):
individual_ab = []
for j in range(3): # can think of 3 as the x-values on an x-y graph (or 3 columns)
ab_columns = [col for col in ab_df.columns if f'ab[{j}]' in col]
if len (individual_ab) > 0: # so I don't add an empty list to the end of the array
ab_arr = np.stack(ab_values) # should have (6, 4, 3)
我的解决方案实际上使用了三个 for 循环,并且在处理具有 1000+ 行的数据帧时速度非常慢。
我的主要问题是,有没有更好的方法来做到这一点,也许是通过使用一些 numpy 或 pandas 函数或更好的算法?
我的附带问题是,对于我的 x 轴的长度(即),有没有办法使用数据自动计算出这一点,现在我正在手动编码 3,如上面的示例所示,但是说进来的数据发生了变化,我想要一种方法来自动更改该值。我一直在试图找出解决这个问题的方法,但我就是无法解决它。for j in range(3)
IIUC,可以直接对 DataFrame 进行整形
N = 3 # or maybe N = ab_df.shape[0] // 2 ?
ab_arr = np.reshape(ab_df, (-1, ab_df.shape[1]//N, N), order="F")
array([[[ 329, 6000, 600],
[ 23, 23, 23],
[ 80, 4253, 4983],
[ 90, 843, 48739]],
[[ 392, 245, 5000],
[ 27, 5324, 27],
[ 32, 53, 4872],
[ 100, 9403, 2389]],
[[ 9294, 24, 10342],
[ 3299, 13, 13],
[ 50, 5035, 28],
[ 53, 70, 3478]],
[[ 4922, 204, 3453],
[ 827, 45, 45],
[ 782, 75, 75],
[ 438, 434, 827]],
[[ 9324, 2390, 3553],
[ 60, 60, 8493],
[ 934, 82, 60],
[ 50, 50, 932]],
[[95839, 7248, 9834],
[ 47, 435, 70],
[ 93, 8347, 843],
[ 53, 828, 83]]])
In [108]: data
{'ab[0][0]': [329, 392, 9294, 4922, 9324, 95839],
'ab[0][1]': [23, 27, 3299, 827, 60, 47],
'ab[0][2]': [80, 32, 50, 782, 934, 93],
'ab[0][3]': [90, 100, 53, 438, 50, 53],
'ab[1][0]': [6000, 245, 24, 204, 2390, 7248],
'ab[1][1]': [23, 5324, 13, 45, 60, 435],
'ab[1][2]': [4253, 53, 5035, 75, 82, 8347],
'ab[1][3]': [843, 9403, 70, 434, 50, 828],
'ab[2][0]': [600, 5000, 10342, 3453, 3553, 9834],
'ab[2][1]': [23, 27, 13, 45, 8493, 70],
'ab[2][2]': [4983, 4872, 28, 75, 60, 843],
'ab[2][3]': [48739, 2389, 3478, 827, 932, 83]}
In [109]: ab_df
ab[0][0] ab[0][1] ab[0][2] ab[0][3] ab[1][0] ab[1][1] ab[1][2] \
0 329 23 80 90 6000 23 4253
1 392 27 32 100 245 5324 53
2 9294 3299 50 53 24 13 5035
3 4922 827 782 438 204 45 75
4 9324 60 934 50 2390 60 82
5 95839 47 93 53 7248 435 8347
ab[1][3] ab[2][0] ab[2][1] ab[2][2] ab[2][3]
0 843 600 23 4983 48739
1 9403 5000 27 4872 2389
2 70 10342 13 28 3478
3 434 3453 45 75 827
4 50 3553 8493 60 932
5 828 9834 70 843 83
In [111]: arr = ab_df.to_numpy()
In [112]: arr
array([[ 329, 23, 80, 90, 6000, 23, 4253, 843, 600,
23, 4983, 48739],
[ 392, 27, 32, 100, 245, 5324, 53, 9403, 5000,
27, 4872, 2389],
[ 9294, 3299, 50, 53, 24, 13, 5035, 70, 10342,
13, 28, 3478],
[ 4922, 827, 782, 438, 204, 45, 75, 434, 3453,
45, 75, 827],
[ 9324, 60, 934, 50, 2390, 60, 82, 50, 3553,
8493, 60, 932],
[95839, 47, 93, 53, 7248, 435, 8347, 828, 9834,
70, 843, 83]], dtype=int64)
In [113]: arr.shape
Out[113]: (6, 12)
In [116]: arr.reshape(3,4,-1)
array([[[ 329, 23, 80, 90, 6000, 23],
[ 4253, 843, 600, 23, 4983, 48739],
[ 392, 27, 32, 100, 245, 5324],
[ 53, 9403, 5000, 27, 4872, 2389]],
[[ 9294, 3299, 50, 53, 24, 13],
[ 5035, 70, 10342, 13, 28, 3478],
[ 4922, 827, 782, 438, 204, 45],
[ 75, 434, 3453, 45, 75, 827]],
[[ 9324, 60, 934, 50, 2390, 60],
[ 82, 50, 3553, 8493, 60, 932],
[95839, 47, 93, 53, 7248, 435],
[ 8347, 828, 9834, 70, 843, 83]]], dtype=int64)
In [120]: arr.T.reshape(3,4,6)
array([[[ 329, 392, 9294, 4922, 9324, 95839],
[ 23, 27, 3299, 827, 60, 47],
[ 80, 32, 50, 782, 934, 93],
[ 90, 100, 53, 438, 50, 53]],
[[ 6000, 245, 24, 204, 2390, 7248],
[ 23, 5324, 13, 45, 60, 435],
[ 4253, 53, 5035, 75, 82, 8347],
[ 843, 9403, 70, 434, 50, 828]],
[[ 600, 5000, 10342, 3453, 3553, 9834],
[ 23, 27, 13, 45, 8493, 70],
[ 4983, 4872, 28, 75, 60, 843],
[48739, 2389, 3478, 827, 932, 83]]], dtype=int64)
下一个:DFS 最终进入无限循环