如何在较新版本的 macOS 上安装 CoreAudio?

How do I install CoreAudio on newer versions of macOS?

提问人:MrError 提问时间:7/29/2023 更新时间:7/29/2023 访问量:39


我需要为我的项目安装 CoreAudio 驱动程序。我打开了Apple网站,打开了页面并下载了存档。然后,当我尝试按照此页面上的说明安装它时,出现以下错误:


2023-07-29 15:14:13.237 xcodebuild[13012:113976] DVTCoreDeviceEnabledState: DVTCoreDeviceEnabledState_Disabled set via user default (DVTEnableCoreDevice=disabled)
Command line invocation:
    /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild -project SimpleAudio.xcodeproj -scheme SimpleAudioPlugIn DSTROOT=/tmp/SimpleAudio/dstroot SYMROOT=/tmp/SimpleAudio/symroot OBJROOT=/tmp/SimpleAudio/objroot install

User defaults from command line:
    IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES

Build settings from command line:
    DSTROOT = /tmp/SimpleAudio/dstroot
    OBJROOT = /tmp/SimpleAudio/objroot
    SYMROOT = /tmp/SimpleAudio/symroot

--- xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations:
{ platform:macOS, arch:arm64, id:00008103-001D443A1AD0801E }
{ platform:macOS, arch:x86_64, id:00008103-001D443A1AD0801E }
{ platform:macOS, name:Any Mac }
Prepare packages

Computing target dependency graph and provisioning inputs

Create build description

note: Building targets in dependency order
/Users/admin/Downloads/BuildingAnAudioServerPlugInAndDriverExtension/SimpleAudio.xcodeproj: error: Signing for "SimpleAudioPlugIn" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'SimpleAudioPlugIn' from project 'SimpleAudio')

sudo: darwinup: command not found

如果我理解正确的话,错误是 darwinup 丢失了,它已从系统中剪掉,并且无法安装。安装 CoreAudio 有哪些选项?

我的MacOS版本:Ventura 13.5

macOS Core-音频


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