Java 中参数化类的原始使用

Raw use of parameterized class in Java

提问人:Gianni Spear 提问时间:7/7/2023 最后编辑:Gianni Spear 更新时间:7/7/2023 访问量:352


我有两个类在 Java 中使用泛型来执行度量单位之间的转换。在 BaseUnitConverter 类中,我有两个来自 intellij IDE 的警告,它们说:

Raw use of parameterized class 'InstantiatorUnitConverter' 
Unchecked assignment: 'org.cnr.lambertools.utils.unitconverter.InstantiatorUnitConverter' to 'org.cnr.lambertools.utils.unitconverter.InstantiatorUnitConverter<T>' 
Unchecked call to 'InstantiatorUnitConverter(Object, T, String)' as a member of raw type 'org.cnr.lambertools.utils.unitconverter.InstantiatorUnitConverter' 


protected final <M,E> M storeValue(M t, double value, E tt){
        me = new InstantiatorUnitConverter(value, tt, st(tt));
        return t;

protected final <M, E> M storeValue(M t, Object value, E tt){
    me = new InstantiatorUnitConverter(value, tt, st(tt));
    return t;

enter image description here



 * Instantiated variables from new UnitConverter instance (Only used in class BaseUnitConverter).
public final class InstantiatorUnitConverter<T> implements Serializable {
    private final Object o;      //Only used in DataType and NumericBase measurements (classes), user passed "from" value (Object). When this is the case, variable "v" is not used.
    private final double v;      //User passed "from" value (double). When this is the case, variable "o" is not used.
    private final T t;        //Enum constant value representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
    private final String ts;  //String value of enum constant representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
    private final boolean d;  //Used in class "getValuePassed()". True if "from" value was a double, false for Object (Object only used in DataType and NumericBase measurements (classes)).

     * Empty constructor only called when instantiating from class
    public InstantiatorUnitConverter(){
        o = "";
        v = -1;
        t = null;
        ts = "";
        d = true;

     * Only used in class when measurement "from" method only converts numbers.
     * All measurements other than DataType and NumericBase use this constructor.
     * @param value User passed "from" value (double).
     * @param enumConstant Enum constant value representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
     * @param enumTag String value of enum constant representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
    public InstantiatorUnitConverter(double value, T enumConstant, String enumTag){
        o = "";     //This variable (Object value) will not be used when this constructor is called, default it to an empty string.
        v = value;
        t = enumConstant;
        ts = enumTag;
        d = true;   //Variable d set to true as "from" value passed is a numeric type not an Object.

     * Only used in class when measurement "from" method can convert more than numbers and an Object is passed as the value.
     * Only measurements DataType and NumericBase use this constructor.
     * @param value User passed "from" value (Object).
     * @param enumConstant Enum constant value representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
     * @param enumTag String value of enum constant representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
    public InstantiatorUnitConverter(Object value, T enumConstant, String enumTag){
        o = value;
        v = -1;     //This variable (double value) will not be used when this constructor is called, default it to -1
        t = enumConstant;
        ts = enumTag;
        d = false;  //Variable d set to false as "from" value passed is an Object not double.

    public Object getO() {
        return o;

    public double getV() {
        return v;

    public T getT() {
        return t;

    public String getTs() {
        return ts;

    public boolean isD() {
        return d;


 * Generic base class for most UnitConverter measurement classes.
public class BaseUnitConverter<T> implements Serializable {

    private InstantiatorUnitConverter<T> me; //Instantiate class for variables needed to perform conversions.

    public BaseUnitConverter() { = new InstantiatorUnitConverter<>();

    public InstantiatorUnitConverter<T> getIstantiator(){

     * Returns value initially passed into the measurement's "from" method.
    public final Object getValuePassed(){
        return (me.isD()) ? me.getV() : me.getO();    //true returns numeric value passed, false returns Object passed.

     * Returns the enum constant value representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
    public final String getTypeConstantPassed(){

        return me.getTs();

     * Stores the needed values to do conversions of the measurement.
     * This overload of the method is used in "from" methods in every measurement class other than Anything(), DataType(), and NumericBase().
     * @param <M> Class context of measurement passed (usually "this" is passed from caller).
     * @param <E> Enum constant value representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
     * @param t Class context of measurement passed (usually "this" is passed from caller).
     * @param value User passed "from" value (double).
     * @param tt Enum constant value representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
     * @return class context passed in so variable like "UnitOf.Length len" can be used as the variable type
    protected final <M,E> M storeValue(M t, double value, E tt){
        me = new InstantiatorUnitConverter(value, tt, st(tt));
        return t;

     * Stores the needed values to do conversions of the measurement.
     * This overload of the method is used only in DataType and NumericBase as Objects can be passed as "from" values.
     * @param <M> Class context of measurement passed (usually "this" is passed from caller).
     * @param <E> Enum constant value representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
     * @param t Class context of measurement passed (usually "this" is passed from caller).
     * @param value User passed "from" value (Object).
     * @param tt Enum constant value representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
     * @return class context passed in so variable like "UnitOf.DataType dt" can be used as the variable type
    protected final <M, E> M storeValue(M t, Object value, E tt){
        me = new InstantiatorUnitConverter(value, tt, st(tt));
        return t;

     * Gets and returns the string value of constant representing the "from" method of the measurement used.
    private <E> String st(E tt){
        String unitType = "";
            unitType = tt.toString();
        } catch(Exception ignored){ }
        return unitType;

     * Used by every measurement class that converts just numbers (Anything(), DataType(), NumericBase() do not apply here).
     * Method performs the full conversion of taking the user defined "from" value and converting it into the user desired "to" value.
     * @param a Enum constant value of "to" unit. Unit being converted into conversion constant value.
     * @param b Enum constant value of "from" unit. Unit starting from conversion constant value.
     * @return Finished conversion. "From" converted into "to" value.
    protected final double k(double a, double b){

        return k(a,b,true);

     * Used by every measurement class that converts just numbers (Anything(), DataType(), NumericBase() do not apply here)
     * Method performs the full conversion of taking the user defined "from" value and converting it into the user desired "to" value.
     * @param a Enum constant value of "to" unit. Unit being converted into conversion constant value.
     * @param b Enum constant value of "from" unit. Unit starting from conversion constant value.
     * @param q Multiply then divide conversion algorithm, false will divide then multiply when converting "to"
     * @return Finished conversion. "from" converted into "to" value.
    protected final double k(double a, double b, boolean q){

        return UnitConverterUtils.i(UnitConverterUtils.i(me.getV(), a, q), b, !q);


我尝试了 Serg Vasylchak 提出的解决方案,但我收到一条错误消息(注意只是更改字母符号):

enter image description here

enter image description here

Java 泛型 警告


1赞 MorganS42 7/7/2023
0赞 Gianni Spear 7/7/2023
0赞 MorganS42 7/7/2023
0赞 Gianni Spear 7/7/2023
0赞 Gianni Spear 7/7/2023


0赞 Serg Vasylchak 7/7/2023 #1
    protected final <M,E> M storeValue(M t, double value, E tt){
        me = new InstantiatorUnitConverter<E>(value, tt, st(tt));

        return t;

原始使用参数化类“AClass”意味着您有一个参数化定义,但引用它时没有“菱形”——class AClass<T>AClass a = new AClass()


        List list = new ArrayList<>(); // --> List<?> list
        List<String> list = new ArrayList(); // --> new ArrayList<>();
        Function function = o -> o.toString(); // --> Function<Object, String>



class BaseUnitConverter<T> {

    private InstantiatorUnitConverter<T> me;

    protected final <M, E> M storeValue(M t, double value, E tt) { = new InstantiatorUnitConverter<E>(value, tt, st(tt));
        return t;


这和你做的一样List<String> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

我现在看到了 2 种修复方法,但这取决于您的具体情况。

  1. 使 storeValue 接受为参数(但您将失去类型的灵活性)T
class BaseUnitConverter<T> {

    private InstantiatorUnitConverter<T> me;

    protected final <M> M storeValue(M t, double value, T tt) { = new InstantiatorUnitConverter<>(value, tt, st(tt));
        return t;
  1. “De-generify”BaseUnitConverter 类(您必须在某个时候强制转换,就像它在 Java Collections 中的工作方式一样)
class BaseUnitConverter {

    private InstantiatorUnitConverter<?> me;

    protected final <M, E> M storeValue(M t, double value, E tt) { = new InstantiatorUnitConverter<>(value, tt, st(tt));
        return t;

    // You will lose the type here
    public InstantiatorUnitConverter<?> getIstantiator(){

    // Or generify the getter 
    // May throw java.lang.ClassCastException if referencing with the wrong type
    // Java-collections-like style (e.g., see ArrayList)
    public <T> InstantiatorUnitConverter<T> getIstantiator() {
        return (InstantiatorUnitConverter<T>);


0赞 Gianni Spear 7/7/2023
0赞 Serg Vasylchak 7/7/2023
0赞 Gianni Spear 7/7/2023
0赞 Gianni Spear 7/7/2023
0赞 Gianni Spear 7/7/2023
private InstantiatorUnitConverter<T> me -> 创建一个 objct with public InstantiatorUnitConverter(){ o = “”;v = -1;t = 空;ts = “”;d = 真;}