
How to read double values from CSV file and add them to the same column in pandas?

提问人:Mahmoud Abdel-Rahman 提问时间:11/17/2023 更新时间:11/17/2023 访问量:32


以下数据位于 CSV 文件中:

SBUX, Starbucks,
YHOO, Yahoo,
ABK, Ambac Financial,
V, Visa,
MA, Mastercard,
MCD, McDonald's,
MCK, McKesson,
MDT, Metronic,
MRK, Merk&Co,
MAR, Marriott International,
MKTX, MarketAxess,
LRCX, LAM Research,
LOW, Lowe's

我想将 csv 文件的每一行添加到 pandas 数据帧中的同一列。我希望输出如下:


SBUX     |YHOO |ABK             |V   |MA        |MCD       |MCK     |MDT     |
Starbucks|Yahoo|Amback Financial|Visa|Mastercard|McDonald's|McKesson|Metronic|


python-3.x pandas 数据帧 csv


1赞 Timeless 11/17/2023
df = pd.read_csv("f.csv", skipinitialspace=True, index_col=[0]).iloc[:, :-1].T.


-1赞 Trandre 11/17/2023 #1

为此,可以将 CSV 文件读入 pandas DataFrame,然后将其转置,将第一行设置为列标题,将第二行设置为数据。下面是一个示例:

import pandas as pd

# Assuming 'data.csv' contains the provided CSV data
# Read the CSV file
data = pd.read_csv('data.csv', header=None)

# Transpose the DataFrame and set the first row as column headers
data_transposed = data.T

# Set the first row as column headers and drop the original header row
data_transposed.columns = data_transposed.iloc[0]
data_transposed = data_transposed.drop(0)

# Display the transposed DataFrame

此代码将读取 CSV 文件,转置数据,将第一行设置为列标题,并创建 DataFrame,如你所述。

请记住,如果 CSV 文件包含更多行或列,则此代码将仅处理前两行(标题和相应数据)。如果 CSV 文件包含其他信息,则可能需要进行调整。