根据 API 文档,从响应中解析数据的结构应该是什么?

What are structs should be according to API docs to parse data from response?

提问人:Andy 提问时间:3/17/2023 最后编辑:Dávid PásztorAndy 更新时间:3/17/2023 访问量:65




来自 API 文档的响应正文:

    units: {
        {parameter-level}: string,
        {parameter2-level}: string,
    {parameter-level}: float[],
    {parameter2-level}: float[],


设法仅将 ts:int[] 成功解码到此结构:

struct Response: Codable {
    var ts: [Int]


JSON Swift API 解析 可解码


0赞 Joakim Danielson 3/17/2023
有像 quicktype.io 这样的网站可以帮助您快速构建
0赞 Andy 3/17/2023
已经使用过,但仍需要帮助,因此 quicktype 无法转换它
0赞 Larme 3/17/2023
我会测试 API 以返回一些示例,并尝试理解它们。这部分很奇怪,对我来说,这是肯定的,因为,我会去,等等。units[String: String]{parameter-level}: float[],let parameterLevelName: [Float],
0赞 Joakim Danielson 3/17/2023
然后发布您尝试过的内容。并发布适当的 json 示例


-1赞 workingdog support Ukraine 3/17/2023 #1


struct ResponseAPI: Decodable {
    var ts: [Int]
    var units: [String:String]
    var data: [String:[Float]]

    init(ts: [Int], units: [String:String], data: [String:[Float]]) {
       self.ts = ts
       self.units = units
       self.data = data
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case ts, units
    struct AnyKey: CodingKey {
        var stringValue: String
        var intValue: Int?
        init?(stringValue: String) {  self.stringValue = stringValue  }
        init?(intValue: Int) { return nil } // never used
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container1 = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        self.ts = try container1.decode([Int].self, forKey: .ts)
        self.units = try container1.decode([String:String].self, forKey: .units)
        self.data = [:]
        let container2 = try decoder.container(keyedBy: AnyKey.self)
        container2.allKeys.forEach { key in
            if let theFloats = try? container2.decode([Float].self, forKey: key) {
                self.data[key.stringValue] = theFloats