Python Tkinter 内存游戏 - onClick 问题

Python Tkinter Memory Game- onClick Problem

提问人:learningToCode 提问时间:11/10/2023 最后编辑:acw1668learningToCode 更新时间:11/10/2023 访问量:37


我正在尝试用我选择的图像构建一个记忆游戏。我正在使用 Tkinter 和 Python,我可以创建按钮,但我的函数有问题,不允许我在单击按钮后看到图像。如果我坚持使用数字而不是图像,我就可以让它工作,所以我知道这就是我的问题所在。

我创建了按钮列表,并将其默认图像设置为白色。我创建了一个列表,其中包含要显示的图像。onClick 我想浏览图像列表,并将按钮图像更改为列表中的图像。


from tkinter import *
import random
from PIL import ImageTk, Image

game = Tk()
game.title('Memory Game Challenge')

# Images
base =  ImageTk.PhotoImage("/Users/a/PycharmProjects/Images/white.jpeg").resize((125, 125)))
img1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage("/Users/a/PycharmProjects/Images/red_1.png").resize((125, 125)))
img2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage("/Users/a/PycharmProjects/Images/red_2.png").resize((125, 125)))
img3 = ImageTk.PhotoImage("/Users/a/PycharmProjects/Images/red_3.png").resize((125, 125)))
img4 = ImageTk.PhotoImage("/Users/a/PycharmProjects/Images/red_4.png").resize((125, 125)))
img5 = ImageTk.PhotoImage("/Users/a/PycharmProjects/Images/brown_1.png").resize((125, 125)))
img6 = ImageTk.PhotoImage("/Users/a/PycharmProjects/Images/brown_2.png").resize((125, 125)))
img7 = ImageTk.PhotoImage("/Users/a/PycharmProjects/Images/brown_3.png").resize((125, 125)))
img8 = ImageTk.PhotoImage("/Users/a/PycharmProjects/Images/brown_4.png").resize((125, 125)))

# Creating list for matches
matches = [img1, img1, img2, img2, img3, img3, img4, img4, img5, img5, img6, img6, img7, img7, img8, img8]

# Shuffle matches

# Create Easy Frame 4 * 4
easy_frame = Frame(game)

# Define Variables
count = 0
answer_list = []
answer_dictionary = {}

# Define function for clicking the button
def button_click(b, number):
    global count, answer_list, answer_dictionary

    if b["image"] == base and count < 2:
        b["image"] = matches[number]
        # adding the number to answer list
        # Adding number and button to answer dictionary
        answer_dictionary[b] = matches[number]
        # Increment count
        count += 1

    # Determine if they match
    if len(answer_list) == 2:
        if matches[answer_list[0]] == matches[answer_list[1]]:
            match_label.config(text="Your Found a Match")
            for key in answer_dictionary:
                key["state"] = "disable"
             count = 0
             answer_list = []
             answer_dictionary = {}
            match_label.config(text="Try again")
            count = 0
            answer_list = []

            # Reset buttons to be blank
            for key in answer_dictionary:
                key["image"] = base

            answer_dictionary = {}

# Create Buttons for layout
b0 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b0, 0))
b1 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b1, 1))
b2 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b2, 2))
b3 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b3, 3))
b4 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b4, 4))
b5 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b5, 5))
b6 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b6, 6))
b7 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b7, 7))
b8 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b8, 8))
b9 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b9, 9))
b10 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b10, 10))
b11 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b11, 11))
b12 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b12, 12))
b13 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b13, 13))
b14 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b14, 14))
b15 = Button(easy_frame, image=base, height=125, width=125, command=lambda: button_click(b15, 15))

# Assign buttons to Grid
b0.grid(row=0, column=0)
b1.grid(row=0, column=1)
b2.grid(row=0, column=2)
b3.grid(row=0, column=3)

b4.grid(row=1, column=0)
b5.grid(row=1, column=1)
b6.grid(row=1, column=2)
b7.grid(row=1, column=3)

b8.grid(row=2, column=0)
b9.grid(row=2, column=1)
b10.grid(row=2, column=2)
b11.grid(row=2, column=3)

b12.grid(row=3, column=0)
b13.grid(row=3, column=1)
b14.grid(row=3, column=2)
b15.grid(row=3, column=3)

match_label = Label(game, text="")

蟒蛇 tkinter onclick



0赞 acw1668 11/10/2023 #1

请注意,它返回按钮中使用的图像的内部名称(字符串),但 是 的实例,因此始终是 。请改用。b["image"]baseImageTk.PhotoImage()b["image"] == baseFalseb["image"] == str(base)



# Define function for clicking the button
def button_click(b, number):
    global count, answer_list, answer_dictionary

    # use str(base) instead of base
    if b["image"] == str(base) and count < 2:
        b["image"] = matches[number]
        # adding the number to answer list
        # Adding number and button to answer dictionary
        answer_dictionary[b] = matches[number]
        # Increment count
        count += 1

    # Determine if they match
    if len(answer_list) == 2:
        if matches[answer_list[0]] == matches[answer_list[1]]:
            match_label.config(text="Your Found a Match")
            for key in answer_dictionary:
                key["state"] = "disable"
            count = 0
            answer_list = []
            answer_dictionary = {}
            match_label.config(text="Try again")
            game.update() # force update the button
            game.after(500)  # sleep a short period (half second)
            count = 0
            answer_list = []

            # Reset buttons to be blank
            for key in answer_dictionary:
                key["image"] = base

            answer_dictionary = {}


0赞 learningToCode 11/11/2023