getWidth() 在 HashMap 循环中不起作用

getWidth() is not working inside looping over HashMap

提问人:Vasyl F 提问时间:4/13/2023 最后编辑:Vasyl F 更新时间:4/13/2023 访问量:34


朋友。 我正在尝试编写 JAVA 程序,该程序将根据用户提供的输入绘制图形。我有表示绘制名称图的画布的类。此类负责在条目列表更改或调整窗口大小时更新(重绘)图形。通过从文件中获取数据,将它们放入 ItemGraph 类中的 HashMap 中,然后遍历它以获取绘制图表所需的数据。我遇到了一个问题,我无法在 HashMap 循环中访问 getWidth() 数据,尽管相同的方法在上面的代码中为我提供了正确的信息(突出显示的粗体)。此外,当我尝试添加()一些GObjects时,它不起作用。我真的不知道那里发生了什么,问题是什么。将感谢所有的帮助。

公共类 ItemGraph 扩展了 GCanvas 实现 ItemConstants, ComponentListener {

private HashMap<String, ItemEntry> entries;

 * Creates a new ItemGraph object that displays the data.
public ItemGraph() {
    entries = new HashMap<>();

/* Method: addEntry(entry) */

 * Adds a new ItemEntry to the list of entries on the display.
 * Note that this method does not actually draw the graph, but
 * simply stores the entry; the graph is drawn by calling update.
public void addEntry(ItemEntry entry) {
    if (entry != null) {
        entries.put(entry.getName(), entry);

 * Updates the display image by deleting all the graphical objects
 * from the canvas and then reassembling the display according to
 * the list of entries. Your application must call update after
 * calling either clear or addEntry; update is also called whenever
 * the size of the canvas changes.

public void update() {


    double canvasHeight = getHeight();
    double canvasWidth = getWidth();

    double columnWidth = canvasWidth / NDECADES;

    for (int i = 0; i < NDECADES; i++) {
        double x = i * columnWidth;
 **System.out.println(columnWidth); all working here**
        GLine line = new GLine(x, 0, x, canvasHeight);

        GLabel decade = new GLabel(Integer.toString(START_DECADE + i * 10),
                x + GRAPH_MARGIN_SIZE / 2, canvasHeight - GRAPH_MARGIN_SIZE / 3);

    GLine topHorizontalLine = new GLine(0, GRAPH_MARGIN_SIZE, canvasWidth,      GRAPH_MARGIN_SIZE);

    GLine bottomHorizontalLine = new GLine(0, canvasHeight - GRAPH_MARGIN_SIZE,
            canvasWidth, canvasHeight - GRAPH_MARGIN_SIZE);

    for (ItemEntry entry : entries.values()) {
        String gName = entry.getName();
**System.out.println(gName);all working here**
System.out.println(columnWidth);here i have 0**
        for (int i = 0; i < NDECADES; i++) {

            GOval oval = new GOval(10 * i, 10 * i, 10 * i, 10 * i);


/* Implementation of the ComponentListener interface */
public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {

public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {

public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {

public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {


Java Events Canvas 哈希映射 组件


0赞 Aaron 4/14/2023
ItemEntry 类是否有 columnWidth 的(公共)getter ?如果是这样,它叫什么?
0赞 g00se 4/14/2023
什么?如果它像 ,它应该知道自己的宽度。它的宽度将是其父容器的宽度GCanvasjava.awt.Canvas
0赞 camickr 4/14/2023

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