当属性 EnableRaisingEvents 更改时,将事件添加到 FileSystemWatcher

Add event to FileSystemWatcher when property EnableRaisingEvents changed

提问人:Tobias G. 提问时间:10/27/2022 更新时间:1/15/2023 访问量:66



Public Class MyFSW
    Inherits FileSystemWatcher
    Public Property ParentForm As Form
    Public Property TabPage As TabPage
End Class

现在我想向 this 类添加一个自定义事件,该事件在 FileSystemWatcher 的属性“EnableRaisingEvents”更改时触发?


vb.net 事件 filesystemwatcher



0赞 jmcilhinney 10/27/2022 #1


Public Class FileSystemWatcherEx
    Inherits FileSystemWatcher

    Public Property ParentForm As Form
    Public Property TabPage As TabPage

    Public Shadows Property EnableRaisingEvents As Boolean
            Return MyBase.EnableRaisingEvents
        End Get
        Set(value As Boolean)
            If MyBase.EnableRaisingEvents <> value Then
                MyBase.EnableRaisingEvents = value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Event EnableRaisingEventsChanged As EventHandler

    Protected Overridable Sub OnEnableRaisingEventsChanged(e As EventArgs)
        RaiseEvent EnableRaisingEventsChanged(Me, e)
    End Sub

End Class

只要您通过 类型 的引用设置属性,这将起作用。由于该属性是隐藏的,而不是重写的,因此通过类型的引用设置它将绕过派生的属性实现,并且不会引发事件。你真的对此无能为力。FileSystemWatcherExFileSystemWatcher

0赞 G3nt_M3caj 10/27/2022 #2



Option Strict On
Imports System.IO

Public Class Form1
    Private Fsw As CustomFSW

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub

    Sub CreateFSW()

        Fsw = New CustomFSW With {
                .Name = "Tab1", 'Adding this you can specify the object is sending the event
                .Path = "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\Test\",
                .Filter = "*.*",
                .IncludeSubdirectories = True,
                .EnableRaisingEvents = True

        AddHandler Fsw.Created, AddressOf Fsw_Event
        AddHandler Fsw.Changed, AddressOf Fsw_Event
        AddHandler Fsw.Renamed, AddressOf Fsw_Event
        AddHandler Fsw.Deleted, AddressOf Fsw_Event

        'Here the handler of your custom event
        AddHandler Fsw.MyCutomEvent, AddressOf Fsw_CutomEvent

    End Sub

    Private Class CustomFSW
        Inherits FileSystemWatcher

        Private counter As Integer = 0
        Public Property Name As String

          'You can use the base property instead of this for specific needs
        Private _EnableRaisingEvents As Boolean
        Public Overloads Property EnableRaisingEvents As Boolean
                Return _EnableRaisingEvents
            End Get
            Set(value As Boolean)
                If Not value = _EnableRaisingEvents Then
                    counter += 1
                    RaiseEvent MyCutomEvent(Me, "Ciaooo, EnableRaisingEvents is changed " & counter.ToString & " times")
                End If
                _EnableRaisingEvents = value
            End Set
        End Property

        'Rename this on your needs 
        Public Event MyCustomEvent(sender As Object, e As String)

    End Class

    Private Sub Fsw_CustomEvent(sender As Object, e As String)
        ' Do your stuff here 
    End Sub

    Private Sub Fsw_Event(sender As Object, e As FileSystemEventArgs)
        Dim FSW As CustomFSW = CType(sender, CustomFSW)
        If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(FSW.Name) Then
            Select Case FSW.Name
                Case "Tab1"
                    'Do something
                    Debug.WriteLine("Event generated from: " & FSW.Name)

                Case "Tab2"
                    'Do something else 
                    Debug.WriteLine("Event generated from: " & FSW.Name)

            End Select
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        If Fsw IsNot Nothing Then
            Fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = Not Fsw.EnableRaisingEvents
        End If
    End Sub

End Class
0赞 Tobias G. 10/27/2022 #3

到目前为止谢谢你! 这是我现在得到的(在我的类文件中):

Public Class MyFSW
    Inherits FileSystemWatcher
    Public Property ParentForm As Form
    Public Property TabPage As TabPage

    Public Shadows Property EnableRaisingEvents As Boolean
            Return MyBase.EnableRaisingEvents
        End Get
        Set(value As Boolean)
            If MyBase.EnableRaisingEvents <> value Then
                MyBase.EnableRaisingEvents = value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Event EnableRaisingEventsChanged As EventHandler

    Protected Overridable Sub OnEnableRaisingEventsChanged(e As EventArgs)
        RaiseEvent EnableRaisingEventsChanged(Me, e)
    End Sub
End Class

在我的 Form-Class 中得到了这个:

Sub CreateFSW()
    w.Watcher = New MyFSW With {
            .ParentForm = f,
            .TabPage = tp,
            .Path = w.Path,
            .Filter = w.Filter,
            .IncludeSubdirectories = w.IncludeSubdirs,
            .NotifyFilter = DirectCast(w.NotifyFilter, NotifyFilters)

    AddHandler w.Watcher.Created, AddressOf Fsw_EventRaise
    AddHandler w.Watcher.Changed, AddressOf Fsw_EventRaise
    AddHandler w.Watcher.Renamed, AddressOf Fsw_EventRaise
    AddHandler w.Watcher.Deleted, AddressOf Fsw_EventRaise

    AddHandler w.Watcher.EnableRaisingEventsChanged, AddressOf Fsw_Event
End Sub

Private Sub Fsw_Event(sender As Object, e As FileSystemEventArgs)
End Sub


Option Strict On does not allow narrowing in implicit type conversions between method Fsw_Event(sender As Object, e As FileSystemEventArgs) and delegate Delegate Sub EventHandler(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)



0赞 Tobias G. 10/27/2022
我想我明白了。更改了此行:Public Shared Sub Fsw_EventOnOff(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)