swap 和 assignment 运算符在链表类中调用自身,导致 Stack Overflow

The swap and assignment operator calls themselves in linked list class, causing Stack Overflow

提问人:o_22 提问时间:11/3/2023 更新时间:11/3/2023 访问量:74


我从Visual Studio收到此错误:

Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF9E8AF8739 (ucrtbased.dll) in List.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (parameters: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000007E50C13FF8).


我正在阅读一个数字文件,将其数字添加到链表中。并将该链表附加到动态数组并打印其内容。LinkedList 和 ArrayList 都有其运算符<<重载。



#include "List.hpp"
#include "Node.hpp"

#include <iostream> // operator<<

template <typename T>
class LinkedList: public List<T>
    Node<T>* m_head{nullptr};
    Node<T>* m_tail{nullptr};

    int m_size{};

    void swap(T& a, T& b)
        auto temp = a;
        a = b;
        b = temp;

    void swap(LinkedList<T>& a, LinkedList<T>& b)
        LinkedList<T> temp = a;
        a = b;
        b = temp;

    LinkedList() = default;

    LinkedList(std::initializer_list<T> i_list)
        for (const auto& item : i_list)

    // Copy constructor.
    LinkedList(const LinkedList<T>& other) : List<T>{}
        auto temp = other.m_head;

        while (temp != nullptr)
            temp = temp->next;

        // Start from the beginning.
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        // Traverse the list while deleting previous elements.
        while (temp != nullptr)
            temp = temp->next; // Move forward.
            delete m_head;     // Delete the previous element.
            m_head = temp;     // m_head moved one forward.

    // Assignment operator using copy-and-swap idiom.
    LinkedList& operator=(const LinkedList<T>& other)
        if (&other != this)
            LinkedList<T> temp(other);

            /*Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF9DEC58739 (ucrtbased.dll) in List.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (parameters: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000009A1D6F3FE8).*/
            swap(*this, temp);

        return *this;

    auto head() const
        return m_head;

    auto tail() const
        return m_tail;

    bool empty() const
        return m_size == 0;

    int size() const
        return m_size;

    void prepend(const T& item)
        // Create a node holding our item and pointing to the head.
        auto new_item = new Node<T>{item, m_head};

        // If the head is the last element
        // (meaning it is the only element),
        // it'll be the tail.
        if (m_head == nullptr)
            m_tail = m_head;

        m_head = new_item;

    void append(const T& item)
        // Create a node with no pointer.
        auto new_item = new Node<T>{item};

        if (m_tail == nullptr)
            // If the list is empty, set the new item as the head as well.
            m_head = new_item;
            m_tail = new_item;
            // Otherwise, update the current tail's next pointer to the new item and move the tail.
            m_tail->next = new_item;
            m_tail = new_item;


    // Avoid illegal indexes by making pos unsigned.
    void insert(const unsigned pos, const T& item)
        // If the position is the beginning of the list, prepend the new node.
        if (pos == 0)
        // If the position is beyond the end of the list, append the new node.
        else if (static_cast<int>(pos) >= m_size)
            // Create a new node.
            auto new_item = new Node<T>{item};

            // Starting from the head, go to the one past the position.
            auto temp = m_head;
            for (int i{}; i < static_cast<int>(pos) - 1; ++i)
                temp = temp->next;

            new_item->next = temp->next; // Link the new_item to the one after the temp.
            temp->next = new_item;       // Link temp to the new_item.


    void remove_front()
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        // If there's no element, exit.
        if (m_head == nullptr)

        m_head = m_head->next; // Move m_head one element forward.
        delete temp;           // Get rid of the previous element.


    void remove_back()
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        if (temp == nullptr)

        // If the list's size is 1.
        if (temp == m_tail)
            delete temp;
            m_head = m_tail = nullptr;



        // Traverse to one before the end.
        while (temp->next != m_tail)
            temp = temp->next;

        m_tail = temp;
        //temp = temp->next;
        delete temp->next;

        m_tail->next = nullptr;


    // Avoid illegal indexes by making pos unsigned.
    T remove(const unsigned pos)
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        // Go to the one past the pos.
        for (int i{}; i < static_cast<int>(pos) - 1; ++i)
            temp = temp->next;

        // The element to be removed.
        auto to_removed = temp->next;
        // Link the current node one after the to_removed.
        temp->next = temp->next->next;

        T removed_data = to_removed->data; // Retrieve the data before deleting the node.

        delete to_removed; // Delete the to_removed.
        m_size--;          // Don't forget to decrement the size.

        return removed_data;

    T& operator[](const int pos)
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        for (int i{}; i != pos; ++i)
            temp = temp->next;

        return temp->data;

    const T& operator[](const int pos) const
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        for (int i{}; i != pos; ++i)
            temp = temp->next;

        return temp->data;

template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LinkedList<T>& list)
    for (auto begin = list.head(); begin != nullptr; begin = begin->next)
        os << begin->data << ' ';
    return os;



// An array-based approach of list.

#include "List.hpp"
#include <cassert>

const int GROWTH_FACTOR = 2;

template <typename T>
class ArrayList: public List<T>
    int m_capacity{};     // Maximum size of list.
    int m_size{};         // Current number of list elements.
    T*  m_list_array{};   // Array holding list of elements.

    void reserve()
        m_capacity *= GROWTH_FACTOR;
        T* temp = new T[m_capacity];   // Allocate new array in the heap.

        for (int i{}; i < m_size; ++i)
            temp[i] = m_list_array[i]; // Copy all items of original array.
        delete[] m_list_array;         // Get rid of the original array.
        m_list_array = temp;           // "temp" is our new array now.

    ArrayList() = default;

    ArrayList(int size)
        : m_capacity{size*GROWTH_FACTOR},
        m_list_array{new T[m_capacity] {}} // ArrayList elements are zero initialized by default.

    ArrayList(std::initializer_list<T> i_list)
        : ArrayList(static_cast<int>(i_list.size())) 
        // Don't use braces as initializer_list constructor uses it.
        // Otherwise this constructor would call itself.
        int count{};
        for (const auto& item : i_list)
            m_list_array[count] = item;

    // Copy constructor.
     * Rule of Three:
     * If a class requires a user-defined destructor, 
     * a user-defined copy constructor, 
     * or a user-defined copy assignment operator, 
     * it almost certainly requires all three.
    ArrayList(const ArrayList& other)
        : List<T>{},
        m_list_array{new T[other.m_capacity] {}}
        for (int i{}; i < m_size; ++i)
            m_list_array[i] = other.m_list_array[i];

        delete[] m_list_array;

    ArrayList& operator=(const ArrayList& other)
        // Check for self-assignment.
        if (this != &other)
            // Deallocate the existing array.
            delete[] m_list_array;

            // Copy the capacity and size.
            m_capacity = other.m_capacity;
            m_size = other.m_size;

            // Allocate a new array.
            m_list_array = new T[m_capacity];

            // Copy the elements from the other ArrayList.
            for (int i{}; i < m_size; ++i)
                m_list_array[i] = other.m_list_array[i];
        return *this;

    // initializer_list assignment.
    ArrayList& operator=(std::initializer_list<T> i_list)
        // Array's new size is the i_list's size now.
        m_size = static_cast<int>(i_list.size());

        // reserve(), but without copying items because they'll been assigned from i_list.
        if (m_capacity < m_size)
            m_capacity *= GROWTH_FACTOR;
            T* temp = new T[m_capacity] {};   // Allocate new array in the heap, with zero values.

            delete[] m_list_array;            // Get rid of the original array.
            m_list_array = temp;              // "temp" is our new array now.

        // Copy the i_list's items to our array's.
        int count{};
        for (const auto& item : i_list)
            m_list_array[count] = item;

        return *this;

    void clear()
        delete[] m_list_array;              // Remove the array.
        //m_size = 0;                         // Reset the size.

        m_list_array = new T[m_capacity] {}; // Recreate array.

    // Insert "item" at given position.
    void insert(const unsigned pos, const T& item)// override
        if (m_size == m_capacity)
        assert(static_cast<int>(pos) < m_size && "Out of range.\n");

        for (int s{m_size}; static_cast<int>(pos) < s; --s)        // Shift elements up...
            m_list_array[s] = m_list_array[s - 1]; // ...to make room.
        //│i[0]│i[1]│i[2]│i[3]│i[4]│i[5]│i[6]│     // INDEXES
        //│10  │20  │30  │40  │50  │60  │    │     // ITEMS
        //│    │10  │20  │30  │40  │50  │60  │     // SHIFT ELEMENTS UP
        //│item│10  │20  │30  │40  │50  │60  │     // INSERT "item"
        m_list_array[pos] = item;

        m_size++;                                  // Increment list size.

    // Append "item".
    void append(const T& item) override
        if (m_size == m_capacity)
        //assert(m_size < m_capacity && "List capacity exceeded.\n");

        m_list_array[m_size] = item;

    // Remove and return the current element.
    T remove(const unsigned pos) override
        assert(static_cast<int>(pos) < m_size && "No element.\n");

        T item = m_list_array[pos];                // Copy the item.

        // m_size - 1, because we're dealing with array indexes (array[size] is out of bounds).
        for (int i{static_cast<int>(pos)}; i < m_size - 1; ++i)
            m_list_array[i] = m_list_array[i + 1]; // Shift elements down.
        //│i[0]│i[1]│i[2]│i[3]│i[4]│i[5]│i[6]│     // INDEXES
        //│10  │item│20  │30  │40  │50  │60  │     // ITEMS
        //│10  │20  │30  │40  │50  │60  │... │     // SHIFT ELEMENTS DOWN
        m_size--;                                  // Decrement size.

        return item;

    // Return list size.
    int size() const override
        return m_size;

    bool empty() const
        return size() == 0;

    T& operator[](const int pos) override
        assert(!empty() && "No current element.\n");
        return m_list_array[pos];

    const T& operator[](const int pos) const override
        assert(!empty() && "No current element.\n");
        return m_list_array[pos];


// This is a blueprint for all list-like data structures.
// It won't specify how the operations are carried out.
#ifndef LIST_HPP
#define LIST_HPP

#include <initializer_list>

template <typename T>
class List

    virtual ~List()

    List(const List&)

    virtual void insert(unsigned pos, const T& item) = 0;
    virtual void append(const T& item) = 0;

    virtual T remove(const unsigned pos) = 0;

    virtual int size() const = 0;

    virtual T& operator[](const int pos) = 0;
    // The const overload is called only when used on const object.
    virtual const T& operator[](const int pos) const = 0;

#endif // LIST_HPP


#ifndef NODE_HPP
#define NODE_HPP

template <typename T>
struct Node
    T data{};            // Value of the node.
    Node* next{nullptr}; // Pointer to the next node.

    Node(const T& dat, Node* nxt = nullptr)
        : data{dat}, next{nxt}

#endif // NODE_HPP


#include "LinkedList.hpp"
#include "ArrayList.hpp"

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#define TO_DIGIT(x) (x) - ('0')

template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const List<T>& list)
    for (int i{}, s{list.size()}; i < s; ++i)
        os << list[i] << ' ';
    return os;

int main()
    std::ifstream fin("number.txt");

    if (!fin.good())
        return -1;

    std::string num{};
    ArrayList<LinkedList<int>> arr{};

    while (fin >> num)
        LinkedList<int> list{};
        for (const char& ch : num)


    std::cout << arr;


我期待打印 ArrayList 的项目。

C++ 链接列表 堆栈溢出 动态数组


1赞 wohlstad 11/3/2023
欢迎使用 StackOverflow。请参观一下,看看如何提问。具体来说,它似乎比最小的可重现示例要多得多。
1赞 273K 11/3/2023
0赞 Swift - Friday Pie 11/3/2023
一般来说,类图容器(链表、队列、树、图等)不应该被理解为作曲家,因为 coypying 和销毁堆栈成本是线性的。堆栈是最大的限制因素。


0赞 selbie 11/3/2023 #1


  • 从 LinkedList 中删除了这些函数。然后修复了您的 LinkedList 重载同化运算符,以执行适当的复制而不是一些交换操作。swap


    // Assignment operator using copy-and-swap idiom.
    LinkedList& operator=(const LinkedList<T>& other)
        if (&other != this)
            LinkedList<T> temp(other);
            swap(*this, temp);

        return *this;


    LinkedList& operator=(const LinkedList<T>& other)
        if (&other != this)
            while (m_size > 0) {

            auto other_head = other.m_head;
            while (other_head != nullptr) {
                other_head = other_head->next;

        return *this;
  • LinkedList 中的几个地方被递减,但发生这种情况时,您忘记将 m_head 和 m_tail设置为 nullptr。 具体来说。m_sizeremove_frontremove

  • ArrayList 中的方法需要快速修复来处理容量最初为零的情况。在这种情况下,简单的解决方法是将大小增加到 2。reserve

  • 删除了 ArrayList 中大部分重载的复制构造函数和赋值运算符。他们没有被习惯,我不相信他们需要他们。你可以把它们加回来,但我不相信这不是错误的来源。



template <typename T>
class List

    virtual ~List()

    List(const List&)

    virtual void insert(unsigned pos, const T& item) = 0;
    virtual void append(const T& item) = 0;

    virtual T remove(const unsigned pos) = 0;

    virtual int size() const = 0;

    virtual T& operator[](const int pos) = 0;
    // The const overload is called only when used on const object.
    virtual const T& operator[](const int pos) const = 0;


template <typename T>
struct Node
    T data{};            // Value of the node.
    Node* next{ nullptr }; // Pointer to the next node.

    Node(const T& dat, Node* nxt = nullptr)
        : data{ dat }, next{ nxt }

const int GROWTH_FACTOR = 2;

template <typename T>
class ArrayList : public List<T>
    int m_capacity{};     // Maximum size of list.
    int m_size{};         // Current number of list elements.
    T* m_list_array{};   // Array holding list of elements.

    void reserve()
        m_capacity *= GROWTH_FACTOR;
        if (m_capacity == 0) {
            m_capacity = 2;
        T* temp = new T[m_capacity];   // Allocate new array in the heap.

        for (int i{}; i < m_size; ++i)
            temp[i] = m_list_array[i]; // Copy all items of original array.

        delete[] m_list_array;         // Get rid of the original array.
        m_list_array = temp;           // "temp" is our new array now.

    ArrayList() = default;

        delete[] m_list_array;

    void clear()
        delete[] m_list_array;
        m_list_array = nullptr;
        m_capacity = 0;
        m_size = 0;

    // Insert "item" at given position.
    void insert(const unsigned pos, const T& item)// override
        if (m_size == m_capacity)
        assert(static_cast<int>(pos) < m_size && "Out of range.\n");

        for (int s{ m_size }; static_cast<int>(pos) < s; --s)        // Shift elements up...
            m_list_array[s] = m_list_array[s - 1]; // ...to make room.
        //│i[0]│i[1]│i[2]│i[3]│i[4]│i[5]│i[6]│     // INDEXES
        //│10  │20  │30  │40  │50  │60  │    │     // ITEMS
        //│    │10  │20  │30  │40  │50  │60  │     // SHIFT ELEMENTS UP
        //│item│10  │20  │30  │40  │50  │60  │     // INSERT "item"
        m_list_array[pos] = item;

        m_size++;                                  // Increment list size.

    // Append "item".
    void append(const T& item) override
        if (m_size == m_capacity)
        //assert(m_size < m_capacity && "List capacity exceeded.\n");

        m_list_array[m_size] = item;

    // Remove and return the current element.
    T remove(const unsigned pos) override
        assert(static_cast<int>(pos) < m_size && "No element.\n");

        T item = m_list_array[pos];                // Copy the item.

        // m_size - 1, because we're dealing with array indexes (array[size] is out of bounds).
        for (int i{ static_cast<int>(pos) }; i < m_size - 1; ++i)
            m_list_array[i] = m_list_array[i + 1]; // Shift elements down.
        //│i[0]│i[1]│i[2]│i[3]│i[4]│i[5]│i[6]│     // INDEXES
        //│10  │item│20  │30  │40  │50  │60  │     // ITEMS
        //│10  │20  │30  │40  │50  │60  │... │     // SHIFT ELEMENTS DOWN
        m_size--;                                  // Decrement size.

        return item;

    // Return list size.
    int size() const override
        return m_size;

    bool empty() const
        return size() == 0;

    T& operator[](const int pos) override
        assert(!empty() && "No current element.\n");
        return m_list_array[pos];

    const T& operator[](const int pos) const override
        assert(!empty() && "No current element.\n");
        return m_list_array[pos];

template <typename T>
class LinkedList : public List<T>
    Node<T>* m_head{ nullptr };
    Node<T>* m_tail{ nullptr };

    int m_size{};

    LinkedList() = default;

    LinkedList(std::initializer_list<T> i_list)
        for (const auto& item : i_list)

    // Copy constructor.
    LinkedList(const LinkedList<T>& other) : List<T>{}
        auto temp = other.m_head;

        while (temp != nullptr)
            temp = temp->next;

        // Start from the beginning.
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        // Traverse the list while deleting previous elements.
        while (temp != nullptr)
            temp = temp->next; // Move forward.
            delete m_head;     // Delete the previous element.
            m_head = temp;     // m_head moved one forward.

    // Assignment operator using copy-and-swap idiom.
    LinkedList& operator=(const LinkedList<T>& other)
        if (&other != this)
            while (m_size > 0) {

            auto other_head = other.m_head;
            while (other_head != nullptr) {
                other_head = other_head->next;

        return *this;

    auto head() const
        return m_head;

    auto tail() const
        return m_tail;

    bool empty() const
        return m_size == 0;

    int size() const
        return m_size;

    void prepend(const T& item)
        // Create a node holding our item and pointing to the head.
        auto new_item = new Node<T>{ item, m_head };

        // If the head is the last element
        // (meaning it is the only element),
        // it'll be the tail.
        if (m_head == nullptr)
            m_tail = m_head;

        m_head = new_item;

    void append(const T& item)
        // Create a node with no pointer.
        auto new_item = new Node<T>{ item };

        if (m_tail == nullptr)
            // If the list is empty, set the new item as the head as well.
            m_head = new_item;
            m_tail = new_item;
            // Otherwise, update the current tail's next pointer to the new item and move the tail.
            m_tail->next = new_item;
            m_tail = new_item;


    // Avoid illegal indexes by making pos unsigned.
    void insert(const unsigned pos, const T& item)
        // If the position is the beginning of the list, prepend the new node.
        if (pos == 0)
        // If the position is beyond the end of the list, append the new node.
        else if (static_cast<int>(pos) >= m_size)
            // Create a new node.
            auto new_item = new Node<T>{ item };

            // Starting from the head, go to the one past the position.
            auto temp = m_head;
            for (int i{}; i < static_cast<int>(pos) - 1; ++i)
                temp = temp->next;

            new_item->next = temp->next; // Link the new_item to the one after the temp.
            temp->next = new_item;       // Link temp to the new_item.


    void remove_front()
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        // If there's no element, exit.
        if (m_head == nullptr)

        m_head = m_head->next; // Move m_head one element forward.
        delete temp;           // Get rid of the previous element.


        if (m_size == 0) {
            m_head = nullptr;
            m_tail = nullptr;

    void remove_back()
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        if (temp == nullptr)

        // If the list's size is 1.
        if (temp == m_tail)
            delete temp;
            m_head = m_tail = nullptr;



        // Traverse to one before the end.
        while (temp->next != m_tail)
            temp = temp->next;

        m_tail = temp;
        //temp = temp->next;
        delete temp->next;

        m_tail->next = nullptr;


    // Avoid illegal indexes by making pos unsigned.
    T remove(const unsigned pos)
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        // Go to the one past the pos.
        for (int i{}; i < static_cast<int>(pos) - 1; ++i)
            temp = temp->next;

        // The element to be removed.
        auto to_removed = temp->next;
        // Link the current node one after the to_removed.
        temp->next = temp->next->next;

        T removed_data = to_removed->data; // Retrieve the data before deleting the node.

        delete to_removed; // Delete the to_removed.
        m_size--;          // Don't forget to decrement the size.

        if (m_size == 0) {
            m_head = nullptr;
            m_tail = nullptr;

        return removed_data;

    T& operator[](const int pos)
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        for (int i{}; i != pos; ++i)
            temp = temp->next;

        return temp->data;

    const T& operator[](const int pos) const
        Node<T>* temp = m_head;

        for (int i{}; i != pos; ++i)
            temp = temp->next;

        return temp->data;


0赞 o_22 11/3/2023
0赞 selbie 11/3/2023
您通常希望尽可能通过(const reference)传递对大对象的引用。这样可以进行一些优化和参数强制。(例如,您可以将 a 传递给 a 期望函数,并避免大量开销)。但是对于普通的旧值类型,如 、 、 等......作为 const 值传递(例如 ) 只是有助于消除大型函数中的意外错误,在这些错误中,您在一个位置更改了参数的值,但函数的另一部分期望它是原始值。const &"string literal"const std::string&unsigned intcharfloatfoo(const int x)
0赞 selbie 11/3/2023
“将所有简单值参数作为常量传递”模式的概念是最近被一些著名的 C++ 爱好者在过去几年中宣传为良好的代码卫生的东西。我不认为这种传福音的模式会以任何重大的方式彻底改变编程。它只是有助于避免错误并使代码更具可读性。现在我最近一直在用 Kotlin 编程,其中所有函数参数都隐式为“val”(相当于 const),我有点欣赏这个概念。但是当我审查 C++ 代码时,我真的没有强制执行这个理想。
0赞 Swift - Friday Pie 11/3/2023
@selbie如何防止错误呢?它在某些平台上所做的只是它摆脱了 CPU 指令之间的某些依赖关系,冒着使用更多堆栈空间的风险(不能将参数用作局部变量,无论如何都很少这样做)。