
Dynamic Struct Array Being Allocated to infinite size

提问人:ItsBuddy007 提问时间:11/8/2022 更新时间:11/8/2022 访问量:51


我的任务是编写一个结构,该结构从文件中读取数据,并在需要时重新分配更多内存。 到目前为止,我已经完成了以下工作: 结构

typedef struct myprog
    int id;
    char name[100];
    int price;


myprog* readFromFile(FILE* fP, char fileName[], myprog* reg, int* size)
    fP = fopen(fileName, "r");      //Open Input File as read

    if (fP == NULL)   //If File is not found, do nothing
        printf("File does not exist.");
    else    //Else read file line by line
        printf("\nReading from File");
        int x = 0;
        char line[100];
        char* split;
        char* args[4];
        while (fgets(line, 100, fP))  //Read the first line
            if (x == MAX)    //If Max Size is reached, increase it twice
                int new_size = MAX * 2;
                reg = (struct vara*)realloc(reg, new_size * sizeof(struct vara));   //Even if i comment these lines the code works :O

            split = strtok(line, " ");      //Split the line on space delimiter i.e {"1", "apple", "10"}
            args[0] = split;

            int i = 1;
            while (split != NULL)
                split = strtok(NULL, " ");
                args[i] = split;

            if (i != 3) //Checking if the args size is three
                //Copy from args to struct
                reg[x].id = atoi(args[0]);  //Copy Number
                strcpy(reg[x].name, args[1]);   //Copy Name
                reg[x].price = atoi(args[2]);  //Copy Balance
        (*size) = x;
        printf("\nReading Completed!");
    return reg;


void main()
    char fileName[100];
    FILE* fP = NULL;
    printf("Enter file Name : ");
    scanf("%s", fileName);
    myprog* reg = malloc(MAX * sizeof * reg); //#define MAX 1
    int size = 0;
    reg = readFromFile(fP, fileName, reg, &size);
    //Some Code below

我面临的问题:当我使用定义为 1 的 MAX 运行代码时,它会从文件中读取任意数量的产品,而不会出现任何内存泄漏错误。它甚至可以在没有 realloc 的情况下工作,你能帮我找出我的错误吗? 输入文件中的数据如下所示:

1 prod_a 15
2 prod_b 20
c malloc 堆内存 realloc


0赞 Barmar 11/8/2022
0赞 Weather Vane 11/8/2022
或者定义前面,然后.int new_sizeif(x >= new_size) { new_size += MAX; /*etc*/}
0赞 Tom Karzes 11/8/2022
您正在使用 ,这相当于 ,但您应该使用 .sizeof * regsizeof(*reg)sizeof(reg)

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