提问人:Jobalisk 提问时间:5/28/2018 最后编辑:IvanJobalisk 更新时间:6/6/2018 访问量:279
存储和调用 Cookie Javascript 时出现问题
Issue with storing and recalling cookies Javascript
因此,我正在尝试保存并加载包含产品详细信息列表的 cookie,然后将这些产品详细信息显示到页面上。
尝试读取我使用该函数存储的 cookie 时。GetProductPrice()
cookie 存储器在网站首次加载时运行。它创建了一个产品列表,我以后打算将其用作购物车的一部分。然后,它应该保存此 cookie,以便在用户转到其他页面时可以再次访问它。这样,如果用户将商品添加到购物车,则以后不会重置购物车变量。但是,正如我之前所说,这是行不通的。加载和保存 cookie 函数是由其他人在 Stack Overflow 上创建的,并且工作正常。
以下是 Cookie 保护程序的代码,该代码应仅在用户首次访问网站时运行:
function setUpProducts() { //in here we define each of the products when we first start up. This way we know what products the customer has access to.
try {
hasRun = getCookie('hasRunCookie'); //get the has run cookie from before, or at least try to
} catch {
hasRun = 0;
//if (hasRun != 1){ //only run this the first time, otherwise we dont need to.
if (hasRun != 1) {
hasRun = 1;
createCookie('hasRunCookie', hasRun);
var dataList = []; //array for holding the raw data
var nameList = [];
var priceList = [];
var amountList = []; //lists for temporrily holding data before it is put in the product list's product objects.
var set1 = 0; //allows differentiating between different values in the raw data
var productIds = 0; //product ID to differentiate between products easily
$.get('../productdata.txt', function(data) { //the text file product data contains all the product infomation so that it can be changed at a moments notice.
//var fileDom = $(data);
dataList = data.split("\n");
$.each(dataList, function(n, elem) {
$('#myid').append('<div>' + elem + '</div>');
var i;
for (i = 0; i < dataList.length; i++) { //this gets the infomation from the text file and loads it into the products
if (set1 == 0) {
set1 = 1;
} else if (set1 == 1) {
set1 = 0;
while (productIds != 8) { //make the products, programing counting always starts at 0, so 8 is actually the 9th number.
var productObject = {
productID: productIds,
productName: nameList[productIds],
productPrice: priceList[productIds],
purchasedAmount: 0
productList.push(productObject); //put each product into the product list.
productIds += 1;
var json_str = JSON.stringify(productList); //bottle and store our list of products
createCookie('ProductListCookie', json_str);
以下是用于加载 cookie 并在相关产品页面上显示产品价格的代码:
function GetProductPrice(productIdz) {
var json_str = getCookie('hasRunCookie');
productList = JSON.parse(json_str);
for (i = 0; i < productList.length; i++) {
if (productList[i].productID == productIdz) {
productHolder = productList[i];
document.getElementById("price").innerHTML = productHolder.productPrice;
首先,如果得到: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: GetProductPrice,则可能是该页面中未定义 GetProductPrice 函数,或者可能尚未定义,请检查脚本的加载顺序。
function GetProductPrice(productIdz){
var json_str = getCookie('hasRunCookie'); // this is 1
productList = JSON.parse(json_str) // this also is 1
使用 localStorage
localStorage.setItem('ProductListCookie', json_str);
var json_str = localStorage.getItem('ProductListCookie');
正如其他人所提到的,这意味着 JS 根本找不到你的函数。确保调用的代码可以访问该函数。ReferenceError: Can't find variable: GetProductPrice
另外,您不应该为此使用 cookie。Cookie 会随每个请求一起发送到服务器,这将增加服务器的负载并减慢用户的页面加载速度。
出于您的目的,请考虑使用 localStorage,所有现代浏览器甚至 IE 8+ 都支持它,并且可以完成您需要的一切,而无需向服务器发送不必要的信息。而且您几乎不需要更改代码。
window.GetProductPrice = function(productIdz){
一般来说,cookie 限制为 4k,因此 localStorage 更好。
EOF error
哼?cookie 不会产生 EOF 错误 - 也许是垃圾?load and save cookie functions are