提问人:Andrew Grant 提问时间:8/19/2008 最后编辑:CœurAndrew Grant 更新时间:3/18/2017 访问量:3171
在 Cocoa 中将视图层次结构绘制到特定上下文中
Drawing a view hierarchy into a specific context in Cocoa
为此,我正在创建一个上下文,该上下文包装与视图大小相同的位图,但我不确定如何将视图层次结构绘制到其中。我只需设置上下文并显式调用 drawRect 即可绘制单个视图,但这并不能处理所有子视图。
我在 NSView 界面中看不到任何可以帮助解决这个问题的内容,所以我怀疑解决方案可能位于更高级别。
可以使用 -[NSView dataWithPDFInsideRect:]
将发送到的视图的整个层次结构呈现为 PDF,并作为对象返回。然后,您可以对其进行任何操作,包括将其渲染为位图。NSData
但是,您确定需要位图表示形式吗?毕竟,该 PDF 可以(至少在理论上)与分辨率无关。
在将焦点锁定在视图上后,可以使用 -[NSBitmapImageRep initWithFocusedViewRect:]
- 处理潜在的透明度问题(其他一些选项确实为整个图像添加了白色背景)
- 性能要好得多
下面的代码并不完美,因为它在从边界到帧时没有处理缩放问题,但它确实考虑了 isFlipped 状态,并且非常适合我使用它的目的。请注意,它只绘制子视图(和子子视图,...递归),但是让它也绘制自己非常容易,只需在实现中添加 a 即可。[self drawRect:[self bounds]]
- (void)drawSubviews
BOOL flipped = [self isFlipped];
for ( NSView *subview in [self subviews] ) {
// changes the coordinate system so that the local coordinates of the subview (bounds) become the coordinates of the superview (frame)
// the transform assumes bounds and frame have the same size, and bounds origin is (0,0)
// handling of 'isFlipped' also probably unreliable
NSAffineTransform *transform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
if ( flipped ) {
[transform translateXBy:subview.frame.origin.x yBy:NSMaxY(subview.frame)];
[transform scaleXBy:+1.0 yBy:-1.0];
} else
[transform translateXBy:subview.frame.origin.x yBy:subview.frame.origin.y];
[transform concat];
// recursively draw the subview and sub-subviews
[subview drawRect:[subview bounds]];
[subview drawSubviews];
// reset the transform to get back a clean graphic contexts for the rest of the drawing
[transform invert];
[transform concat];
- (NSImage *)imageWithSubviews
NSImage *image = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:[self bounds].size] autorelease];
[image lockFocus];
// it seems NSImage cannot use flipped coordinates the way NSView does (the method 'setFlipped:' does not seem to help)
// Use instead an NSAffineTransform
if ( [self isFlipped] ) {
NSAffineTransform *transform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
[transform translateXBy:0 yBy:NSMaxY(self.bounds)];
[transform scaleXBy:+1.0 yBy:-1.0];
[transform concat];
[self drawSubviews];
[image unlockFocus];
return image;
您要执行的操作已明确可用。请参阅 10.4 AppKit 发行说明中的“NSView 绘图重定向 API”部分。
创建一个用于缓存的 NSBitmapImageRep 并清除它:
NSGraphicsContext *bitmapGraphicsContext = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:cacheBitmapImageRep];
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:bitmapGraphicsContext];
[[NSColor clearColor] set];
NSRectFill(NSMakeRect(0, 0, [cacheBitmapImageRep size].width, [cacheBitmapImageRep size].height));
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
-[NSView cacheDisplayInRect:toBitmapImageRep:]
-[NSView displayRectIgnoringOpacity:inContext:]