找不到缓冲区的 MIME <null>

could not find mime for buffer <null>

提问人:AGA HACK HASNPRO 提问时间:11/12/2023 更新时间:11/12/2023 访问量:21


异步函数 getChart(symbol, message) { const chartUrl =https://www.tradingview.com/chart/oR0y1sHO/?symbol=${symbol}&interval=1&theme=Dark;

尝试 { const image = await Jimp.read(chartUrl);

 console.log(image);  // Log the image object

 if (!image) {
   console.error('Invalid image response');
   message.reply('Invalid image response. Please check the symbol and try again.');

 const buffer = await image.getBufferAsync(Jimp.AUTO);

 // Save the image to a file named 'chart.png'
 fs.writeFileSync('chart.png', buffer);

 const attachment = new Discord.MessageAttachment('chart.png');
 message.reply(`Here is the chart for ${symbol}:`, attachment);

} catch (错误) { console.error('获取或处理图表时出错:', error.message); message.reply(Error occurred: ${error.message}); } }

错误“找不到缓冲区的 mime ”一直在发生,我已经研究了 2 个小时没有找到解决方案。请帮忙。


节点.js 不和谐.js 交易视图-api


0赞 Elitezen 11/13/2023
我相信意味着缓冲区没有返回任何数据Buffer <null>

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