在 .NET POST API 请求的正文中接收两个不同的可能类型对象

Receiving two different possible type objects in the body of a .NET POST API request

提问人:Nono-Man 提问时间:9/3/2023 最后编辑:Brian Tompsett - 汤莱恩Nono-Man 更新时间:10/8/2023 访问量:42



public class FieldStructure
        public FieldStructure(string name, string type)
                Name = name;
                Type = type;
                NameAsProperty = name.ToLower().Replace(" ", "_");

        public FieldStructure() { }

        public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public string NameAsProperty { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public string Type { get; set; } = string.Empty;


    public class FieldStructureRelation : FieldStructure
        public FieldStructureRelation(FieldStructure fieldStructure, string appRelationId, string appRelationName) 
            : base(fieldStructure.Name, fieldStructure.Type)
            this.AppRelationName = appRelationName;
            this.AppRelationId = appRelationId;

        public FieldStructureRelation() { }

        public string AppRelationId { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public string AppRelationName { get; set; } = string.Empty;


        public async Task<IActionResult> CreateApp([FromBody] AppDTOCreate request, string workspaceId)
            if (request == null) { return BadRequest(); }
            //App app = new App() { AppName = request.AppName, Fields = request.Fields};
            //await _appServices.InsertApp(app, workspaceId);
            return Created("Created", true);


public class AppDTOCreate
        public string AppName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public List<FieldStructure> Fields { get; set; } = new List<FieldStructure>();

所以,基本上,我想要的只是能够接收一个 JSON 请求,其中包含一个 和 的列表。我以为这就像做我已经做过的事情一样容易,但是每当我收到请求时,我所看到的代码都是,每当我到达 时,它都会擦除 和 字段,因此它仍然是 .AppDTOCreateFieldStructuresFieldStructureRelationsFieldStructuresFieldStructureRelationAppRelationNameAppRelationIdFieldStructure

这是我用作示例的 JSON:

    "Fields": [
            "Name": "Name",
            "Type": "text"
            "Name": "Active",
            "Type": "boolean"
            "Name": "Total Sales",
            "Type": "decimal"
            "Name": "Cliente",
            "Type": "itemRelation",
            "AppRelationId": "appIdxxxxxx",
            "AppRelationName": "AppNameABC"


C# asp.net JSON .NET


0赞 jdweng 9/3/2023
请参阅以下和上面的段落:learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/web-api/...正文为 IActionResult,类型为 IResult。
0赞 vernou 9/3/2023
这是 asp.net 核心?
0赞 Nono-Man 9/3/2023
0赞 darrenleeyx 9/7/2023
为什么不将您的属性定义为 as 而不是 ?FieldsAppDtoCreateList<FieldStructureRelation>List<FieldStructure>


1赞 Serge 9/4/2023 #1


    AppDTOCreate data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AppDTOCreate>(json);
    data.Fields[2].GetType().ToString(); // "FieldStructure"
    data.Fields[3].GetType().ToString(); // "FieldStructureRelation"

public class DataPropertyConverter : JsonConverter<List<FieldStructure>>
    public override List<FieldStructure> ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, List<FieldStructure> existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        var jArray = JArray.Load(reader);
        return jArray.Select(jObj=> (FieldStructure) jObj.ToObject(
                              Type.GetType((string)jObj["Type"] == "itemRelation"
                              ? nameof(FieldStructureRelation)
                              : nameof(FieldStructure))))

    public override bool CanWrite => false;
    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, List<FieldStructure> value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        throw new NotImplementedException();


public class AppDTOCreate
    public string AppName { get; set; }

    public List<FieldStructure> Fields { get; set; }