SwiftUI 表单选取器选项未选择

SwiftUI Form Picker options are not selecting

提问人:Prasad De Zoysa 提问时间:10/2/2023 最后编辑:Prasad De Zoysa 更新时间:10/2/2023 访问量:86



类型“any PickerOption”不能符合“Hashable”

静态方法“buildExpression”要求“Content”符合 “辅助功能转子内容”



protocol PickerOption: Hashable, Identifiable {
    var name: String { get set }
    var description: String { get set }
    var id: String { get }

struct MyView: View {
    //I know it's this line, but my array will consist of any object that conforms to PickerOption protocol
    private static var exampleStructs: [any PickerOption] = [
        CustomOptionOne(name: "Example 1", description: "Example Name 1", id: "5"),
        CustomOptionOne(name: "Example 2", description: "Example Name 2", id: "6"),
        CustomOptionTwo(name: "Example 3", description: "Example Name 3", id: "7"),
        CustomOptionTwo(name: "Example 4", description: "Example Name 4", id: "8")
    private struct CustomOptionOne: Hashable, Identifiable, PickerOption {
        var name: String
        var description: String
        var id: String
    private struct CustomOptionTwo: Hashable, Identifiable, PickerOption {
        var name: String
        var description: String
        var id: String
    @State private var selectedStruct: any PickerOption = CustomOptionOne(name: "Example Name", description: "Example Description", id: "9")
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            Form {
                Section(header: Text("Selected Struct")) {
                Section(header: Text("Picker")) {
                    Picker(selection: $selectedStruct, label: Text(selectedStruct.name), content: {
                        ForEach(MyView.exampleStructs, id: \.id) { exampleStruct in


iOS SwiftUI swiftUI-picker


0赞 Timmy 10/2/2023
要传递到的值的类型应与 selection 属性的类型匹配。所以你需要通过而不是.这回答了你的问题吗?Swift Picker 未选择项目tagexampleStructexampleStruct.id
0赞 Prasad De Zoysa 10/2/2023
传递“exampleStruct”会给出此编译错误Static method 'buildExpression' requires that 'Content' conform to 'AccessibilityRotorContent'
0赞 lorem ipsum 10/2/2023
id 不是 strict/object,标签类型需要与选择类型匹配
0赞 Prasad De Zoysa 10/2/2023
0赞 lorem ipsum 10/2/2023
你最好使用 id 而不是结构,但 SwiftUI 以不使用存在论而闻名,所以你可能需要强制 ID 是带有 typealias 的字符串或我在协议中的定义


1赞 lorem ipsum 10/2/2023 #1

对于 the 和 must 是完全相同的类型,您的特定示例增加了额外的复杂性,因为您正在尝试将 existentials () 与 SwiftUI 一起使用。Pickertagselectionany

因此,最简单的解决方案是同时使用 for 和 ,但首先您必须将 which comes from 限制为特定类型,以便您可以将其匹配为IDselectiontagIDIdentifiablePicker

protocol PickerOption: Hashable, Identifiable where ID == String {
    var name: String { get set }
    var description: String { get set }
    var id: String { get }


@State private var selectedStructId: String? = nil


Text(exampleStruct.name).tag(exampleStruct.id as String?)


struct ContentView: View {
    //I know it's this line, but my array will consist of any object that conforms to PickerOption protocol
    private static var exampleStructs: [any PickerOption] = [
        CustomOptionOne(name: "Example 1", description: "Example Name 1", id: "5"),
        CustomOptionOne(name: "Example 2", description: "Example Name 2", id: "6"),
        CustomOptionTwo(name: "Example 3", description: "Example Name 3", id: "7"),
        CustomOptionTwo(name: "Example 4", description: "Example Name 4", id: "8")
    private struct CustomOptionOne: PickerOption {
        var name: String
        var description: String
        var id: String
    private struct CustomOptionTwo: PickerOption {
        var name: String
        var description: String
        var id: String
    @State private var selectedStructId: String? = nil
    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            Form {
                if let selectedStructId, let selectedStruct = ContentView.exampleStructs.filter({ o in
                    o.id == selectedStructId
                }).first{ //Find the selected selected struct
                    Section(header: Text("Selected Struct")) {
                Section(header: Text("Picker")) {
                    Picker(selection: $selectedStructId, label: Text(""), content: {
                        Text("Select an object.")
                        ForEach(ContentView.exampleStructs, id: \.id) { exampleStruct in
                            Text(exampleStruct.name).tag(exampleStruct.id as String?)


我知道这并不理想,但存在主义是与 SwiftUI 的一场艰苦战斗。


0赞 Prasad De Zoysa 10/4/2023