从使用 Back4App 数据库的 Parse 查询关系图像

Query relation images from Parse that uses Back4App database

提问人:theMap 提问时间:12/9/2022 更新时间:12/9/2022 访问量:103


所以我有一个 ParseObject 设置如下 - 这是 Parse 中名为 MGLocation 的主要对象:

struct MGLocation: ParseObject {
    var objectId: String?
    var createdAt: Date?
    var updatedAt: Date?
    var originalData: Data?
    var ACL: ParseACL?
    var title: String?
    var category: String?
    init() {}
    init(objectId: String?) {
        self.objectId = objectId


struct Place: Codable, Identifiable {
    let id: Int
    var b4aId = ""
    let title: String?
    let category: String
        id: Int,
        title: String?,
        category: String,
    ) {
        self.id = id
        self.title = title
        self.category = category
    init(with p: MGLocation) {
        self.id = atomicId.wrappingIncrementThenLoad(ordering: .relaxed)
        self.b4aId = p.objectId ?? ""
        self.title = p.title ?? "Undefined"
        self.category = p.category ?? "Uncategorized"

然后我有以下函数,它拉入 MGLocation:

func fetchPlaces() {
    let query = MGLocation.query().limit(1000)
    query.find { [weak self] result in
        guard let self = self else {
        switch result {
            case .success(let items):
                self.places = items.map({
                    Place(with: $0)
            case .failure(let error):


引入关系列的最佳方式是什么?在 MGLocation 中,我有一个名为的相关列,它可以访问另一个对象。images

enter image description here

这将调用包含以下列的 MGImage:

id, title, column, mime


iOS Swift 解析平台 back4app



0赞 CoreyB 12/9/2022 #1

我建议从这里使用 Parse-Swift:https://github.com/netreconlab/Parse-Swift,与 parse-community 相反。我是 Pase-Swift 的原始开发人员之一(您可以在贡献者列表中看到这一点),我不再支持 parse-community 版本。netreconlab 版本在错误修复和功能方面遥遥领先于其他版本,您将从 netreconlab 获得更好、更快的支持,因为我过去一直是解决大多数问题的人。

引入关系列的最佳方式是什么?在 MGLocation 中,我有一个名为 images 的相关列,它可以访问另一个对象。

我总是建议查看 Playgrounds 中的类似示例。Playgrounds 有 Roles 和 Relation 示例。假设您使用的是netreconlab上的版本。您可以使用服务器上的当前关系执行此操作的唯一方法是:4.16.2

// You need to add your struct for MGImage on your client
struct MGImage: ParseObject { ... }

struct MGLocation: ParseObject {
    var objectId: String?
    var createdAt: Date?
    var updatedAt: Date?
    var originalData: Data?
    var ACL: ParseACL?
    var title: String?
    var category: String?
    var images: ParseRelation<Self>? // Add this relation
    /* These aren't needed as they are already given for free.
    init() {}
    init(objectId: String?) {
        self.objectId = objectId

//: It's recommended to place custom initializers in an extension
//: to preserve the memberwise initializer.
extension MGLocation {
  // The two inits in your code aren't needed because ParseObject gives them to you

//: Now we will see how to use the stored `ParseRelation on` property in MGLocation to create query
//: all of the relations to `scores`.
Task {
  do {
    //: Fetch the updated location since the previous relations were created on the server.
    let location = try await MGLocation(objectId: "myLocationObjectId").fetch()
    print("Updated current location with relation: \(location)")

    let usableStoredRelation = try location.relation(location.images, key: "images")
    let images = try await (usableStoredRelation.query() as Query<MGImage>).find()
    print("Found related images from stored ParseRelation: \(images)")
  } catch {

如果您的列是类型而不是类型,则可以在模型中使用,并简单地在查询中使用。您可以在此处查看更多信息: https://github.com/netreconlab/Parse-Swift/blob/325196929fed80ca3120956f2545cf2ed980616b/ParseSwift.playground/Pages/8%20-%20Pointers.xcplaygroundpage/Contents.swift#L168-L173images[MGImage]Relation<MGImage>var images: [MGImage]?MGLocationinclude


0赞 theMap 12/10/2022
感谢您的@CoreyB,然后我假设我正在使用的 Back4App 有旧的过时的 ParseSwift?我必须找到另一种替代方法来托管数据库并利用您的 Parse SDK,因为它看起来确实更好,更新更多。
0赞 CoreyB 12/10/2022
您无需更改服务器上的任何内容,因为两个 SDK 都会发送 REST 命令,您的服务器不会知道 SDK 之间的区别。您只需在客户端换出即可。
0赞 theMap 12/10/2022
0赞 CoreyB 6/2/2023