提问人:Tactic Sugar 提问时间:11/16/2023 更新时间:11/16/2023 访问量:11
React-hook-form、react-tabs 和 yupResolver - TypeError: o[(intermediate value)(intermediate value)(intermediate value)] 不是函数
React-hook-form, react-tabs and yupResolver - TypeError: o[(intermediate value)(intermediate value)(intermediate value)] is not a function
export const tabs: Tab[] = [
tabContent: [
label: 'Размер',
name: 'productSize',
placeholder: '35 px',
sizeVariant: '15',
type: 'text',
validations: [
message: 'Минимум 3 символа',
type: 'minLength',
value: 3
message: 'Обязательно к заполнению',
type: 'required'
value: ''
tabTitle: 'Лендинг'
tabContent: [
label: 'Terms and Conditions',
name: 'terms4',
type: 'checkbox',
typeValue: 'boolean',
validations: [
message: 'Accept the terms!',
type: 'isTrue'
value: true
groupTitle: 'Group 1',
inputs: [
label: 'Terms',
name: 'terms2',
type: 'checkbox',
typeValue: 'boolean',
validations: [
message: 'Accept the terms!',
type: 'isTrue'
value: true
label: 'Checkbox 2',
name: 'checkbox2',
type: 'checkbox',
typeValue: 'boolean',
value: true
label: 'Checkbox 3',
name: 'checkbox3',
type: 'checkbox',
typeValue: 'boolean',
value: false
tabTitle: 'Системное'
type YupBoolean = Yup.BooleanSchema<boolean | undefined, Yup.AnyObject, boolean | undefined>
type YupString = Yup.StringSchema<string | undefined, Yup.AnyObject, string | undefined>
type YupNumber = Yup.NumberSchema<boolean | undefined, Yup.AnyObject, number | undefined>
/** обработчик валидаций yup */
const generateValidations = (field: InputTypes) => {
if (!field.validations) return null
/** задает схему */
let schema: YupBoolean | YupString = Yup[field.typeValue || 'string']()
for (
/** пробегается по правилам из данных validations */
const rule of field.validations) {
switch (rule.type) {
case 'isTrue' : schema = (schema as YupBoolean).isTrue(rule.message); break
case 'isEmail' : schema = (schema as YupString).email(rule.message); break
case 'minLength': schema = (schema as YupString).min(rule?.value as number, rule.message); break
case 'oneOf' : schema = (schema as YupString).oneOf([Yup.ref((rule as any).ref)], rule.message); break
default : schema = schema.required(rule.message); break
return schema
/** страница тестовая */
const TestPage = () => {
/** дата */
const anotherForm = transformForm(tabs)
console.log('anotherForm.validationsFields', anotherForm.validationsFields)
/** методы из формы */
const formMethods = useForm({
defaultValues: { ...(anotherForm.initialValues as any) },
mode: 'onSubmit',
resolver: yupResolver(anotherForm.validationsFields)
/** обработчик сабмита */
const onSubmit = (data) => {
console.log('data', data)
return (
<FormProvider {...formMethods}>
{anotherForm.tabs.map((tab, index) => (
<Tab key={index}>
{anotherForm.tabs.map((tab, index) => (
<TabPanel key={index}>
<Form tabContent={tab.tabContent} />
<button type='submit'>
<TabsUnderline />
验证架构如下所示: 处理后的架构
如果我不尝试将字段放在选项卡中并使用所有字段制作 1 个长页面,或者如果我关闭解析器,一切都可以正常工作。 但是如果我尝试在选项卡之间切换,我会出现错误
**TypeError: o[(intermediate value)(intermediate value)(intermediate value)] is not a function**
答: 暂无答案