提问人:stneric 提问时间:6/12/2023 更新时间:6/12/2023 访问量:20
Spotify API 的响应中缺少“发布者”字段
Spotify API is missing the "publisher" field in its response
我现在正在为 uni 做一个项目,我需要对 Android 应用程序的 Spotify API 进行 API 调用。一切都按预期进行,并没有给我带来太多麻烦,但由于某种原因,Spotify 回复中的“发布者”字段是空的。
Spotify API 文档还指出,该字段应存在于响应中。 (https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/get-a-show)
这是我的代码(带有 Gradle 的 Kotlin):
fun DisplayPodcastInfo(podcastLink: String, spotifyAccessToken: String) {
var podcastInfo by remember { mutableStateOf<PodcastInfo?>(null) }
//because no episode can be pulled with a request, need to pull all and search for the requested one
val showId: String
val episodeId: String
if (podcastLink.contains("/show/")) {
showId = podcastLink.substringAfter("/show/").substringBefore("?", "")
episodeId = ""
} else if (podcastLink.contains("/episode/")) {
episodeId = podcastLink.substringAfter("/episode/").substringBefore("?", "")
showId = ""
} else {
Log.e("PodcastInfo", "Invalid podcast link: $podcastLink")
if (episodeId.isNotEmpty()) {
LaunchedEffect(episodeId) {
val httpClient = HttpClient {
install(JsonFeature) {
serializer = KotlinxSerializer(json = kotlinx.serialization.json.Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true })
//building the request
val episode: PodcastInfo = httpClient.get("https://api.spotify.com/v1/episodes/$episodeId") {
headers {
append("Authorization", "Bearer $spotifyAccessToken")
parameter("market", "DE")
podcastInfo = episode
Log.w("Spotify API Res", "Response: \n $episode")
} else if (showId.isNotEmpty()) {
Log.e("PodcastInfo", "invalid link, $podcastLink the podcast link might be the $podcastInfo")
} else {
Log.e("PodcastInfo", "Invalid podcast link: $podcastLink")
data class PodcastInfo(
val audio_preview_url: String? = null,
val description: String? = null,
val duration_ms: Float? = null,
val explicit: Boolean? = null,
val name: String,
val publisher: String? = null,
val images: List<SpotifyImage>,
val id: String,
val uri: String? = null
(请注意,我正在使用“ignoreUnknownKeys = true”可安装文件以避免必须扩展我的 PodcastInfo 类)
我尝试了几个不同的播客,“publisher: String”(使应用程序崩溃),但它仍然没有得到值。
答: 暂无答案