提问人:george1994 提问时间:11/4/2023 更新时间:11/4/2023 访问量:15
在 R 中将单词聚类到给定类别中?
Clustering Words into given Categories in R?
我有一个单词向量和两个预定义的类别:和 .我有兴趣将向量中的单词聚类到这两个指定的类别中。虽然我了解 kmeans() 函数的工作原理,但我正在寻找有关如何处理此特定任务的指导。你有什么见解或想法可以帮助我开始做这件事吗?cat1 = c("Money, Commercial, Facility")
cat2 = c("Debt, Liability, Loans")
`cat1 = c("Money, Commercial, Facility")`
`cat2 = c("Debt, Liability, Loans")`
words <- c(
"Rest of the World Net U S Exports Transactions",
"Net exports of goods and services",
"All Domestic Sectors U S Financial Claims on the Rest of the World Asset Level",
"Labor Force Participation Rate Men",
"Other Financial Intermediaries Except Insurance Companies and Pension Funds Net Lending or Borrowing Financial Account Level",
"Labor Force Participation Rate 20 Yrs over Men",
"Noncyclical Rate of Unemployment",
"Farm Business Included in Nonfinancial Corporate and Noncorporate Business Sectors Net Lending or Borrowing Financial Account Level",
"Other Financial Corporations and Insurance Companies and Pension Funds Net Domestic Claims Asset FWTW Level",
"Employment Level Nonagriculture Unpaid Family Workers"
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