Hive SQL:在 JOIN 中遇到的左别名和右别名

Hive SQL: Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN

提问人:Hack-R 提问时间:3/15/2016 更新时间:7/4/2017 访问量:16657


我有这个有效的 T-SQL 查询:

select t1.*
    ,case when s1.period is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end as flag_cur
    ,case when s2.period is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end as flag_prev
    ,s1.cutoff_date as cutoff_date_cur ,s1.cutoff_dtkey as cutoff_dtkey_cur 
    ,s2.cutoff_date as cutoff_date_prev ,s2.cutoff_dtkey as cutoff_dtkey_prev 
into #tmp_leads2
from #tmp_leads t1
left join #param s1 on s1.period = '(a) Current' and s1.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s1.end_date 
left join #param s2 on s2.period = '(b) Previous' and s2.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s2.end_date 


create table tmp_leads2 as  
select t1.*
    ,case when s1.period is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end as flag_cur
    ,case when s2.period is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end as flag_prev
    ,s1.cutoff_date as cutoff_date_cur ,s1.cutoff_dtkey as cutoff_dtkey_cur 
    ,s2.cutoff_date as cutoff_date_prev ,s2.cutoff_dtkey as cutoff_dtkey_prev 
from tmp_leads t1
left join param s1 on s1.period = '(a) Current'  and s1.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s1.end_date 
left join param s2 on s2.period = '(b) Previous' and s2.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s2.end_date ; 


Error occurred executing hive query: OK FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10017]: Line 8:53 Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN 'CreatedDate'


SQL 配置单元



4赞 Gordon Linoff 3/15/2016 #1


create table tmp_leads2 as  
    select t1.*,
           (case when s1.period is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end) as flag_cur,
           (case when s2.period is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end) as flag_prev,
           s1.cutoff_date as cutoff_date_cur, s1.cutoff_dtkey as cutoff_dtkey_cur ,
           s2.cutoff_date as cutoff_date_prev, s2.cutoff_dtkey as cutoff_dtkey_prev 
    from tmp_leads t1 left join
         param s1
         on s1.period = '(a) Current' left join  
         param s2
         on s2.period = '(b) Previous'
    where (s1.begin_date is null or s1.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s1.end_date) or
          (s2.begin_date is null or s2.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s2.end_date);


1赞 Sukhpreet 7/4/2017 #2

这是不会导致内部连接或别名问题并在 Hive 中为您提供预期结果的内容

   create table tmp_leads2 as  
   select final.*
       ,case when s1period is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end as flag_cur
       ,case when s2period is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end as flag_prev

    (select t1.*,
       max(case when  s1.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s1.end_date then s1.peroid else null end) as s1period,
       max(case when  s1.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s1.end_date then s1.cutoff_date else null end) as cutoff_date_cur,
       max(case when  s1.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s1.end_date then s1.cutoff_dtkey else null end) as cutoff_dtkey_cur,

       max(case when  s2.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s2.end_date then s2.peroid else null end) as s2period,
       max(case when  s2.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s2.end_date then s2.cutoff_date else null end) as cutoff_date_prev,
       max(case when  s2.begin_date <= t1.CreatedDate and t1.CreatedDate < s2.end_date then s2.cutoff_dtkey else null end) as cutoff_dtkey_prev,

   from tmp_leads t1
   left join param s1 on s1.period = '(a) Current'  
   left join param s2 on s2.period = '(b) Previous' 
   group by t1.* /* type all column names required from t1*/
   ) final ;