我有节点、边和权重。如何从 R shiny 中的节点、边、权重信息绘制网络

I have nodes,edges, and weights. How can i draw the network from nodes,edges,weight info in R shiny

提问人:Ream 提问时间:10/25/2023 更新时间:10/31/2023 访问量:117



p <- 100 # Number of nodes (genes) in the network.
n <- 100 # Number of samples to generate.
network <- random_network(p) # Create a random network of size p.
network <- gen_partial_correlations(network) # Generate weights.
df_ref <- SeqNet::reference$rnaseq  # The reference dataset
g <-network

现在从 g 中,我可以同样将节点和边提取为列表:

nodeslist<- list(g$modules[[1]]$nodes)
edgeslist<- list(g$modules[[1]]$edges)

注意:nodeslist 和 edgeslist 包含以下信息: 边缘列表:

[1,] 1 49 0.13920793
[2,] 2 19 -0.16105155
[3,] 2 29 -0.11896011
[4,] 2 49 0.10574541
[5,] 3 29 -0.13120939
[6,] 3 49 0.17390062
[7,] 4 10 -0.10381197
[8,] 5 33 -0.13458892
[9,] 6 49 0.17523747
[10,] 7 19 0.18709664
[11,] 8 49 -0.10200550
[12,] 9 10 -0.16075495
[13,] 9 49 0.12597721
[14,] 10 11 0.12419045
[15,] 10 18 0.16554176
[16,] 10 23 0.12257816
[17,] 10 24 0.17552470
[18,] 10 25 -0.18485569
[19,] 10 28 -0.18851376
[20,] 10 29 -0.17173121
[21,] 10 32 0.14237557
[22,] 10 33 -0.15823895
[23,] 10 34 0.12432978
[24,] 10 35 -0.16700940
[25,] 10 37 0.17640358
[26,] 10 43 -0.10804470
[27,] 10 44 0.16079198
[28,] 10 45 -0.13074089
[29,] 10 47 -0.14941716
[30,] 10 48 0.17069436
[31,] 10 49 -0.14465740
[32,] 10 50 -0.16713456
[33,] 10 51 -0.12124140
[34,] 10 53 0.09832430
[35,] 10 55 -0.16044640
[36,] 10 62 0.15869645
[37,] 10 63 0.11175158
[38,] 12 49 -0.19139133
[39,] 13 29 0.14681721
[40,] 13 49 0.13493487
[41,] 14 33 -0.13364581
[42,] 15 19 0.10663959
[43,] 15 49 -0.11776805
[44,] 16 49 -0.17496817
[45,] 17 49 0.13980787
[46,] 19 24 0.16020803
[47,] 19 25 -0.12007548
[48,] 19 26 0.13061010
[49,] 19 30 0.18347088
[50,] 19 32 0.17066294
[51,] 19 33 -0.16345597
[52,] 19 37 0.12446608
[53,] 19 46 0.13531279
[54,] 19 49 0.10353267
[55,] 19 52 -0.12596833
[56,] 19 63 0.11966468
[57,] 20 49 -0.13018907
[58,] 21 33 -0.10584546
[59,] 21 49 -0.16366432
[60,] 22 29 -0.12769928
[61,] 24 29 0.09683651
[62,] 24 49 -0.17398705
[63,] 25 30 -0.18163093
[64,] 25 34 0.13093457
[65,] 25 35 0.18703481
[66,] 25 41 0.11050505
[67,] 25 44 -0.09962966
[68,] 25 47 0.18286832
[69,] 26 29 0.14178880
[70,] 26 33 -0.10631235
[71,] 27 37 -0.14746540
[72,] 28 33 0.09948649
[73,] 29 30 0.13360557
[74,] 29 31 -0.16245800
[75,] 29 32 -0.16785796
[76,] 29 33 -0.15289176
[77,] 29 39 -0.17283268
[78,] 29 43 0.10077533
[79,] 29 49 -0.13001863
[80,] 29 50 -0.11811612
[81,] 29 51 -0.17453024
[82,] 29 53 -0.12620716
[83,] 29 59 -0.16878030
[84,] 29 63 0.11351594
[85,] 30 37 0.15382473
[86,] 30 49 0.18885891
[87,] 31 49 0.16179096
[88,] 32 49 0.15855171
[89,] 33 34 -0.10088338
[90,] 33 41 0.12001003
[91,] 33 43 -0.18284373
[92,] 33 46 -0.16394107
[93,] 33 49 0.15275365
[94,] 33 53 -0.14424536
[95,] 33 62 -0.18298613
[96,] 35 49 0.15671584
[97,] 36 49 -0.19092302
[98,] 37 49 0.12580630
[99,] 37 59 -0.10462770
[100,] 38 49 -0.12257773
[101,] 40 49 -0.09667345
[102,] 41 49 0.10453115
[103,] 42 49 -0.11113257
[104,] 43 49 -0.10493318
[105,] 48 49 0.18244989
[106,] 49 51 0.15013766
[107,] 49 52 -0.15366076
[108,] 49 54 0.11142246
[109,] 49 56 -0.13114785
[110,] 49 57 -0.17502184
[111,] 49 58 0.18643826
[112,] 49 59 -0.17610071
[113,] 49 60 0.11064330
[114,] 49 61 -0.13522543


 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13




R 亮闪 亮仪表板


0赞 defuneste 10/25/2023
你试过 bwlewis.github.io/rthreejs 吗?
0赞 phili_b 10/30/2023
0赞 phili_b 11/7/2023
@Ream:你有合适的交互式图表吗?我的第二个答案是?还是其他 ?rthreejs


0赞 phili_b 10/25/2023 #1




此泛型函数创建发送到 plotly.js 进行渲染的列表对象。使用此函数可用于覆盖 ggplotly/plot_ly 提供的默认值或调试渲染错误。

PlotlyR 开源图形库

Plotly 的 R 图形库可制作交互式、出版质量的图形。

plot_object<- plot(g)



p$elementId <- NULL

# display the interactive plot: 

根据版本的不同,尝试不这样做:p$elementId <- NULLplotly


igraph似乎不适用于 Ploty :


0赞 Ream 10/26/2023
我收到以下错误:警告:UseMethod 中的错误:没有适用于“ggplotly”类“network_plot”对象的方法
0赞 phili_b 10/27/2023
0赞 phili_b 10/27/2023
尝试,因为我不知道你是哪个级别的图形库,我也不知道你的网络是否兼容,如果我无法测试。plot_object<- gplotly
0赞 Ream 10/27/2023
这是工具“SeqNet”的 github 链接,我正在尝试将其从 igraph 切换到 visNetwork/plotly: github.com/tgrimes/SeqNet
0赞 Ream 10/27/2023
如果您需要更多信息,请告诉我向您发送 UI 的方法。R,服务器。R,全局。R 如果需要
0赞 phili_b 10/30/2023 #2

这是另一个受 R-bloggers 启发的答案:R 中的网络图,因为在我阅读的评论之后,不支持 .igraphplotly


您需要运行第一部分和第二部分才能运行有关 networkD3 的第三部分。


flat_dataset <-"r  a b weight
[1,] 1 49 0.13920793
[2,] 2 19 -0.16105155
[3,] 2 29 -0.11896011
[4,] 2 49 0.10574541
[5,] 3 29 -0.13120939
[6,] 3 49 0.17390062
[7,] 4 10 -0.10381197
 snip snip snip
[113,] 49 60 0.11064330
[114,] 49 61 -0.13522543

data <-read.table(textConnection(flat_dataset),header=TRUE)


# A tibble: 114 × 4
   r         a     b weight
   <chr> <int> <int>  <dbl>
 1 [1,]      1    49  0.139
 2 [2,]      2    19 -0.161
 3 [3,]      2    29 -0.119
 4 [4,]      2    49  0.106
 5 [5,]      3    29 -0.131
 6 [6,]      3    49  0.174
 7 [7,]      4    10 -0.104
 8 [8,]      5    33 -0.135
 9 [9,]      6    49  0.175
10 [10,]     7    19  0.187
# … with 104 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows



第 1 部分 igraph

文章的一部分,但包含您的数据。数据似乎不完整:几乎所有节点都是孤立的。 如果没有分位数滤波器,它们看起来并不完整。igraph

graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(data, directed = FALSE)

# Warning message in v(graph):
# “Non-positive edge weight found, ignoring all weights during graph layout.”

igraph plot 1

data2 <- data[data$weight >= stats::quantile(data$weight, p = 0.98),,]


data2 <- data


data2 %>%
    igraph::graph_from_data_frame(directed = FALSE) %>%
    plot(layout = layout_with_graphopt)

igraph plot 2

没有分位数滤波器的第一个图形:带有:data2 <- data

igraph plot 1 without quantile

第 2 部分和tidygraphggraph

nodes <- c(data$a, data$b) %>% 
    unique() %>%
    # tibble from tidyverse library
    tibble::tibble(label = .) %>%

# nodes

与标签和 ID 中的重量相同:

nodes <- c(data$a, data$b, data$weight) %>% 
    unique()  %>%
    tibble::tibble(label = .) %>%


  • afrom
  • bto
  • weightN
edges <- data2 %>%
    # join the example, but your network seems already made
    # dplyr::left_join(nodes, by = c("Person1"="label")) %>%
    # dplyr from tidyverse package
    dplyr::rename(N = "weight") %>%
    dplyr::rename(from = "a") %>%
    # join the example, but your network seems already made
    # dplyr::left_join(nodes, by = c("Person2"="label")) %>%
    dplyr::rename("to" = "b") %>%
    dplyr::select(from, to, N)

graph_tidy <- tidygraph::tbl_graph(nodes = nodes, edges = edges, directed = FALSE)



# A tbl_graph: 63 nodes and 3 edges
# An unrooted forest with 60 trees
# A tibble: 63 × 2
     id label
  <int> <int>
1     1     1
2     2     2
3     3     3
4     4     4
5     5     5
6     6     6
# … with 57 more rows
# A tibble: 3 × 3
   from    to     N
  <int> <int> <dbl>
1     7    19 0.187
2    25    35 0.187
3    30    49 0.189
graph_tidy %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Centrality = tidygraph::centrality_authority()) %>%
    ggraph::ggraph(layout = "graphopt") + 
    ggraph::geom_node_point(aes(size=Centrality, colour = label), show.legend = FALSE) +
    ggraph::geom_edge_link(aes(width = N), alpha = 0.8, show.legend = FALSE) + 
    ggraph::scale_edge_width(range = c(0.2, 2)) +
    ggraph::geom_node_text(aes(label = label), repel = TRUE)
# Warning message:
# “Using the `size` aesthetic in this geom was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
# Please use `linewidth` in the `default_aes` field and elsewhere instead.”
# my comment: linewidth doesn't work there


没有分位数滤波器的相同图形:with(在开头):data2 <- data

without quantile

将权重作为 id 和标签的一部分:

With weight as part of id and label

第 3 部分networkD3

edges <- edges %>%
        dplyr::mutate(from = from -1, to = to - 1) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(N = N / 200)

# edges
nodes <- nodes %>%
    dplyr::mutate(id=id-1) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(nodesize = igraph::authority.score(graph_tidy)$vector*150)

# nodes
networkD3::forceNetwork(Links = edges, 
             Nodes = nodes, 
             Source = "from", 
             Target = "to", 
             NodeID = "label", 
             Group = "id", 
             opacity = 1,
             fontSize = 14,
             zoom = TRUE, 
             Value = "N", 
             Nodesize = "nodesize", 
             opacityNoHover = TRUE
# Warning message:
# “It looks like Source/Target is not zero-indexed. This is required in  JavaScript and so your plot may not render.”
# Nodes is a tbl_df. Converting to a plain data frame.




没有分位数滤波器的相同图形:with(在开头):data2 <- data

enter image description here

将权重作为 id 和标签的一部分(图表摘录):

enter image description here

它是一个可缩放的矢量图形 (SVG):

<div class="forceNetwork html-widget html-fill-item-overflow-hidden html-fill-item html-widget-static-bound" id="htmlwidget-380bfc22386ecfa1b181" style="width:960px;height:500px;">
    <svg width="960" height="500" pointer-events="all">
        <g class="zoom-layer">
                <line class="link" style="stroke: rgb(102, 102, 102); opacity: 0.25; stroke-width: 0.00216273px;" x1="410.4125002318474" y1="235.5820858923744" x2="374.73641851106566" y2="252.4766163768353"></line>
