使用 Powershell,如何筛选 JSON 以排除某些键名称?

Using Powershell, how do I filter a JSON to exclude certain key names?

提问人:Ne Mo 提问时间:11/8/2023 最后编辑:Ne Mo 更新时间:11/9/2023 访问量:60


我正在尝试减小 JSON 的大小,即 700MB。这是一个稍微小一点的版本:https://kaikki.org/dictionary/All%20languages%20combined/by-pos-name/kaikki_dot_org-dictionary-all-by-pos-name.json



$Obj = 
  [System.IO.File]::ReadLines((Convert-Path -LiteralPath namesonly.json)) | 
$foo = Select-Object $Obj -ExcludeProperty hypernyms,pos,categories,alt_of,inflection_templates,hyponyms,meronyms,source,wikipedia,holonyms,proverbs,head_templates,etymology_text,lang_code,hyphenation,forms,synonyms,antonyms
$foo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 > namesonlycleaned.json

但这会导致一个空文件。我该如何修复它,以便我得到一个没有那些不必要的字段的新 JSON?

编辑:建议在评论中添加星号 - 如果我做对了

$Obj = 
  [System.IO.File]::ReadLines((Convert-Path -LiteralPath namesonly.json)) | 
$foo = Select-Object $Obj * -ExcludeProperty hypernyms,pos,categories,alt_of,inflection_templates,hyponyms,meronyms,source,wikipedia,holonyms,proverbs,head_templates,etymology_text,lang_code,hyphenation,forms,synonyms,antonyms
$foo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 > namesonlycleaned.json


A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '*'.
JSON PowerShell 大型文件


2赞 Mathias R. Jessen 11/8/2023
更改为$foo = Select-Object $Obj -ExcludeProperty ...$foo = $Obj |Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty ...
0赞 Ne Mo 11/8/2023
2赞 mclayton 11/8/2023
@nemo - 如果运行需要一个小时,也许可以为自己创建一个较小的示例文件用于开发/测试目的:-)
0赞 Ne Mo 11/8/2023
@MathiasR.Jessen 看到编辑,在中加入星号会引发错误。
1赞 Mathias R. Jessen 11/8/2023
@NeMo 不是 ,而是 - 大区别Select-Object $Obj * -ExcludeProperty$Obj |Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty


1赞 mklement0 11/9/2023 #1
  • 眼前的问题是Mathias R. Jessen指出的问题:

    • 不幸的是,在 Windows PowerShell 中,单独使用 Select-Object 无法按预期工作(输出空对象),并且需要结合使用 - 此问题已在 PowerShell (Core) 7+ 中修复-ExcludeProperty-Property *

    • 必须通过管道向以下对象提供输入对象:Select-Object

      $Obj | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty hypernyms,pos,categories,alt_of,inflection_templates,hyponyms,meronyms,source,wikipedia,holonyms,proverbs,head_templates,etymology_text,lang_code,hyphenation,forms,synonyms,antonyms      
  • 但是,仅凭这一点并不能解决您的问题:

    • 从链接的数据源和您尝试排除的属性数组来看,其中一些属性是嵌套对象的属性,即您希望从每个对象的对象图中删除属性

    • Select-Object不支持此功能,但自定义 Remove-Property 函数(底部的源代码)支持此功能。


[System.IO.File]::ReadLines((Convert-Path -LiteralPath large.json)) | 
  ConvertFrom-Json |
  Remove-Property -Recurse -Property hypernyms,pos,categories,alt_of,inflection_templates,hyponyms,meronyms,source,wikipedia,holonyms,proverbs,head_templates,etymology_text,lang_code,hyphenation,forms,synonyms,antonyms |
  ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 100 > namesonlycleaned.json


  • 这将运行相当长一段时间,但通过使用单个管道,它可以避免由于结果的中间存储而导致不必要的内存使用。

    • 也就是说(至少从 PowerShell 7.4 开始),在生成输出之前预先读取所有输入;然而,就运行时性能而言,这部分完成得相当快。ConvertFrom-Json
  • 对于故障排除(例如,将输出限制为前 10 个对象),可以在段之前作为管道段插入。Select-Object -First 10ConvertTo-Json

Remove-Property 源代码

function Remove-Property {
  Removes properties from [pscustomobject] or dictionary objects (hashtables)
  and outputs the resulting objects.
  Use -Recurse to remove the specified properties / entries from 
  the entire object *graph* of each input object, i.e. also from any *nested* 
  [pscustomobject]s or dictionaries.

  Useful for removing unwanted properties / entries from object graphs parsed
  from JSON via ConvertFrom-Json.

  Attempts to remove non-existent properties / entries are quietly ignored.
  [pscustomobject] @{ foo=1; bar=2 } | Remove-Property foo

  Removes the 'foo' property from the given custom object and outputs the result.

  @{ foo=1; bar=@{foo=10; baz=2} } | Remove-Property foo -Recurse

  Removes 'foo' properties (entries) from the entire object graph, i.e. from
  the top-level hashtable as well as from any nested hashtables.
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string[]] $Property,
    [switch] $Recurse,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [object] $InputObject
  process {
    if (-not (($isPsCustObj = $InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]) -or $InputObject -is [System.Collections.IDictionary])) { Write-Error "Neither a [pscustomobject] nor an [IDictionary] instance: $InputObject"; return }
    # Remove the requested properties from the input object itself.
    foreach ($propName in $Property) {
      # Note: In both cases, if  a property / entry by a given name doesn't exist, the .Remove() call is a quiet no-op.
      if ($isPsCustObj) {        
      else {
        # IDictionary
    # Recurse, if requested.
    if ($Recurse) {
      if ($isPsCustObj) {
        foreach ($prop in $InputObject.psobject.Properties) {
          if ($prop.Value -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] -or $prop.Value -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
            $prop.Value = Remove-Property -InputObject $prop.Value -Recurse -Property $Property
      else {
        # IDictionary
        foreach ($entry in $InputObject.GetEnumerator()) {
          if ($entry.Value -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] -or $entry.Value -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
            $entry.Value = Remove-Property -InputObject $entry.Value -Recurse -Property $Property
    $InputObject # Output the potentially modified input object.


0赞 Ne Mo 11/9/2023
嗨,又:D。感谢您的帮助。对不起,它分了 3 口 - 每走一步后,我以为我能够自己解决下一点 - 错误地哈哈
0赞 mklement0 11/9/2023
@NeMo :)很高兴听到它有所帮助。你的步骤是有趣的问题。