
I am trying to implement this using a circular queue. My program executes but says terminated succesfully when build&ran

提问人:juggernaut45 提问时间:11/1/2023 最后编辑:Chrisjuggernaut45 更新时间:11/4/2023 访问量:75


LinkSort.adb 文件

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure LinkSort is

  type JobType is (Accountant, Analysist, Manager, Manufacturing, Programmer, Inventory, Sales, SoftwareEnginner);
  package JobTypeIO is new Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO(JobType); use JobTypeIO;

  type EmpName is (Ben, Betty, Bob, Damon, Darlene, David, Desire, Donald, Dustin, Jerry, Kevin, Mary, Marty, Sable, Sam, Sara, Teddy, Tom);
  package EmpNameIO is new Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO(EmpName); use EmpNameIO;

  type LegalResponce is (yup, y, yes, affirmative, nope, no, n, negative);
  subtype PositiveResponce is LegalResponce range yup..affirmative;
  package LegalIO is new Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO(LegalResponce); use LegalIO;

  package IntIO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO(Integer); use IntIO;

  type Emp is record
    Name: EmpName;
    Job: JobType;
    age: integer;
  end record;

  SortByJob: Array(JobType) of integer := (others =\> 0);

  SortSpace: Array(1..200) of Emp;
  Avail: integer := 1; -- Dynamic storage allocator.
  Pt: integer;

  Again: LegalResponce := affirmative;


  while (Again in PositiveResponce) loop
    put("Enter name: "); get(SortSpace(Avail).Name); --Get emp info.
    put("Enter Job type: "); get(SortSpace(Avail).Job);
    -- Insert in appropriate list (by job).
    SortSpace(Avail).Next := SortByJob(SortSpace(Avail).Job);
    SortByJob(SortSpace(Avail).Job) := Avail;
    -- Prepare for next dynamically allocated node.
    Avail := Avail + 1; --Using static array allocation as opposed dynamic linked list.
    put("Enter another name (yup or nope): "); get(Again);
  end loop;

  -- Sort by job type.

  for I in JobType loop
    new_line; put("Job Type = "); put (I); new_line;
    Pt := SortByJob(I); -- Point to first node in job list.
    while Pt /= 0 loop
      put(SortSpace(Pt).Name); put(" "); put(SortSpace(Pt).Job);
      put(" link = "); put(SortSpace(Pt).Next,4); new_line;
      Pt := SortSpace(Pt).Next; -- Move down list.
    end loop;
  end loop;

end LinkSort;

main.adb 文件

procedure Main is
end Main;

纠结于我下一步应该做什么?我试图在main.adb文件中实现Ada.Text_IO中的所有内容,但发生了错误。我知道我需要将某些内容移动到主文件中,以便程序在构建后执行。输出语句应为 name、job type,然后对空格编号进行排序。

循环 ada io-redirection circular-queue



4赞 Simon Wright 11/1/2023 #1


procedure Linksort;


with Linksort;   -- the same way as you 'with' Ada.Text_IO
procedure Main is
end Main;

Ada 中没有规则说你的主程序必须被调用 or ;你写它的方式将成为一个完美的主程序。一旦你构建了它,在Unix类型的计算机上,你会说,在Windows计算机上。


3赞 Simon Wright 11/1/2023
如果这个答案有帮助,请标记它(点赞,甚至打勾);不要删除这个问题,就像你的同事 amb007 在我花时间提供答案后所做的那样,或者下次你班上的某个人问一个与他们如此相似的问题时,他们不会得到答案。
0赞 trashgod 11/2/2023