c++ - 在不强制转换的情况下调用类模板中的非可变参数构造函数

c++ - Calling the non-variadic constructor in a class template without casting

提问人:SKNB 提问时间:10/18/2023 更新时间:10/18/2023 访问量:62



  1. 一个接受单个参数,并且std::size
  2. 一个接受任意数量的参数(前提是它们是可构造的)。T



  • 这里有什么要点(从概念的角度来看)?


  • cArray<int> arr1(7):调用可变参数构造函数,从而包含一个元素 (7)。cArray<int>

  • cArray<int> arr1((std::size_t)7):行为正确(但总是投射不方便)。




template <typename T>
class cArrayIterator;

template <typename T>
class cArray
    using value_type      = T;
    using array_type      = cArray<T>;
    using size_type       = std::size_t;
    using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
    using reference       = value_type&;
    using const_reference = value_type const&;
    using pointer         = value_type*;
    using const_pointer   = value_type const*;
    using iterator        = cArrayIterator<T>;
    using const_iterator  = cArrayIterator<const T>;

    cArray(std::size_t _size)
        if (_size > 0)
            m_size = _size;
            m_arr  = new T[_size];
            throw std::runtime_error("TO DO: array length cannot be 0!");

    template <typename... Elements>
        requires(std::constructible_from<T, Elements>&&...)
    cArray(Elements&&... es)
    : m_size{ sizeof...(es) }
    , m_arr{ new T[sizeof...(es)] { es... } }

    // special member functions
    cArray(const cArray& _other)
        m_size = _other.size();
        m_arr  = new T[m_size];

        std::copy_n(_other.m_arr, m_size, m_arr);

    cArray(cArray&& _other) noexcept
    : m_size(std::exchange(_other.m_size, 0))
    , m_arr(std::exchange(_other.m_arr, nullptr))

        delete[] m_arr;

    cArray& operator=(const cArray& _other)
        delete[] m_arr;
        m_size = _other.m_size;
        m_arr  = new T[m_size];

        std::copy_n(_other.m_arr, m_size, m_arr);

        return *this;

    cArray& operator=(cArray&& _other) noexcept
        delete[] m_arr;
        m_size = std::exchange(_other.m_size, 0);
        m_arr  = std::exchange(_other.m_arr, nullptr);

        return *this;

    constexpr value_type& at(const size_type _index)
        if (_index < m_size)
            return m_arr[_index];
            throw std::out_of_range("TO DO: index out of bounds."); // TO DO: custom exception

    constexpr const_reference back() const noexcept
        return m_arr[m_size - 1];

    constexpr const_reference front() const noexcept
        return m_arr[(size_type)0];

    iterator begin()
        return iterator(*this, 0);

    iterator end()
        return iterator(*this, m_size);

    const_iterator begin() const
        return const_iterator(*this, 0);

    const_iterator end() const
        return const_iterator(*this, m_size);

    constexpr size_type size() const noexcept
        return m_size;

    constexpr T& operator[](const size_type _pos)
        return m_arr[_pos];

    constexpr const T& operator[](const size_type _pos) const
        return m_arr[_pos];

    friend cArrayIterator<T>;
    friend cArrayIterator<T const>;

    std::size_t  m_size;
    T* m_arr;

template<class T>
cArray(const T&, const T&) -> cArray<T&>;

template<class T>
explicit cArray(T&&, T&&)->cArray<T>;

template <typename T>
class cArrayIterator
    using array_type = std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<T>, const cArray<std::remove_const_t<T>>, cArray<T>>;

    using value_type          = std::remove_const_t<T>;;
    using value_const_type    = std::add_const_t<T>;
    using iterator_type       = cArrayIterator<T>;
    using iterator_const_type = cArrayIterator<const T>;
    using size_type           = std::size_t;
    using difference_type     = std::ptrdiff_t;
    using reference           = value_type&;
    using const_reference     = value_type const&;
    using pointer             = value_type*;
    using const_pointer       = const value_type*;
    using iterator_category   = std::random_access_iterator_tag;

    // constructor(s)
    explicit cArrayIterator(array_type& _array, size_type const _index)
    : m_array_ref(_array)
    , m_index(_index)

    auto operator<=>(const cArrayIterator&) const = default;

    iterator_type& operator=(const cArrayIterator& _other)
        m_array_ref = _other.m_array_ref.get();
        m_index     = _other.m_index;

        return *this;

    iterator_type& operator=(cArrayIterator&& _other) noexcept
        // Copy the data pointer and its length from the
        // source object.
        m_array_ref = _other.m_array_ref;
        m_index     = _other.m_index;

        // Release the data pointer from the source object so that
        // the destructor does not free the memory multiple times.
        _other._data = nullptr;
        _other._length = 0;

        m_array_ref = std::move(_other.m_array_ref);
        m_index = _other.m_index;

        return *this;

    bool operator==(iterator_type const& _other) const
        return ((m_array_ref.get().m_arr == _other.m_array_ref.get().m_arr) &&
            (m_index == _other.m_index));

    bool operator!=(iterator_type const& _other) const
        return ((m_array_ref.get().m_arr != _other.m_array_ref.get().m_arr) ||
                (m_index != _other.m_index));

    const_reference operator*() const
        // make sure array is within bounds
        if ((m_index < 0) || (m_index >= m_array_ref.get().m_size))
            throw std::logic_error("TO DO: Cannot dereferentiate the iterator");

        return m_array_ref.get().m_arr[m_index];

    pointer operator->() const
        // make sure array is within bounds
        if ((m_index < 0) || (m_index >= m_array_ref.get().m_size))
            throw std::logic_error("TO DO: Cannot dereferentiate the iterator");

        return &(m_array_ref.get().m_arr[m_index]);

    iterator_type& operator++()
        if (m_index >= m_array_ref.get().m_size)
            throw std::out_of_range("TO DO: index out of bounds!");


        return *this;

    iterator_type operator++(int)
        iterator_type temp = *this;

        ++* this;

        return temp;

    iterator_type& operator--()
        if (m_index <= 0)
            throw std::out_of_range("TO DO: index out of bounds!");


        return *this;

    iterator_type operator--(int)
        iterator_type temp = *this;

        --* this;

        return temp;

    iterator_type operator+(difference_type _other) const
        iterator_type temp = *this;

        return temp += _other;

    difference_type operator+(iterator_type const& _other) const
        return m_index + _other.m_index;

    iterator_type operator-(difference_type _offset) const
        iterator_type temp = *this;

        return temp -= _offset;

    difference_type operator-(iterator_type const& _other) const
        return m_index - _other.m_index;

    iterator_type& operator+=(const difference_type _offset)
        difference_type next = m_index + _offset;

        if (next >= m_array_ref.get().m_size)
            throw std::out_of_range("TO DO: Iterator cannot be incremented past the bounds of the range");

        m_index = next;

        return *this;

    iterator_type& operator-=(const difference_type _offset)
        difference_type next = m_index - _offset;

        if (next > 0)
            throw std::out_of_range("TO DO: Iterator cannot be incremented past the bounds of the range");

        m_index = next;

        return *this;

    value_type& operator[](size_type _index) const
        if (_index >= m_array_ref.get().m_size)
            throw std::out_of_range("TO DO: index out of range.");

        return (m_array_ref.get().m_arr + _index);

    std::reference_wrapper<array_type> m_array_ref;
    size_type                          m_index = 0;


template class DArray<int>;
template class DArray<std::string>;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include ".\cArray.hpp"
#include ".\cArray_tests.cpp"
#include ".\cArrayImpl.cpp"

main(int argc, char ** argv)

        cArray<int> arr1((std::size_t)10);
        std::cout << "cArray<int> WITH cast to std::size    (expected 10): " << arr1.size() << std::endl;

        cArray<int> arr2(10);
        std::cout << "cArray<int> WITHOUT cast to std::size (expected 10): " << arr2.size() << std::endl;

        //cArray<double> arr3(10);
        std::cout << "cArray<double> WITHOUT cast = ERROR" << std::endl;

我尝试了演绎指南,并在 SO 上阅读了大约 10 个问题,但我无法

C++ 构造函数 variadic-templates class-template


1赞 KamilCuk 10/18/2023
呜。我宁愿明确并创建一些.我会发现用户创建具有 10 个大小或元素的数组会感到困惑。explicit cArray(int size)static cArray.with_size(size_t)arr(10)
2赞 Remy Lebeau 10/18/2023
如果传入参数,您可以使用禁用可变参数构造函数吗?sizeof...(Elements)requires< 2
5赞 Mooing Duck 10/18/2023
我会说:不要这样做。这一事实已经并引起了无尽的混乱。在尺寸中添加一些“假”参数以使其清晰。vector<int>vector( size_type count, const T& value = T())vector( std::initializer_list<T> init)cArray<int> arr2(construct_with_size, 10);
1赞 Adrian Mole 10/18/2023
@Remy 可能(或者,更像猴子风格,通过向可变参数 c'tor 添加两个显式和参数。但是两者都会阻止构造一个类型的 1 元素数组(比如说)。T&& e1T&& e2std::string
1赞 KamilCuk 10/18/2023
did you mean是的。


1赞 Jarod42 10/18/2023 #1


您希望在 时删除重载。sizeof...(Elements) == 1 && (std::convertible_to<Elements, std::size_t> && ...)


template <typename... Elements>
requires((std::constructible_from<T, Elements> && ...)
        && (sizeof...(Elements) != 1
            || !(std::convertible_to<Elements, std::size_t> && ...)))
cArray(Elements&&... es)
    : m_size{ sizeof...(es) }
    , m_arr{ new T[sizeof...(es)] { es... } }


您可能还希望将类型可转换 (both) 转换为 和 。CArrayElements
