在 C++14 中关闭 RVO/NRVO 时,如何返回对象?

When in C++14 with RVO/NRVO closed, how is the object returned?

提问人:Isuxiz Slidder 提问时间:5/21/2023 更新时间:5/21/2023 访问量:100



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int one_int = 123;

class A {
    int *a;

    A(int *ptr) : a(ptr) {
        cout << "In A's constructor..." << endl;

    A(const A &other) {
        cout << "In A's copy constructor..." << endl;
        a = other.a;

    A(A &&other) noexcept {
        cout << "In A's move constructor..." << endl;
        a = other.a;
        other.a = nullptr;

    ~A() {
        cout << "In A's destructor..." << endl;

A make_obj() {
    cout << "In make_obj..." << endl;
    return A(&one_int);

A make_obj_by_move(A &&source) {
    cout << "In make_obj_by_move..." << endl;
    return A(static_cast<A&&>(source));

A make_obj_by_copy(A source) {
    cout << "In make_obj_by_copy..." << endl;
    return A(source);

int main() {
    A obj2 = make_obj_by_move(make_obj());
    cout << endl;
    A obj1 = make_obj_by_copy(make_obj());
    cout << endl;
    // to ensure that the information printed when obj1 and obj2 are destroyed is separated from the above ones
    obj1.a = nullptr;
    obj2.a = nullptr;
    return 0;

我通过编译器选项关闭了 clang 的 RVO/NRVO 并使用 .我得到了以下输出,非常令人困惑:-fno-elide-constructors-std=c++14

In make_obj...                                
In A's constructor...                   // make tmp obj
In A's move constructor...              // w/o RVO, need another construction to get return value?
In A's destructor...                    // destory the temp obj in make_obj scope?                
In make_obj_by_move...                
In A's move constructor...              // call the move constructor like expected? I guess by the position of "copy constructor" below
In A's move constructor...              // what happened here ???
In A's destructor...                    // destory which?            
In A's move constructor...              // w/o NRVO, need another construction to get obj1?
In A's destructor...                    // destory which?
In A's destructor...                    // destory which?

In make_obj...                            
In A's constructor...                   // make tmp obj
In A's move constructor...              // w/o RVO, need another construction to get return value?
In A's destructor...                    // destory the temp obj in make_obj scope?            
In A's move constructor...              // what happened here ???
In make_obj_by_copy...                
In A's copy constructor...              // call the copy constructor like expected
In A's move constructor...              // what happened here ???
In A's destructor...                    // destory which?            
In A's move constructor...              // w/o NRVO, need another construction to get obj2?
In A's destructor...                    // destory which?
In A's destructor...                    // destory which?
In A's destructor...                    // destory which?            

In A's destructor...                    // destory obj1/obj2
In A's destructor...                    // destory obj2/obj1


C++ C++14 返回值优化 NRVO


2赞 Nathan Pierson 5/21/2023
1赞 PaulMcKenzie 5/21/2023
// destory which?-- 如前所述,您知道哪个对象正在被打印销毁。通常,您应该始终在构造函数和析构函数中打印,这样您就不会对正在创建和销毁的内容感到困惑。现在,输出是我们任何人都能快速看到真正发生的事情的唯一途径。thisthisthis


1赞 Miles Budnek 5/21/2023 #1


  1. 传递给关键字的对象return
  2. 函数的返回值
  3. 由返回值初始化的对象
  • 您为关键字提供的对象(通常)是函数本地对象,并且它的存储位于函数的堆栈框架中。return

  • 函数的返回值存在于函数的作用域之外,作为临时对象存在于调用方的堆栈帧中,该临时对象仅存在于调用函数的完整表达式结束之前。

  • 由返回值初始化的对象也存在于调用方的堆栈帧中,并且(通常)在调用方中具有名称和更广泛的范围



In make_obj...                                
In A's constructor...         // create function-local temporary object
In A's move constructor...    // construct make_obj's return value by move from the function local temp object
In A's destructor...          // destroy the function-local temp object
In make_obj_by_move...
In A's move constructor...    // create function-local temporary object
In A's move constructor...    // construct make_obj_by_move's return value by move from the function-local temp object
In A's destructor...          // destroy the function-local temp object
In A's move constructor...    // construct obj1 in main by move from make_obj_by_move's return object
In A's destructor...          // destroy make_obj_by_move's return object
In A's destructor...          // destroy make_obj's return object

In make_obj...
In A's constructor...         // create function-local temporary object
In A's move constructor...    // construct make_obj's return value by move from the function local temp object
In A's destructor...          // destroy the function-local temp object
In A's move constructor...    // construct make_obj_by_copy's source parameter by move from make_obj's return object
In make_obj_by_copy...                
In A's copy constructor...    // create function-local temp object by copy from the source parameter
In A's move constructor...    // construct make_obj_by_copy's return value by move from the function-local temp object
In A's destructor...          // destroy the function-local temp object
In A's move constructor...    // construct obj2 in main by move from make_obj_by_move's return object
In A's destructor...          // destroy make_obj_by_copy's return object
In A's destructor...          // destroy make_obj_by_copy's source parameter
In A's destructor...          // destroy make_obj's return object

In A's destructor...          // destroy obj2
In A's destructor...          // destroy obj1
