php strip_tags正则表达式,用于将单个<替换为 HTML 实体

php strip_tags regex for replacing single < with HTML entities

提问人:th3_sh0w3r 提问时间:9/21/2023 更新时间:9/22/2023 访问量:58


我正在使用 strip_tags 来确保在保存字符串之前删除每个 HTML 标签。 现在我遇到了一个问题,即删除了没有任何结束标签的单曲。 现在的想法是用匹配的 HTML 实体替换每个实体,我为此得到了一个正则表达式,但它只替换了第一个发现,知道我该如何调整它吗?<<&#60;

这是我现在得到的正则表达式:preg_replace("/<([^>]*(<|$))/", "&lt;$1", $string);


<p> Hello < 30 </p> < < < <!-- Test --> &#60;> > > >

成为第一个这个:preg_replace(REGEX, REPLACE, $string)

<p> Hello &#60; 30 </p> &#60; &#60; &#60; <!-- Test --> &#60;> > > >


Hello &#60; 30  &#60; &#60; &#60;  &#60;> > > >


php 正则表达式 条形标签


5赞 KIKO Software 9/21/2023
假设这是为了避免 XSS 攻击,您还可以使用 htmlspecialcharshtmlentities。这将使字符串在浏览器中显示时在视觉上不受影响,同时禁用所有 HTML 标记。
5赞 nice_dev 9/21/2023


1赞 Patrick Janser 9/21/2023 #1

你的问题很有趣,因此我花时间尝试和 解决它。我认为唯一的方法是分几个步骤来完成:

  1. 第一步是删除 HTML 注释。

  2. 下一步是尝试将所有 HTML 标签与常规 表达式,以便将它们重写为另一种形式,将 and 字符替换为其他内容,例如 和 分别。<>[[]]

  3. 之后,您可以替换 by 和 by .<&lt;>&gt;

  4. 我们用 原始 HTML 标记和 .[[tag attr="value"]][[/tag]]<tag attr="value"></tag>

  5. 我们现在可以使用 strip_tags() 或使用更安全、更灵活的库(如 HTMLPurifier)来剥离我们想要的 HTML 标签。


抱歉,由于我使用 Nowdoc 字符串来简化编辑,颜色突出显示似乎有错误:


define('LINE_LENGTH', 60);

// A regular expression to find HTML tags.
<(?!!--)                # Opening of a tag, but not for HTML comments.
(?<tagcontent>          # Capture the text between the "<" and ">" chars.
  \s*/?\s*              # Optional spaces, optional slash (for closing tags).
  (?<tagname>[a-z]+\b)  # The tag name.
  (?<attributes>        # The tag attributes. Handle a possible ">" in one of them.
      |                 # Or
      [^>]              # Any char not beeing ">"
  \s*/?\s*              # For self-closing tags such as <img .../>.
>                       # Closing of a tag.

// A regular expression to find double-bracketed tags.
\[\[            # Opening of a bracketed tag.
(?<tagcontent>  # Capture the text between the brackets.
\]\]            # Closing of a bracketed tag.

$html = <<<'END_OF_HTML'
<p> Hello < 30 </p> < < < <!-- Test --> &#60;> > > >
<p><span class="icon icon-print">print</SPAN></p>

<LABEL for="firstname">First name:</LABEL>
<input required type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" /><!-- with self-closing slash -->
<label for="age">Age:</label>
<INPut required type="number" id="age" name="age"><!-- without self-closing slash -->

Shit should not happen with malformed HTML --> <p id="paragraph-58">Isn't closed
Or something not opened </div>
Be carefull with ">" in tag attribute values (seems to be allowed unescaped):
<input type="password" pattern="(?!.*[><]).{8,}" name="password">
<abbr data-symbol=">" title="Greater than">gt</abbr>

<nav class="floating-nav">
  <ul class="menu">
    <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>

Test with spaces: <
textarea id="text"
>Some text< / textarea>

 * Just to print a title or a step of the operations.
 * @param string $text The text to print.
 * @param bool $is_a_step If set to false then no step counter will be printed
 *                        and incremented.
 * @return void
function printTitle($text, $is_a_step = true) {
    static $counter = 1;
    if ($is_a_step) {
        print "\n\nSTEP $counter : $text\n";
    } else {
        print "\n\n$text\n";
    print str_repeat('=', LINE_LENGTH) . "\n\n";

printTitle('Input HTML:', false);
print $html;

printTitle('Strip out HTML comments');
$output = preg_replace('/<!--.*?-->/', '', $html);
print $output;

printTitle('replace all HTML tags by [[tag]]');
// preg_replace() doesn't support named groups but pre_replace_callback() does, so we'll use $1.
$output = preg_replace(REGEX_HTML_TAG, '[[$1]]', $output);
print $output;

printTitle('replace all < and > by &lt; and &gt;');
$output = htmlspecialchars($output, ENT_HTML5); // ENT_HTML5 will leave single and double quotes.
print $output;

printTitle('replace back [[tag]] by <tag>');
$output = preg_replace(REGEX_BRACKETED_TAG, '<$1>', $output);
print $output;

printTitle('Strip the HTML tags with strip_tags()');
$output = strip_tags($output);
print $output;

// It seems that the crapy strip_tags() doesn't always manage it's job!!!
// So let's see if we find some left HTML tags.
printTitle('Check what strip_tags() did');
if (preg_match_all(REGEX_HTML_TAG, $output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
    print "Oups! strip_tags() didn't clean up everything!\n";
    print "Found " . count($matches) . " occurrences:\n";
    foreach ($matches as $i => $match) {
        $indented_match = preg_replace('/\r?\n/', '$0  ', $match[0]);
        print '- match ' . ($i + 1) . " : $indented_match\n";

    print "\n\nLet's try to do it ourselves, by replacing the matched tags by nothing.\n\n";
    $output = preg_replace(REGEX_HTML_TAG, '', $output);
    print $output;
else {
    print "Ok, no tag found.\n";


对于正则表达式,我使用代替通常的方法来分隔模式和标志。这只是因为我们 然后可以使用斜杠而不在模式中转义它。~/

我还使用了 ex趋向符号的标志,这样我就可以 在我的模式中加入一些注释,并将其写在几行上。x

为了提高可读性和灵活性,我还使用了命名捕获 组,例如,这样我们就没有索引,这 如果我们添加一些其他捕获组,可能会移动。反向引用 而不是索引版本。(?<quote>)\k<quote>\4

HTML5 似乎很宽容,因为 char 似乎可以 放在属性值中,而不将其替换为 。我 假设这在过去是不允许的,它变成了“OK/accepted” 帮助用户在字段上编写可读属性。我添加了一个密码字段的示例,其中您不是 允许使用 AND 字符。这是为了展示如何 在正则表达式中处理它,方法是接受一个属性 单引号或双引号值。>&gt;pattern<input><>


Input HTML:

<p> Hello < 30 </p> < < < <!-- Test --> &#60;> > > >
<p><span class="icon icon-print">print</SPAN></p>

<LABEL for="firstname">First name:</LABEL>
<input required type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" /><!-- with self-closing slash -->
<label for="age">Age:</label>
<INPut required type="number" id="age" name="age"><!-- without self-closing slash -->

Shit should not happen with malformed HTML --> <p id="paragraph-58">Isn't closed
Or something not opened </div>
Be carefull with ">" in tag attribute values (seems to be allowed unescaped):
<input type="password" pattern="(?!.*[><]).{8,}" name="password">
<abbr data-symbol=">" title="Greater than">gt</abbr>

<nav class="floating-nav">
  <ul class="menu">
    <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>

Test with spaces: <
textarea id="text"
>Some text< / textarea>

STEP 1 : Strip out HTML comments

<p> Hello < 30 </p> < < <  &#60;> > > >
<p><span class="icon icon-print">print</SPAN></p>

<LABEL for="firstname">First name:</LABEL>
<input required type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" />
<label for="age">Age:</label>
<INPut required type="number" id="age" name="age">

Shit should not happen with malformed HTML --> <p id="paragraph-58">Isn't closed
Or something not opened </div>
Be carefull with ">" in tag attribute values (seems to be allowed unescaped):
<input type="password" pattern="(?!.*[><]).{8,}" name="password">
<abbr data-symbol=">" title="Greater than">gt</abbr>

<nav class="floating-nav">
  <ul class="menu">
    <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>

Test with spaces: <
textarea id="text"
>Some text< / textarea>

STEP 2 : replace all HTML tags by [[tag]]

[[p]] Hello < 30 [[/p]] < < <  &#60;> > > >
[[p]][[span class="icon icon-print"]]print[[/SPAN]][[/p]]

[[LABEL for="firstname"]]First name:[[/LABEL]]
[[input required type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" /]]
[[label for="age"]]Age:[[/label]]
[[INPut required type="number" id="age" name="age"]]

Shit should not happen with malformed HTML --> [[p id="paragraph-58"]]Isn't closed
Or something not opened [[/div]]
Be carefull with ">" in tag attribute values (seems to be allowed unescaped):
[[input type="password" pattern="(?!.*[><]).{8,}" name="password"]]
[[abbr data-symbol=">" title="Greater than"]]gt[[/abbr]]

[[nav class="floating-nav"]]
  [[ul class="menu"]]
    [[li]][[a href="/"]]Home[[/a]][[/li]]
    [[li]][[a href="/contact"]]Contact[[/a]][[/li]]

Test with spaces: [[
textarea id="text"
]]Some text[[ / textarea]]

STEP 3 : replace all < and > by &lt; and &gt;

[[p]] Hello &lt; 30 [[/p]] &lt; &lt; &lt;  &amp;#60;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;
[[p]][[span class="icon icon-print"]]print[[/SPAN]][[/p]]

[[LABEL for="firstname"]]First name:[[/LABEL]]
[[input required type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" /]]
[[label for="age"]]Age:[[/label]]
[[INPut required type="number" id="age" name="age"]]

Shit should not happen with malformed HTML --&gt; [[p id="paragraph-58"]]Isn't closed
Or something not opened [[/div]]
Be carefull with "&gt;" in tag attribute values (seems to be allowed unescaped):
[[input type="password" pattern="(?!.*[&gt;&lt;]).{8,}" name="password"]]
[[abbr data-symbol="&gt;" title="Greater than"]]gt[[/abbr]]

[[nav class="floating-nav"]]
  [[ul class="menu"]]
    [[li]][[a href="/"]]Home[[/a]][[/li]]
    [[li]][[a href="/contact"]]Contact[[/a]][[/li]]

Test with spaces: [[
textarea id="text"
]]Some text[[ / textarea]]

STEP 4 : replace back [[tag]] by <tag>

<p> Hello &lt; 30 </p> &lt; &lt; &lt;  &amp;#60;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;
<p><span class="icon icon-print">print</SPAN></p>

<LABEL for="firstname">First name:</LABEL>
<input required type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" />
<label for="age">Age:</label>
<INPut required type="number" id="age" name="age">

Shit should not happen with malformed HTML --&gt; <p id="paragraph-58">Isn't closed
Or something not opened </div>
Be carefull with "&gt;" in tag attribute values (seems to be allowed unescaped):
<input type="password" pattern="(?!.*[&gt;&lt;]).{8,}" name="password">
<abbr data-symbol="&gt;" title="Greater than">gt</abbr>

<nav class="floating-nav">
  <ul class="menu">
    <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>

Test with spaces: <
textarea id="text"
>Some text< / textarea>

STEP 5 : Strip the HTML tags with strip_tags()

 Hello &lt; 30  &lt; &lt; &lt;  &amp;#60;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;

First name:


Shit should not happen with malformed HTML --&gt; Isn't closed
Or something not opened 
Be carefull with "&gt;" in tag attribute values (seems to be allowed unescaped):



Test with spaces: <
textarea id="text"
>Some text< / textarea>

STEP 6 : Check what strip_tags() did

Oups! strip_tags() didn't clean up everything!
Found 2 occurrences:
- match 1 : <
  textarea id="text"
- match 2 : < / textarea>

Let's try to do it ourselves, by replacing the matched tags by nothing.

 Hello &lt; 30  &lt; &lt; &lt;  &amp;#60;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;

First name:


Shit should not happen with malformed HTML --&gt; Isn't closed
Or something not opened 
Be carefull with "&gt;" in tag attribute values (seems to be allowed unescaped):



Test with spaces: Some text

如您所见,strip_tags() 没有处理标签周围的空格 名字,我觉得完全不安全!这就是为什么我建议 使用 HTMLPurifier 等库或 一个 DOM 解析器。